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Hideo Kojima's WandaVision review
  • If anything I thought the show treated her with kids gloves by the end. She did monstrous things to the people of the town. I cannot recall the exact line, it's been a while, but they described the type of torment it was.

  • Beginner Linux Guides
  • Unless gaming and using multiple monitors. That was my experience after a couple of months. Fedora, a few weeks in, has made things lot smoother. Otherwise though, Mint was great and with further Wayland I could see me use it again.

  • Spotify is going to break every Car Thing gadget it ever sold
  • The bastards barely started selling it a few years ago. I feel like some responsibility should exist. It isn't a company that is going under, so it shouldn't be able to just casually kill the devices tied-service it only recently sold.

  • MultiVersus Launch Trailer Reveals Jason Voorhees And The Matrix's Agent Smith
  • I'm surprised to see Jason. The Dead By Daylight guys said they wouldn't touch him because the legal spaghetti it is. Apparently different people own different versions of him and each can only acknowledge some story elements.

  • Fallout 4 rules the roost in April. But console market decline continues in 2024 | UK Monthly Charts
  • The recent London video from three weeks ago is approaching 400k views. Searching Fallout 4, "10 Hidden Mechanics in Fallout 4" from a day ago has 250k views.

    I'm stoked for London but I think most people are just pumping it up from the show. Which is good because I just finished the show and I need more.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they assigned another studio to make another Fallout already.

  • Xbox Exec Provides Reasoning Behind Bethesda Studio Closures
  • While true I don't think these studios deaths are going to make that happen. I think what we are likely to see is other large studios start making those games. I'm betting Obsidian gets another crack at it.

    I'm actually more interested in what other studios would do anyways. Fallout 4 is less interesting than New Vegas and Fallout 3 was, while still being very good and fun, not as depth filled as the two before.

    I even still think Oblivion, while showing its smaller scale and less resources, was often more imaginative than Skyrim.

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • It looks more like multiple companies were needed to pin the individual. I don't expect any company to not comply with legal requests. My understanding is this is why it's important to know what information a company retains.

    For my own use, I have used Proton just to mitigate being a source of ad info and to get better service. I'm not interesting enough to overthrow anything.

  • Xbox Exec Provides Reasoning Behind Bethesda Studio Closures
  • To be fair if the blockbuster superhits are actually good that would be fantastic. And focusing more on fewer titles could achieve that. As long as they aren't just laying people off for the hell of it.

    I can't think of a way this is good. Large titles are already happening and we're already getting good games in them.

    I don't think less small fish helps. It's not creating some sort of brain drain to also make small titles. I suspect it's your last sentence for a lot of people, just laying people off. Imagine making a killer title like Hi-Fi and then losing your job because a suit needs number go up.

  • How do you switch window focus while gaming?

    I'm new to having Linux on my main rig. It's been about a month now. I'm hoping someone has a better way to handle focus while gaming.

    I used to, on Windows 10, hit the Windows key to then fiddle with my panel and other opened programs (or alt+tab). In Linux Mint, I have the issue that the Super key doesn't focus the panel and menu, only the menu. I know the reasons for this but functionally It is what I wish it did.

    On top of that, alt + tab yanks the cursor to the center of the game screen after initially swapping to the other program. Pushing the super key alone does this as well. But ctrl+alt+down does allow me to swap focus, but it isn't as quick to do.

    I'm new so I'm thinking maybe there is a better way to quickly swap focus or even better to kill it from centering the mouse on the game occasionally when swapping around.

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