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Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by civilians in Sievierodonetsk.
  • "Бляха, їхні квартири зовсім не маленькі, вони такі просторі. Думаю, я візьму собі ліжечко, воно охріненне. І телевізор цілий, але до нього не доберешся..."

    Російські солдати мародерствують у пошкоджених обстрілами і покинутих українськими цивільними квартирах в околицях Сєвєродонецька, Україна.

    Справжнє обличчя "русского мира".

    Гидкі потвори... знову і знову і знову. 800 років поспіль все одне і теж саме!

  • Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by civilians in Sievierodonetsk.
  • "Scheiße, ihre Wohnungen sind gar nicht klein, sie sind so geräumig. Ich glaube, ich nehme das Kinderbett für mich, das ist verdammt geil. Und es gibt einen intakten Fernseher, aber da kommt man nicht ran..."

    Russische Soldaten plündern durch Beschuss beschädigte und von ukrainischen Zivilisten verlassene Wohnungen in der Nähe von Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine.

    Das wahre Gesicht der "russischen Welt".

  • Fourteen facts about U.S. aid to Ukraine | Chapter I

    Fourteen facts about U.S. aid to Ukraine

    Luke Coffey

    Since Russia invaded Ukraine for the second time in eight years, Russian troops have ravaged Ukrainian cities, raped women, and kidnapped children. Russian missiles and Iranian drones strike Ukrainian cities daily, often hitting civilian targets. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim. For Americans who believe in respect for national borders, the supremacy of national sovereignty and the right to self-defence, supporting Ukraine is natural. Ukrainians do not ask or want American troops to help them fight Russia. All they ask for are the resources necessary to give them a fighting chance. Meanwhile, Russia is one of America's main geopolitical adversaries. As former Secretary of State and Hudson University Distinguished Fellow Mike Pompeo said last week, a Russian victory "would be felt far beyond Ukraine's borders, including by strengthening the alliance of Russia, China and Iran, which is aimed at weakening the United States and our allies around the world." While Congress debates additional support for Ukraine, detractors will spread false and misleading information. It is important to understand the facts. Fact: The U.S. is not writing Ukraine "carte blanche" and most of the money allocated to help Ukraine never leaves the United States.

    • Every dollar spent to support Ukraine is authorised by Congress and used for a specific purpose. There has never been "carte blanche" on Ukraine.
    • Approximately $70 billion of aid earmarked for Ukraine will never leave the US. Instead, it supports our world-leading defence industry and creates well-paying jobs in 38 states.
    • After seeing the effectiveness of U.S. military equipment in Ukraine, European countries alone have placed $90 billion in orders for U.S. military equipment. This makes America safer and creates good-paying jobs for Americans. Fact: For a relatively modest amount of money, U.S. aid is helping Ukraine dismantle Russia's armed forces without firing a single shot or shelling.
    • Russia is a major geopolitical adversary of the United States and a close ally of China, Iran and North Korea.
    • Estimates vary, but as many as 300,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in Ukraine. The original Russian invasion force has effectively ceased to exist since February 2022.
    • Open source journalists have gathered visual evidence that Russia has lost more than 12,900 pieces of equipment in Ukraine by the time of this writing. Since this number is limited to visually confirmed losses, the actual number is likely much higher.
    • These losses include: 2,439 main battle tanks, 1,026 armoured fighting vehicles, 2,977 infantry fighting vehicles, 368 armoured personnel carriers, 914 pieces of artillery, 201 multiple rocket launchers, 93 aircraft (including three strategic bombers), 132 helicopters and probably thousands of pieces of other military equipment.
    • Ukraine has destroyed or damaged 16 ships and submarines, including the missile cruiser Moskva (formerly the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet) and the submarine Rostov-on-Don. Their destruction supports broader U.S. security objectives beyond the Black Sea. For example, Russia used both ships to support Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Fact: There has never been greater accountability for U.S. military assistance than for aid to Ukraine.
    • Shortly after the Russian invasion, the U.S. government set up the Interagency Task Force to oversee Ukraine. More than 160 officials in 20 federal oversight agencies oversee U.S. assistance to Ukraine.
    • To date, Congress has appropriated $50 million to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defence, Department of State and USAID to strengthen oversight through the working group.
    Русня плаче хоче перемовин. Взявши купою мʼяса одне місто, намагається знов всіх впевнити, що у них все добре, а іншим кінець

    Насправді їх економіка підходить до межі мілітарного розігріву. Далі почнеться стагнація і спад у валовому постачанні у війська. Вже нічого й говорити про життя всередині. Звісно, милиці Китаю дещо притримають в торговому плані. Та це не вирішить загальної проблеми

    Зрозуміло, нам не просто. Але перепочинку і легітимізації зробленого - русні давати не можна. Вона вже скиглить просить, як може. Хуйло раз 12 публічно бідкався про заборону перемовин з нашої сторони.

    Світанок буде.

    Що ми можемо робити? Триматися і колос впаде. Підтримуйте сили оборони:

    Russian pilot who defected found dead in Spain, says Ukraine security agency Russian pilot who defected found dead in Spain, says Ukraine security agency

    Maksim Kuzminov, who changed sides in secret operation, killed after allegedly moving to Alicante, reports suggest

    Russian pilot who defected found dead in Spain, says Ukraine security agency

    cross-posted from:

    > A Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine last year in a secret operation has been found dead in Spain, according to the main military intelligence agency in Kyiv. > > Reports in Russian and Spanish media on Monday said Maksim Kuzminov was found dead after allegedly moving to the town of Villajoyosa in Alicante on the Mediterranean coast, in an area popular with holidaymakers. His body was discovered last Tuesday, it was said, on the car park ramp underneath an apartment block. > > The reports claimed he had been murdered by unknown gunmen who fired 12 shots. A burnt-out car was discovered nearby in the Costa Blanca town of El Campello. Spanish police had initially thought the shooting was gang-related before reportedly learning of the victim’s extraordinary backstory and his former role in Russia’s war and invasion.

    Чеський мільярдер Ян Барта задонатив 2 мільйони доларів на FPV-дрони для українських військових за ретвіти його допису у соцмережі X.

    "Ми живемо в час, який дедалі більше нагадує другу половину 1930-х років. Я не міг жити сам із собою, усвідомлюючи, що я нічого не зробив, щоб зупинити іншого Гітлера”, – цитата.

    Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by civilians in Sievierodonetsk. unnamed

    Watch "unnamed" on Streamable.


    cross-posted from:

    > > > "Shit, their apartments aren't small at all; they're so spacious. I think I'll take the crib for myself, it's f*cking awesome. And there's a TV intact, but you can't get there..." > > Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by Ukrainian civilians in the neighborhood of Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine. > > The true face of the "Russian world".

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