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How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • What about a bucket full of horse meth, then you didn't need to sleep for a month?

  • Caption this.
  • I read it as Traaaaaaaaaansverse🏳️‍⚧️

  • Linus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in PHP
  • Jokes on them PHP is itself written in C

  • You see what you truly want
  • The other one: I like Cloth.

  • Samyang: Denmark recalls Korean ramen for being too spicy
  • I have tried it, I don't think it's dangerous, it's just too spicy for me.

  • Fafo
  • If you are good at inventing doomsday weapons, you could become Syndrome!


  • Being an adult is so fun
  • I once made Coq au Vin, it took around 2 hours, and I never felt like cooking that again.

    At least it was really tasty.

  • Removed
    when google bought datasets from reddit
  • Feeling suicidal? No. Okay then try an all bean diet and see if it helps.

  • Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price
  • Wait I thought Alexa was a way to make money off people by making it easy to order stuff?

  • ASML and TSMC Can Remotely Disable Chip Machines If China Invades Taiwan
  • Yeah she's the best, and in three weeks she's going on maternity leave, rumor has it that Susie will take her place but don't spread it around.

  • ASML and TSMC Can Remotely Disable Chip Machines If China Invades Taiwan
  • Me too, how is it going with Greg from finance?

  • manstruleation
  • Isn't that how people get rid of them? Or am I doing something wrong?

  • manstruleation
  • Tampons can be good for bleeding hemorrhoids, or gunshot wounds. Real men get both!

  • Removed
    Humane on copium
  • lol, finally googled it and yes there's no Apple in sight 🤦🏽‍♀️

  • Removed
    Humane on copium
  • It's about Apples new AI assistant gadget called Humane, I found out by reading a different post.

  • The Worst Product I've Ever Reviewed... For Now
  • An AI summarizing the AI generated subtitles for a video that reviews an AI gadget, there's still room for the video to be AI generated.

  • Removed
    Whoop! Whoop!
  • The horrors of communism 🙀

    These stats of course don't show the whole picture, but what they do show is that the American way has its price.

    Do we have other comparisons or studies where so-called third world countries, win over first world countries in some stats, and if there's anything to learn from that.

  • VaalaVasaVarde VaalaVasaVarde
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