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Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI.
  • So I need to run any comments I make to reddit by chatgpt before posting, it seems. I heard ai training ai leads to a poisoned data set.

  • Amazon lays off 500 Twitch employees, hundreds more at MGM and Prime Video
  • It's been that way for awhile.

    If you have Amazon prime, you can sub to one creator a month "for free."

  • Former Stardew Valley developer's new life sim set in a city looks ambitious
  • So I saw this headline elsewhere, and I have to ask - I thought ConcernedApe was the sole developer (not counting porting the game to consoles/mobile), and he's working on Haunted Chocolatier and Stardew Valley...

    What's the situation with Stardew Valley's development?

  • What are some generational differences between millennials and Gen Z ?
  • The 90s were the calm before the storm.

  • 23andMe user data targeting Ashkenazi Jews leaked online
  • It makes me regret using the service.

  • What If There’s No House Speaker for a Month? For a Year?!
  • It depends on the industry. About 10 years ago there was a government shutdown that looked to have no end in sight. If my memory is correct, air traffic controllers were told they had to work with no pay until the government shutdown ended. They got fed up, walked off their jobs, and almost immediately, the government shutdown was over.

  • The final nail in Reddit's coffin dropped today:
  • What niche communities do you recommend?

  • The final nail in Reddit's coffin dropped today:
  • That's where I'm at. I only access reddit from a browser using these days. Once that option is taken from me, I'm gone.

  • Cuphead receives Xbox exclusive anniversary update
  • I'm glad this is the case, but still, exclusivity is bullshit.

  • 3D Realms - Redefining AAA
  • This is a blast from the past. 3dRealms' tweets are also being recommended to me lately. What's the deal? I thought that studio closed shop ages ago.

  • Amazon Plans Commercial Breaks for Prime Video
  • Sounds good! This'll come with a reduction in the cost of prime, right?

  • Very, Very Few People Are Falling Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole | The site’s crackdown on radicalization seems to have worked. But the world will never know what was happening before that
  • Me, too. I'm always recommended Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson videos, with a sprinkling of Ben Shapiro. I even got someone claiming the holocaust was overblown (i reported them). All within the past few months.

    I don't get recommended regular videos like that, but youtube shorts are full of that garbage. I suspect it's a blind spot

  • Very, Very Few People Are Falling Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole | The site’s crackdown on radicalization seems to have worked. But the world will never know what was happening before that
  • I always downvote, then block the channel whenever I get those. However, I think the mere act of going to the button to block the channel instead of just scrolling on immediately is telling the algorithm that I want more of that kind of video.

    Watching a bit of breadtube stuff, I feel like thr algorithm can't determine what video is against stuff like that and what's for, so I get recommended videos for whatever I don't like instead of against.

  • Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after Russia plane crash
  • I saw this coming. If you aim at the king, you best not miss.

    I don't know what made Prigozhin stop his advance, but he must have accepted that he was a dead man the moment he did.

  • Twitch no longer supports Firefox ???
  • Me, too. I haven't re-authed in a while, though. Do you get the error if you log out and log back in?

  • Google search is over
  • Doesn't Bing use ChatGPT, though?

  • What is Tom Bombadil?
  • He's just a supremely powerful being (nameless thing, perhaps) who was created at the same time as Arda and who is just content living in a forest singing all day about how hot his wife is instead of caring about anything that happens in the world around him.

    The question is, what is his wife, Goldberry? She appears to be a personification of nature, Arda, or just the Old Forest or something.