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  • Oops, they did it again...
  • Yeah, it could have been the door falling off

  • New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters
  • Yeah, exactly the same thing at play in the movie industry as well.

  • 31 May 1987
  • If only water spills out of a p-trap I'd consider myself blessed

  • Portable convenience [The Square Comics]
  • And some models work without any battery at all, my dell XPS circa 2008. I am still amazed at that. It still runs too, I just retired it from server duty a few years ago once I got a dedicated server.

  • If I don't overshoot my planned sleeping time by 1 hour doomscrolling, I'm usually sick.
  • The problem with that is there is no middle ground, because then you rely on it daily. So you have the option of being a habitual user and living each day in a semi haze or trying other things instead

  • What's the closest any animal species has come to evolving to have telepathy?
  • Fish too, but I believe its part of their outer skin not brain

  • Mystery
  • These are the kinds of things that pop into my head just before I fall asleep. Especially recently as I'm reading through The Expanse lol.

  • [Bug] Post upvotes and downvotes are not stored at all
  • You are just seeing the prior cached entry when returning home, it doesn't reload the posts automatically (saves a good deal on processing/bandwidth). You'll need to refresh if you want to see it registered.

  • Unexpected encounter
  • The beard and hat make this one hard

  • Any of you have a self-hosted AI "hub"? (e.g. for LLM, stable-diffusion, ...)
  • Thanks for the post, super appreciate the posting of other communties. I think this is a great way to grow Lemmy and create discoverability for niche communities, I'll keep that in mind myself on future opportunities.

  • New Motherboard with loose CMOS Battery - Should I worry/return?
  • I would just go for it, I've had this before (they come loose in shipping) the chances are very small there would be a problem. If its a simple return process for you and you'd feel more comfortable go for it tho.

    If there is a problem post build you should know right away, just make sure you don't immediately assume it's the motherboard at fault. It's more likely badly seated RAM or something else.

  • Maybe Ukraine would win if we gave them bigger planes?
  • Yep its the opposite of the meme but didn't want to point it out and ruin it lol

  • Chris Hemsworth Gets Nervous While Eating Spicy Wings
  • Saw my first episode the other day with Conan and now I'm hooked on all these hot ones videos.

    They have so many good personalities on there, watched the one with Elijah Wood last night and it was great

  • Maybe Ukraine would win if we gave them bigger planes?
  • A Shahed-136. Iranian made, its a kind of kamakazi drone

  • how can I prove that phones are not listening to us for ads?
  • Wireshark won't show you anything if it's encrypted, other then a communication taking place. There's nothing stopping them from batching or otherwise obfuscating things through all kinds of means.

  • Attempted a BLT for lunch today
  • The pickle with the chips is a nice touch. I will have to try that sometime

  • [Bug] - spoiler text shows on cards

    When I open the post itself the spoiler text is hidden but in the main scrolling view the cards display the spoiler text

    Version 10.0.141

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