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We Just Witnessed the Biggest Supreme Court Power Grab Since 1803
  • The killer here is that we don't really have any recourse. Like, the best case scenario is what, wait until some of the right wing justices pass away and hope that the Democrats have both the presidency and the Senate? And, even then, it would take a long time to undo the damage the Roberts Court has wrought. Maybe THIS will get the Dems to ditch the filibuster and pack the court. Of course, that would require the Democratic party as a whole to show some fight, something they refuse to do for some reason.

  • 'Traffic tailspin': Far-right websites seeing as much as 95% decline in visitors since 2020 'Traffic tailspin': Far-right websites seeing as much as 95% decline in visitors since 2020

    The biggest conservative news outlets are seeing a precipitous decline in traffic to their websites, and it's showing no sign of abating despite 2024 being a high-profile election season.On Wednesday, Daily Beast media reporter Justin Baragona tweeted traffic data compiled by media analyst Howard Po...

    'Traffic tailspin': Far-right websites seeing as much as 95% decline in visitors since 2020
    Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

    Microsoft quietly changed how folder backup works in the OneDrive app on Windows 11. Now, the OS enables it by default during the initial setup without asking the user for permission.

    Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • I definitely do have to walk a tightrope here, and I am erring towards assuming good faith. A lot of the comments so far have done a great job of pushing back on this, so most of the official actions I have made so far have been to try to prevent tempers from flaring.

    But, yeah, I will say that I also am uncomfortable with the implied reverence given with capitalized pronouns. I've held my tongue because I don't want to get sucked into this, and other people have already made my point better than I would have. I don't want anyone to feel as though I'm disregarding their feelings or ignoring your concerns. Moderation of Beehaw often takes a wait and see approach and actions are often only made after the mod team thoroughly comes to a consensus. But, yeah, the thread's run its course and we're locking it now.

  • Locked
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • I have issued a warning. We'll see how things go.

    Speaking of bans, if you are indeed DroneRights, then one of your other accounts has been banned on Beehaw. I'm not entirely sure of the ban evasion procedure here, so I won't act on this. Someone else might, though.

  • Locked
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • You've been rather hostile in your comments so far. Knock it off. This is a beehaw community and we expect you to be(e) nice here. Sounds like you'd be best off just disengaging and blocking Grail, tbh.

  • Locked
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • Please keep in mind that OP is the author of this piece. I have seen in other threads people who have viscerally disliked Their writing and Their opinions, and I ask everyone to treat Them with respect, and to respect Their pronouns, even if you disagree with the concept of capitalized pronouns. Be(e) nice.

  • Opinion | Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

    I dislike linking to the NYT, but it seems to be the original source.

    I'm kinda conflicted on this. I doubt it'll really do anything, but if it helps head off crappy laws like SOPA then it'd be good.

    tbh more social media should be like beehaw, anyway

    Trump world reportedly flirts with a return to mandatory military service.
  • I can't help but think this is them trying to institute mandatory indoctrination of the so-called 'woke youth". I'm not sure it'd actually work, though. When I was stuck in the military, I met a ton of people from many different backgrounds. If anything, I got even more left-wing in my time there. It seemed that to me, the lifers skewed Republican quite a bit, while junior personnel were all over the place politically.

    Why they're floating this now, I have no idea. The draft is something that people tend to vote against, after all.

  • ‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day
  • Wait, "sermon on the mound"? I'm not even Christian and I know it's the Sermon on the Mount.

  • ‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day ‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day

    MyPillow CEO and election-denier Mike Lindell told conservatives this weekend he was going to deputize them as part of "God's plan" for former President Donald Trump's Election Day victory. Lindell addressed Trump supporters at the Turning Point USA People's Convention in Detroit on Sunday, when.....

    ‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day

    The pillow guy is apparently advocating that people commit election fraud in order to throw doubt on electronic voting machines. It's astounding how brazen they are about trying to steal the election.

    I Did Not Consent To My Body
  • 🫂

    I think I disassociated heavily as well. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my thoughts, because at least there I was treated as a woman. Daydreaming got me though a couple decades of the closet. It may not have been the healthiest way to cope, in retrospect. I ended up completely aimless in life, going where others pushed me because I had no real will to run my own life.

    I had the bad luck of having the 2008 recession happen a couple years after I graduated high school. I hadn't gotten my feet underneath me yet, and college wasn't an option due to my mediocre grades(thanks a fucking lot, adhd), and the fact that my sister lost her full ride scholarship, so my parents had to pick up the bill. They had to straight up tell my brother and I that they wouldn't be able to afford helping us go to college. I was jobless and living at home when the recession hit, and I could not find a job for the life of me. I applied to a McDonald's and never even got an interview. I struggled for about a year before my dad abruptly told me "You're joining the navy." I didn't argue. I didn't fight it. I was terrified, because I knew I'd be a terrible fit for the military, but I accepted my fate.

