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Marker on photo paper
  • It simmers in my mind.
    A singular fascination of imagination,
    the many ways we could make it work.
    That fucking dog.
    That goddamn incessant barking.

    Left outside. Abandoned. Nobody really cares. People are pissed but they’re polite. It doesn’t matter what I do. I attempt to release my desires through animalistic language and I suppose I’m not surprised that no one likes me by the end of the night. Walking home alone again. I howl to the moon,
    Shouting for the sky.
    Taking solace in the fact that my voice can fill the space and dissipate into crickets and cars in the distance.

  • Inktober #31 - Fire
  • I dig the use of white to portray the flames, but also how you handled their form. Feels alive and moving, not much now but could sweep into something greater. The lone firefighter presents the possibility that it could spiral beyond just their control.

  • Marker on photo paper
  • His contorted countenance caught me,

    Struggles with demons, or
    Flesh-burrowing creatures

    grimacing and grinding teeth.
    Fingertips to skull
    Push and press them out.
    Fingertips to skull
    All this meat is in the way.

    Off-beat, paranoid acoustic guitar solo amid growing static and low synthbass drones.

  • [OC] Strictly Arbitrary 001, digital, 2023 by Joshua W Murray
  • Rad way to process the leaves on the trees. I'm conflicted on the heavy blurring and spot of focus, as it is interesting but I wish I could see more. The focus spot feels too small. Just my opinion. I think it's a great result and would love to see more!

  • VisionSays VisionSays

    That which speaks, the eyes hear and call to your attention Unmistakable Excitement

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