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To understand JD Vance, you need to meet the “TheoBros”
  • Ah... yes. A lot of things just clicked into place for me, and not just regarding Vance.

    Most notably really - trying to grasp the idea of "TheoBros" broadly - I wondered how such a thing is even possible. How can any even moderately intelligent person spend a great deal of time online and cling to a Christian belief at all, and much less a conservative one? There's just far too much information out there that contradicts that view. Granted, there is of course content tailored to affirm it, but it's essentially a specialist thing - not just a bubble, but a very specific and limited bubble, surrounded by a sea of contrary views and contradicting facts.

    And then it clicked - the way to maintain a conservative Christian viewpoint on the internet is to be an aggressively censorious conspiracy theorist.

    The only way they can face the sea of contradictory information is to ascribe it to some sort of ridiculously massive conspiracy by the forces of evil - such that the vast majority of what exists on the internet is the lies of Satan's minions - and to establish little, aggressively monitored and censored enclaves in which their views and only their views are allowed, and everything else is condemned and preferably censored.

    Their whole cognitively dissonant view on "free speech" - in which they somehow simultaneously cry about being "censored" generally simply for being massively downvoted and even as they, in their own bubbles, overtly censor any and all contrary views - suddenly makes sense. They explain away the fact that the vast majority of people disagree with them and even condemn them as a conspiracy to silence them, and create the illusion that they're not merely a noxious and irrational few by aggressively monitoring and controlling their walled gardens, so that opposition is at least underrepresented if not silenced entirely.

    It also explains their slippery relationship with truth, and specifically things like Vance clinging to the Haitians eating pets myth even after it's been proven false. For them, coming across information that proves them wrong has to be an essentially daily occurrence, so they undoubtedly work out an approach to it, such that they, exactly as he's doing, just flatly ignore the necessary ramifications of the truth and instead just blithely cling to whatever myth affirms their beliefs.

    Yeah... suddenly a whole lot of previously inexplicable behavior and beliefs are making sense to me...

    And frankly, while it's notably pathetic and cringily willfully ignorant, it's also scary. More on that later maybe...

  • Are modern LLMs closer to AGI or next word predictor? Where do they fall in this graph with 10 on x-axis being human intelligence.
  • Intelligence is a measure of reasoning ability. LLMs do not reason at all, and therefore cannot be categorized in terms of intelligence at all.

    LLMs have been engineered such that they can generally produce content that bears a resemblance to products of reason, but the process by which that's accomplished is a purely statistical one with zero awareness of the ideas communicated by the words they generate and therefore is not and cannot be reason. Reason is and will remain impossible at least until an AI possesses an understanding of the ideas represented by the words it generates.

  • Trump, Republicans bash Federal Reserve for slashing interest rates
  • Even as cynical as I am, it astonishes me that the Republicans have become entirely up-front about the fact that they don't really give a shit about the American people and are only interested in how policy decisions affect them personally.

    It's not just the case that they'll institute harmful policies if they can blame the Democrats for them or oppose beneficial policies that they can't claim credit for themselves, but that they do it openly and obviously.

    And their wholly emotion-driven supporters remain completely oblivious...

  • CEO Pay Has Risen 1,085% Since 1978, But for Workers? Just 24%
  • And here we have the root cause of every other problem that plagues the US - the entire nation, socially, politically and even psychologically, has been warped towards the sole purpose of pouring as much wealth as possible into the pockets of a relative few.

  • What you need to know about the Venezuelan gang that Texas is targeting
  • What you need to know is that the government is corrupt and works almost exclusively for the benefit of the wealthy few, which has caused considerable problems for everyone else, which problems they want you to blame on someone other than them.

  • Removed
    JD Vance Calls for ‘Less Rhetoric’ After Spreading Bizarre Pet-Eating Immigrant Conspiracy
  • And while they’re arguing about who’s causing the most chaos, the rest of us are left wondering—how did it get this bad?

    Actually, that's easy.

    It got this bad because our system is so warped and corrupt that most politicians can no longer even pretend to run on policies and principles. If they get elected, they're going to do one and only one thing - they're going to serve the interests of the wealthy individuals and corporations that pay them the fattest bribes. They obviously can't run on a promise to do that, but they can't promise to do anything else because they're not going to do anything else. So they run on hatred and fear - they run on things like "ELECT US BECAUSE THE IMMIGRANTS ARE EATING YOUR PETS!!"

    It really is just that simple.

  • A seemingly valid reason to stick with Biden pretty much no matter what just struck me...

    I've made no secret of the fact that I think that Biden is and always has been (including in 2020) a weak candidate, and that now is not the time to gamble on a weak candidate, especially after the debate just made him appear that much weaker.

    But it just struck me that in the unique and bizarre situation in which we find ourselves - running against a brazen criminal with a stated goal of being a dictator fronting for a group of christofascists who already have a playbook for destroying American democracy - Biden has a built-in advantage as the incumbent.

    I don't mean the advantage that incumbents are generally presumed to have (he notably does not have that), but a much simpler and more immediate one.

    It's disturbingly likely that if/when Trump loses, his christofascist coattail-riders and his legions of angry, hateful and generally heavily-armed chucklefucks are going to literally go to war. They could well end up making Jan. 6 look like the peaceful protest they insist it was, at least in comparison to the violence and bloodshed they'll potentially unleash should their fuhrer lose.

    And at that point, it's going to be much better to not have to deal with a transfer of power - to have a president already in place with a full set of aides and well-established communication channels, and to keep that president in office for as long as it takes to withstand the fascists.

    As I said, that just struck me, and I haven't fully analyzed it, but I think it has some merit.

    And never in my life did I think that things might reach the point, at least in my lifetime, at which I'd be considering the best strategy to combat an impending bloody fascist coup in the US...

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