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NYT: R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain
  • Not true, you also have increasingly homophobic ancaps, guys who think Trump isn’t racist enough, and two socdems who could’ve just ran a unified campaign if they were smart about this shit

    If you’re lucky you might have the PSL (or maybe the prohibition party if your state is awful enough and you’ve lost everything you have to irony poisoning)

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • He’s in Vermont lmfao even the hillbillies there vote for dems

  • I give them five seconds before they start fighting each other for the correct kin.
  • Heartwarming: Local White Nationalist Unconditionally Supports #LandBack

  • A Proclamation on Loyalty Day, 2024 | The White House
  • (background music)

    The town council would like to advise residents that refusal to partake in Loyalty Day festivities will lead to your residency being temporarily revoked. You will, mercifully, be given an hour to leave the city limits to one of four Disloyalty Encampments, where you’ll be given the opportunity to be taught the many, many ways in which to be grateful for your hometown.

    Refusal to leave town, or to engage with the Encampment’s curriculum, will result in arrest, along with three weeks of community service on behalf of the Sheriff’s Secret Police, consisting primarily of the placement and recovery of hidden cameras and microphones.

    Now, the community calendar…

  • Autonomous driving Formula 1 race goes as you might expect (gifs included)
  • Starting to think it’s a bit of a waste to stuff cleverbot into as many things as possible

  • seattle.jpg
  • Where’re they going these days (I’m guessing Chicago)?

  • Why the hell is Victoria 3 DLC so expensive
  • Thirty bucks for diplomacy reworking wtf?

    pirate-jammin Shiver me timbers

  • seattle.jpg

    Imagining their police handing this out at SeaTac like that mid-70s NYC Fear City pamphlet so that they can convince the mayor to buy them newer M4s somehow

    [Pannenkoek2012] SM64’s Invisible Walls Explained Once and for All

    !xinternet not now babe, 4 hour vid abt how fucked sm64’s code is just dropped

    (NEW) Machine Girl - SUPER FREQ EP

    My snout descends !reisen-dance

    The tunes Neil has banged out are now old enough to vote :,)

    They grow up so fast !wholesome

    Nothing else has its anniversary today. Just this. Ignore the haters (you know the ones).

    james is… le bron?

    i had the idea at like 2:35 am and couldnt just let it die

    i would post it to badposting but i wont, cause my posts are good

    Been on a rabbit hole trying to figure out the true fate of hipsterdom

    What I’m feeling is

    • most remaining hipsters joined the techbro hive by covid
    • they aren’t COMPLETELY dead, just completely localized to Portland, which appears to be continuously larping the obama era zeitgeist
    • can any Portland hexcubs confirm that? (and also explain where all the cool stuff is, because if I were one of the actual good and grimy artists from there that I follow on Twitter, I would’ve ditched that city long ago)
    • checking again, Portland seems to have gotten better (thank fuck)
    • pretty sure dimes square (the red scare pod autonomous region) was sprung out of a temporally displaced stray seed of the culture watered by too many esoteric conservative think tanks
    • is dimes square still a thing cause god I hope not
    • Assholes with too many crypto startup ideas have been handed the baton of gentrification. Pax Gastropubia has passed, but its cultural ghosts will linger on. The five minimalist dispensaries on the same block with fake neon lights inside will go under from sheer market oversaturation, the exposed brick walls with fake vines at the downtown “dive” bar may be painted over within a decade, but it won’t bring back the community that was there before- the last lesbian bar in the metropolitan area, the imports store that moved to the very edge of the city limits, the cafe that would pass for a cigar shop at first glance. All that remains is an allusion to the neighborhood’s “vibrant history” on its Google Maps description.
    • Decades from now, the plasticine mixed use complexes will be condemned, their poor build quality (no matter whether the apartments above the shops were billed as affordable or luxurious) being deemed a threat to safety. A worker taking out the wiring for recycling stumbles upon a long sealed room.
    • He turns on his flashlight. There’s a bowling lane (with cords to pull up the pins), a lone pinball machine in the corner, and too many decals with 80s movie references to count. The fake weathered vintage wallpaper is a vague hybrid of early 60s pastels and late 60s geometric shapes. You can faintly hear Macklemore out of an overhead speaker.
    • He’s cleared out 5 restaurants with these exact motifs in the past week.
    • Why did we allow 2010s vibes to get this bad?
    So what’s going on with the DSA layoffs and union exactly

    What I’m getting is that

    • their paid staff has had a union for some time by now
    • 12 members (of unknown seniority to me (apparently high up though, getting 90k a year)) got laid off
    • union is getting mad about it, people are either mad at national org for unionbusting or at the union for splitting
    • thisll probably blow over in like a month

    Am i correct here or nah

    Bit Idea: A sports bar but for C-SPAN

    Started off when I imagined wonks asking one another about the SOTU like it was Monday Night Football. Now I’m imagining that instead of being themed after local teams, they’re themed around semi-famous senators. The Minnesota expat community in your random medium sized town all go to Hubert’s at lunch to watch bills get passed. True Idaho Patriots watch book signings during dinner at the Crapo Chap House. Papa Strom’s at Myrtle Beach is getting sued yet again for violating the Civil Rights Act. You can down a Zell Miller Light at any given watering hole in the northern outskirts of Atlanta.

    Bit idea: Yume Nikki Haley

    So far I’m imagining her riding a bicycle into the one caucus place in DC and obtaining the Delegate Effect (it just gives her a barbershop quartet hat with campaign memorabilia on it)

    Still unable to close out of GTA
    • Grimy doctor
    • Porn cards
    • Comically blatant copyright violation
    • Grimy doctor x2
    • Grimy doctor x3
    • Grimy tattoo parlor
    • Overpriced insurance
    • Quack “doctor”


    Mass grave of 215 prisoners uncovered near Mississippi jail 215 bodies found in Jackson, Mississippi exposed

    An alarming situation has unfolded in Jackson, Mississippi, where 215 bodies were discovered buried in unmarked graves behind a state jail.

    !desolate Has the national news even touched this shit wtf

    WIIHAPPYFEW WIIHAPPYFEW [he/him, they/them]

    some ratty audhd bi masc genderfluid punk warped and contorted by unspeakable horrors (living in south carolina)

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