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What was announced at Summer Games Fest that you are most excited for?
  • Sumerian six for that desperados itch. Every day we fight looks like a solid Valkyrie chronicles-like gameplay, shows promise. Streets of fortuna has potential to be something vast, need to see how that turns out. Age of mythology looks promising, long overdue. And lastly dungeon clawler for those who loved peglin but wished it was a claw game instead of Peggle lol

  • pihole recently started blocking Any idea what's triggering it?
  • O&O is good, can also look into to generate a script with all the stuff you want to rid yourself of. They also have several levels of preconfigured scripts (all open source) that give you a good starting point which you can review and adjust as per your preferences

  • [Troubleshooting] Clog Guy is back, and things have completely ceased making sense.
  • I skimmed the posts, but couldn’t quite locate if the issue persists if you leave the printer alone for a few hours/days and then come back to it later. (As in would it be able to complete a print before exhibiting this issue again) Seeing how it worked fine before and doesn’t anymore, especially if in a consistent matter, irregardless of settings, might be a chance you blew a capacitor and it’s trying its best to cope with that situation. Unfortunately without replacing the board with a confirmed working one it’s hard to tell if that’s the case… plus depending on the level of damage it might appear as intermittent problems that sometimes manifest without rhyme or reason on 2 potentially identical prints.

  • Escape From Tarkov studio boss says he "did not foresee" players would get mad about charging extra for PvE
  • It’s just the cult of goblins going in, looting and then storing it all in your backpacks in your hovel. There’s occasional enemies and you need to outmaneuver or outgun them, or both. If that’s your jam, it’s great. But overall it’s just a miserable experience, especially when playing solo.

  • Would you care if a robot suffered more than any being in existence?
  • I don’t think crime exists in morality. Not as a strict definition anyway.

    And dialling all the pain indicators to 11 just because you can, as a conscious decision, sure sounds like a hateful action as opposed to morbid curiosity. As far as I’m concerned the definition fits closely enough

  • Would you care if a robot suffered more than any being in existence?
  • Crime insinuates the notion that there are laws and definitions in place that exist to that end. Seeing how this would be an experiment in some weirdo’s basement, and none of those definitions or restrictions and norms exist, then the whole point is moot.

    For the sake of argument, if those definitions do exist and there are laws and regulations in place to define and defend the AI entities, it’d be basically a hate crime to generate and torture the instance. In theory the same way you’d breed cattle just to lobotomize them or torture them “in the name of science” before throwing them in a ditch to rot.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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