You could take your mayonnaise everywhere you go easy access
Rare manufacturing error where the government forgot the outer feathery layer
I honestly wonder where the hate for communism comes from. Yes, the stereotypical historical examples were disasters. But as others here have mentioned, the problems in these systems were not rooted in a communist economical system (which there also wasn't really). And assuming educated people should be able to differentiate between these I can only suspect the capitalism-blue-pill.
And to illustrate further I'd like to quote my very wise and definetely NOT communist literature teacher: In heaven there's communism. I think that dums it up nicely. If you sant to hate something, don't hate the idea, it in itself is pure and you're making a fool of yourself if you didn't wish for it in a perfect world. Hate the realisations? Maybe, but also noone seriously tried yet...
But if one just hates on it for the sake of having an "enemy" in turn validating the system oneself is a part of, that's just a lack of reflection and critical thinking. Capitalism does not work and we'd see it everywhere we look if we wanted to. We just can't imagine any other system anymore and that is the trap our society has fallen into. Blind religious belief in a economical system (ridiculous by itself, I might add). Let's atleast try alternatives or compromises before we finish burning down our planet.
Also: I love democracy, fix democracy first. Priority number one.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Agreed. Most if not all democracies today are severely flawed. I'd also argue that the wall depicted here has more to do with these flaws than with democracy
Okay, quick question: In your meme, would you say the picture description on the right is something advocating for democracy? (Although democracy in of itself has basically nothing to do with that wall imo)
Ah yes, communism and democracy, directly comparable and not at all describing totally different things in different categories
also: the second you may want to someday burn another image onto that usb-stick check out ventoy
I really hope Revolt decentralizes someday (plus gets remotely relevant by usercount, no offense)
The ones pulling him up were the workers exploited by his ancestors tho
I can just recommend trying it out. If you're not stupid like me and use the wayland session with nvidia drivers it is anything but a clusterfuck
I actually used the flatpak on my mint install a while ago, had no problems. So great work for a great browser I'd say xD thanks o7
Do you know the whats the difference by any chance? Would be interested
AUR waterfox-bin, btw (¬‿¬") I'm almost glad to have made the mistake to install Arch because through AUR I don't have to get involved in these flatpack/snap/appimage wars xD (also because I have no clue what I am doing, but don't tell anyone)
I know it's called plasma, and I don't know if it's actually plasmas fault, don't judge me, it's for the meme
ich hatte letztens das Privileg über meinen RD-Arbeitgeber an der Fortbildung patientenorientiertes Retten an der Kreisfeuerwehrzentrale in Bad Segeberg teilzunehmen. Aufbauend auf der TH-Ausbildung wird diese dort zur Vertiefung der technischen Rettung, zum Näherbringen der notfallmedizinischen Grundlagen für die Freiwilligen und Übung der gemeinsamen Einsatztaktik (mit besonderem Schwerpunkt Kommunikation) mit dem RD angeboten.
Die Fortbilsung war für mich als recht unerfahrenen RS super lehrreich und hat viel Spaß gemacht. Die Ausbilder waren super und das Miteinander allgemein hat gestimmt. Ein Ausbilder hat uns sogar einen Crash-Kurs in CRM gegeben, wo sich spätestens danach alle einig waren, dass CRM viel zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt wird und gerade auch im Ehrenamt mehr Einzug finden dürfte.
Wir waren von der RD-Seite leider nur zu dritt und konnten deswegen nur einen RTW stellen, doch das hat ausgereicht, um mal einen Geschmack für ne vernünftige Übung über die Organisationsgrenzen hinaus zu bekommen. Gerade hier hat man nochmal gemerkt: Alles was schief läuft ist durch CRM zu beheben.
Gibt es in euren Kreisen ähnliche Angebote seitens der Feuerwehrausbildung? Was sind eure Erfahrungen mit CRM im Ehrenamt und interorganisationellen (ich weiss nicht ob das ein Wort ist) Übungen?
Ich darf das sagen, ich bin der Grund warum im Algorithmen-Heft PQRST erklärt wird