@NoIWontPickAName @Linkerbaan
that's what would make it OK to slaughter them all like Hamas has slaughtered hundreds on October 7th. But Israel doesn't, which could please to you if you were not a blind follower of professional agitators who care much less than you about the Gaza people.
found the moron, who can't even realise nazis would have killed them all.
Those half-naked men made another face on October 7th. And there are still hostages in captivity.
@MicroWave La Chine (RPC) mène une politique de voyou. Si Poutine n'est pas ramené sans ménagements à la raison, il y aura deux Sadam Hussein en liberté dans le monde.
@jimmydoreisalefty Go to Russia and China and tell them. Send the address of you prison or camp then, if you want us sending poscards to you.