    However, because the military was so backlogged, I had to wait a year to report to boot camp after I enlisted. When you enlist in the military, you are made to report to a processing station. We were given a hotel room for the night and would be woken up a 4:30 AM. I have always been a nightowl, and I had almost never woken up that early. Still groggy, we took job aptitude exam(which I actually did very well on; I was appalled at the fact that there was so much stuff on there I learned in freaking elementary school). Most of the rest of the day was spent standing in line, doing various physical exams, and filling out mountains of paperwork. Finally, at the end of the day, my barely awake ass is dragged to a clerk that asked me what I was interested in doing. I told him that I'd like to be an interpreter. The clerk nods and tells me that requires another test, but before I can take it, I need to sign up for another job in the interim, in case I don't pass. He asked me if I liked computers, to which I murmured agreement. "How about Submarine Electronics and Computer Field?" I was completely fucking fried at this point, so I go, "yeah, sure, whatever". What this asshole didn't tell me is that once you volunteer for submarines, you can't get out of it. I had been bamboozled into an all male service, and there was nothing I could do.

    Of course, I was livid. But I kept my mouth shut, and endured five years of military life on the submarine base. For five years, I was the only woman around. And submarines are hard, annoying work. Every fourth day I'd have to stay behind as everyone else left, and spend the night on the sub and stand watch. When I went on deployment, I spent 60 consecutive days underwater and was glad to see Bahrain, of all things. I think I may have gone crazy had I not had a year and a half spell on med hold. Somehow, I think that maybe people subconsciously knew something was up with me. Nobody questioned that I seemed to hate the boat more than anyone else, even the people who had more bullshit jobs. I never got the same kind of treatment as the guys, like they knew they needed to be a bit more gentler with me. I don't know. I do know that I was generally well-liked, despite the fact that I wasn't very good at this navy thing.

    I did get into college once my enlistment ended, and I started to get more serious about finally transitioning once I got my feet underneath me. Then Trump happened, and all I could see were the chuds flirting with fascism. That scared me back into the closet. I would later drop out of college(thanks a fucking lot, adhd, again) and move back across the country to my parents' house. It took a year or so to get my independence back. I get settled down in Seattle, annnnnnd covid. Honestly, the pandemic did a good job of helping convince me to go ahead and transition.

  • I Did Not Consent To My Body
  • This essay really resonated with me. Like the author, I had figured out my transness at at fairly early age. I almost always had a messy mop of long curly hair throughout my girlhood; oftentimes I was largely indistinguishable from the other girls. It wasn't until I was 12 or 13 that I really started having thoughts about how I wished I was born a girl. I saw all the girls starting puberty, and suddenly I was obviously, painfully, visually male. I wanted what they had. It was so intense that I would have fantasies about running away from home and cutting off my junk(in my defense, it was like the year 2000. I didn't have the internet, and wouldn't for years. I had to endure it in ignorance.) It was a few months afterward that I found a word for what I was feeling. Weirdly enough, it was my mom listening to the Howard Stern show while we were cleaning that made it come up. I heard the word "transsexual"(it was 2000 or 2001 at that point, after all) and I realized without a shadow of a doubt that that was what I was. What was left of my egg shattered into a thousand pieces.

    Knowing my condition did me no good back then, though. Even if I were brave enough to speak up, how would I even broach the subject? All I knew was that trans people were a thing and I was one of them. I was afraid of my father, my mother wouldn't understand, and I never seriously considered anyone at the school as a resource. Looking back, I have no idea why I never thought to hop on one of the school computers and look up some of this trans stuff on the Internet. I was helpless to do anything but watch and wait as the wrong puberty warped and disfigured my body. There's little now I can do but try to mitigate the worst of it. HRT is a wonder drug, but it's not perfect. I will carry reminders of my first puberty for the rest of my life.

    What wouldn't I have given to be able to go on puberty blockers at 13, rather than wait until I was 33 to start HRT and try to salvage what I could with my body? By the time I was independent enough to pursue transition, I had gotten too used to playing the role as a "man" to go through with it. "I'll wait until my parents pass away, then I'll do it," I told myself. It wasn't until 2021, post-Trump, that I allowed myself to lurk in trans spaces. I saw people who were living as their true selves. They seemed happy, an emotion that had become alien to me by that point. I think that was the final kick in the ass I needed to get over my fear and give transition a go. I'm not going to lie and say it's gone perfectly for me, but being my true self is a lot less draining than constantly having to act.

  • I Did Not Consent To My Body I Did Not Consent To My Body

    A personal essay about trauma, transition, and transgender autonomy.

    Trigger Warning [discussion of suicide and trauma]

    This isn't an easy read, but it's a good read.

    A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge

    A federal judge has struck down as unconstitutional a 2023 Florida law that blocked gender-affirming care for transgender minors and severely restricted such treatment for adults.

