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Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that U.S. Attorney David Weiss will be appointed special counsel in the ongoing probe of Hunter Biden.

Merrick Garland’s latest dirty trick to protect the Bidens
Just look at how happy the children are
  • Now off to the salt mines!

  • Just look at how happy the children are
  • Now off to the salt mines!

  • Obama warns of Trump’s political strengths in private talk with Biden
  • Must of not been that private if it made it into the papers.

  • What are you Watching? (August 2023)
  • I'm watching Blake 7. It's giving be a Tom Baker Dr. Who vibe.

  • [DISCUSSION] Barbie (Spoilers)
  • They did all that in the Barbie movie?

  • ‘THEM!’ might seem quaint, but I still think it’s an actually good movie.
  • I would say, It-Terror from Beyond Space is even more of a remake of Aliens.

  • Removed
    Some long-covid patients have brain struggles for at least two years
  • Apparently Republicans had long covid way before that!

  • UFOs Are a Common Sight, Former Military Official Tells Congress (Non Paywall in comments)
  • Good lord... I wish life were this interesting but alas this is just bs. The guy testifying has zero direct evidence.

  • [DISCUSSION] Barbie (Spoilers)
  • Serious question. Why are some saying Barbie is woke?

  • Mike Pence struggles to gain attention and traction in longshot bid
  • Being a presidential candidate is a way for him to finance mother and his lifestyle.

  • In the GOP primary, one thing sells (merch) above all: Owning the libs
  • Republicans would eat Satan's shit if it meant a Democrat would have to smell their breath.

  • Donald Trump brands US a ‘third -world hellhole’ run by ‘perverts’ and ‘thugs’
  • Apparently tRump has been spending way too much time in Florida. He needs to travel more and see that many areas of the country are not like Florida.

  • The Crisis Over American Manhood Is Really Code for Something Else
  • I agree with some of what you say but "abhorrent trend " is a bit much. If anything I think it's more of and eye roll.

  • Almost 50 Democrats snub Biden with vote against cluster bombs for Ukraine
  • That's because the dems dont slavishly follow everything Biden does.

  • Wookie_the_Ewok Chuckles the Cheese

    I like chocolate and the Lion King

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    Comments 23