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How the U.S. ignored a chance to make TikTok safer
  • Facebook was blocked following the July 2009 Ürümqi riots because protestors with the East Turkestan independence movement were using Facebook as part of their communications network to organize attacks across the city. China has been banning this and other western social media for years. China bans so many western products and content, this is not a tit for tat or they would have done it years ago. The great firewall is insanely authoritarian. Too many Americans greatly underestimate the threat from China.

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    Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • There’s a reason the “illegals took der jerbs” - they mostly are lazy big talkers hyping each other in a echo chamber circle jerk. They are scared to be a J6 defendant. They know Trump won’t “bail them out.”

  • Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden
  • This is happening because of inflation and it’s due to corporations across the globe profiteering off COVID supply chain issues, lack of competition, and general corporate capture. It’s not Biden’s fault the right has dismantled the regulatory state for the last 50 years so the government is too weak and corrupt to reign in corporations.

  • I'm getting tired of grabbing buckets
  • So what’s the plan to change it? All I have heard proposed is don’t vote or vote third party. No third party is remotely close to having a real shot in the near term. I am disappointed in Biden on some things like Palestine, but what are my options in the near term? We need to build a progressive grass roots party but that takes time, money, and a lot of work no one seems to want to do. Protests are a path but not one that seems to be making enough impact. I hear so much negativity like this but it seems to all point towards options that won’t fix the issue. Getting Trump back will set back progressive movements drastically with the rights hold on the courts and the house. Biden has done some compromise to the left at least. We need a real path to change and it’s got to be a long term plan because democracies move slowly.

  • Trump pitch to oil companies turns off two-thirds of likely voters, poll finds [Saul Elbein | 05/21/24 | The Hill]
  • Have you ever even been in a system with three or more party rule? They rarely have a majority. They typically have to form coalition governments with other parties. Democracies are compromise. It’s never one party elected and everything just changes. That only happens in authoritarian systems and LOTS of people are murdered to accomplish this. FDR had 4 terms and didn’t get half of what he fought for accomplished with some of the highest approval ratings ever. It took the right 50+ years of dismantling power structures to get us here.

  • Trump flattened for talking about executing Biden before gun owners
  • Sadly, the way the electoral college works, they only have to convince a few thousand people in key states and it could swing things hard. Trump has a basically bulletproof lock on his base, so this kind of Biden bashing is only going to pick up to try to sway people who likely aren’t paying that much attention. The right is throwing everything they can at this election. It’s worse than 2016 when Trump was a wild card. They are more organized and dangerous this time.

  • Trump flattened for talking about executing Biden before gun owners
  • It’s because they are righties posing as lefties or straight up from troll farms. The billionaire class along with Russia and China - all have a vested interest in seeing Biden fail. Trump serves their interests.

  • Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says
  • You obviously don’t hang with many rich people. They are regular people. They aren’t special, they just hit the right set of circumstances. Most of the smartest and hardest working people I know are actually not the richest. Capitalism doesn’t reward intelligence or hard work per se. It rewards accumulation of capital which has much more to do with circumstance, investment, and manipulation.

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