    A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge
    Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important

    A year ago, Walled Culture wrote about an extremely important case that was being considered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the EU’s top court. The central question was wheth…

    Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important
    Let's make Non-LGBT the minority... 😉
  • You've told two people in here to "piss off". I don't care how irritated you are with them, that is not even close to be(e)ing nice. You can, in fact, block people without being a jackass about it.

  • Locked
    Let's make Non-LGBT the minority... 😉
  • OK, now we've got people telling others to "piss off". The thread has mostly run its course anyway, so I'm going to lock it.

  • Locked
    Let's make Non-LGBT the minority... 😉
  • I don't really like how this comment section is going. Be(e) nice or I'll lock it.

  • Donald Trump found guilty on all counts in hush-money trial | CBC News
  • Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he’s in jail?

    Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1920 while he was serving time for "sedition"(he had been making anti-war and anti-draft speeches during World War I). It's certainly possible, though incredibly doubtful he'd win. I find that I can't really count anything out when it comes to Trump, though.

  • Convicted Felon Donald Trump. Let us hope that his downfall is nigh.

  • Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer

    Former Square Enix executive Jacob Navok has shared his thoughts on less-than-expected sales of the latest Final Fantasy games. He also tried to explain why people mistakenly think that the Japanese publisher is simply setting unrealistic goals for its products.

    Former Square Enix exec on why Final Fantasy sales don’t meet expectations and chances of recouping insane AAA budgets | Game World Observer
    Nearly 3 in 5 incorrectly believe US is in economic recession
  • I start to check out once someone starts talking about "the economy". It's just a rich person circlejerk about "line goes up". It doesn't really impact me at all unless I get laid off. I guess, technically, I have a 401k but I doubt I'd ever truly be able to retire.

    Besides, I'm barely making ends meet. Any praise of the economy is going to ring hollow in my ears, because I sure as hell am not seeing any of the windfall.

  • It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass (Opinion)
  • Why are we quoting each other? I remember the comment before yours. I made it. Idiot.

    This is a beehaw community you're posting on. We expect you to bee nice here.

  • No one buys books No one buys books

    Everything we learned about the publishing industry from Penguin vs. DOJ.

    No one buys books

    Not sure I like the "Netflix of books" suggestion(libraries exist!), but I thought this was interesting.

    The Motion Picture Association Doesn’t Get to Decide Who the First Amendment Protects The Motion Picture Association Doesn’t Get to Decide Who the First Amendment Protects

    Twelve years ago, internet users spoke up with one voice to reject a law that would build censorship into the internet at a fundamental level. This week, the Motion Picture Association (MPA), a group that represents six giant movie and TV studios, announced that it hoped we’d all forgotten how...

    The Motion Picture Association Doesn’t Get to Decide Who the First Amendment Protects
    Ally in training...
  • Yeah, that's right! You didn't know(and it's great that you're trying to learn!), but bigots like to call us "transgenders", so it's common for us to dislike that.

  • Ally in training...
  • a MTF transgender

    Just a little quibble here: Trangender is an adjective, not a noun.

  • 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows
  • Live service games have always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and that's past just the obviously predatory stuff. I like to hop around from game to game to game. But the live service games are all like "what about the daily log in bonuses and weekly challenges?" I can ignore that, but it still bothers me how much they try to badger you into being obligated to play. Give me a regular old single player game any day of the week.

    That being said, I suspect that as time goes on, AAA single player games are going to be harder and harder to find. Multiplayer is simply where the money is(and where the players are), and in this stupid "perpetual growth no matter what" economy, that's all the suits will pay money for. Thankfully, we still have indies making great stuff.

  • 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

    A report shows that while the industry is growing, its biggest competition is Fortnite, GTA, Call of Duty, and Roblox

    60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

    At first I thought "hey, patient gaming is taking off" when I read this headline, but really, what it's saying is that people are spending most of their time on evergreen live service titles like Fortnite. Ugh.

    It’s time for a hard reset on notifications
  • If something's going to try to grab my attention, it had better be worth my while. I block as many notifications as I can, both on my phone and my computer. I also try to avoid using apps for things unless I have to.

  • N.Y. appeals court reduces Trump's bond in his civil fraud case to $175 million, a victory for the former president N.Y. appeals court reduces Trump's bond in his civil fraud case to $175 million, a victory for the former president

    The court also gave Trump an additional 10 days to post the bond, which the former president said Monday he would pay.

    N.Y. appeals court reduces Trump's bond in his civil fraud case to $175 million, a victory for the former president

    Unfuckingbelievable. I'm really starting to lose faith that he'll face any real consequences for any of his actions.

    UngodlyAudrey UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️

    35 year old that enjoys games from 1980 to today. Pokemon/Final Fantasy fan. Loves RPGs. Twitch Affiliate. Trans woman. Other interests include bad movies, history, cheese and camp, leftist politics, and humor.

    Mastodon profile:

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