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Chat control vote postponed: Huge success in defense of digital privacy of correspondence!
  • That’s great news. But they’ll eventually sneak it in when they’ve distracted us with something else astonishingly awful.

    Question, mostly out of an inability to completely understand the tech side of this, but how would this be possible with Messenger services that have no central servers or direct point to implement something like this? Say, Session IM or SimpleX.


  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
  • Proceeds to write blog post, mentioning AI 29 times ! Sure thing, bub. Only thing you’re piledriving is that next bottle of Mountain Dew.

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • Back then: The prices of shit and ease of procurement. Nowadays, I’ll buy reasonably priced software because I’m not a broke dick and like to have support if needed. Though, understandably, there’s still a lot of bullshit software that’s way too expensive. But I lean towards foss software when I can get away with it.

    But for streaming/cable/satellite? I’d rather wipe my ass with that money. I’ll go to the theater if a movie looks good enough, just to change things up, but with so much awful shit being produced… nope.

    I pay for music streaming on Deezer, but also have a carefully curated media library and run Nicotine 24/7 to share on slsk.

    I guess it’s a toss up between money and principle. 🤷‍♂️

  • Hallo! What American novelties would Germans enjoy?
  • I know I’m a hero to my German pals when I come back with a brick of Grape Soda because, for some reason, it’s forbidden to sell here. Pop Tarts are also popular.

  • I'll never understand this kind of mindset.
  • That seems to be written by a child.

  • Cannabis: German growers celebrate as hemp is legalized – DW – 03/22/2024
  • They fucked up by not legislating a model for dispensaries or another distribution model outside of medical. A quick look at the money being made on recreational cannabis dispensary taxes in California, Washington and Colorado should have provided impetus for the government here to get in on the action. So much money being left on the table. Alas, Germany continues to live in the 20th century with its glacial approach to modernizing laws and infrastructure for the 21st century.

  • "This is the best day of my life"
  • Stress-testing the structure of the bar.

  • Buying advice for desktop amp
  • Awesome. Good luck!

  • Buying advice for desktop amp
  • I have the Spark 40 and it kicks ass for what it does. Doubles as a BT speaker when not on fiddle duty.

    I see you grabbed the NUX. Will be curious how you like it. Certainly looks nice and gets glowing reviews.

  • Vintage Oddware: The Monitor Miser
  • Thanks! Definitely ahead of its time!

  • Vintage Oddware: The Monitor Miser
  • What is it? Not going to watch the video.

  • I'm resolved to just watch from my own collection even as I'm checking Netflix
  • I’ve tried to give them my money. Max, Hulu, Netflix… and none of them want it unless they can get my telemetry. American in Europe, so I can’t use US services. Netflix and Prime will only show me the Euro selection. Don’t want that. Use a VPN, you say? All those services block IPVanish and Proton. They want my data not my money. It would be optimal if I paid them to give them my data, but if I can’t give them clean telemetry, they don’t want my money. This tells me they should be paying me for that info. And that’s not going to happen.

    So, I tried. I honestly did.

    Enter Stremio-Torrentio-Debrid and I can now watch every single thing I can think of. For the pittance I give Debrid, it’s been a game changer. I don’t expect it to last forever, but aligning with you fellow seafaring folks will keep me at the forefront of the game. 🤘🏼🏴‍☠️

  • Masked Pizza Shop Worker Doesn't Appreciate the Preaching
  • Can you really own the sidewalk in front of your building? Otto should paint it rainbow. That would (might. Fuck it, probably not) keep those jokers from setting up there.

  • Any suggestions for a good buy it for life backpack?
  • I have a couple Mystery Ranch backpacks that I think are going to outlive me. RipRuck 32 holds a ton of stuff and the Blitz 30 has excellent organization. Incredibly durable, if a bit on the pricey side. I live/work on the road and was chewing through backpacks, so spending the extra has proven to be worth it.

  • Tumblr and WordPress blogs will be exploited for AI model training
  • I setup a Wordpress blog a while back because I could get easy CE credits for writing about cybersecurity. I used AI to write the articles. The snake eats it’s own tail. :)

    If it’s free, you’re the product. None of these new revelations is the least bit surprising. It’s a data mining gold rush right now.

  • what's your wishlist for piracy?
  • Continued losses, in the billions, for ad-riddled streaming services is all I can ask for.

  • Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly
  • It’s not like cable was going to vanish and leave us with this wonderful ad-free Ala carte service we've always wanted. They dangled the bait and once everyone bit they set the hook and reeled in the suckers with an even worse, and costlier, scenario. In every avenue of entertainment, marketing is there to make sure it fucking sucks. Even some of the pirate apps have ads in them. Greed ruins everything and will be remembered as the true folly of man.

    Set sail mofos! 🏴‍☠️

  • Filter Spam

    In a perfect world, I shouldn’t be getting any spam at all to my PM accounts, but the address got leaked in a Shopify breach, so it’s something I have to live with. And PM does a respectable at filtering it out.

    However, I’d like to go a step further. I still glance through my spam to make sure I’m not discarding any false positives and think that with a filter, I can eliminate up to 50% just on keywords alone. Except filters don’t seem to apply anything in the Spam folder.

    Would be nice to have the option with filters to include that folder.

    That’s all. Thanks!

    Music Piracy Is Back in a Big Way
  • Soulseek for life! There should be a documentary about this because…. how? How has this been able to go this strong for so long? One of the first installs on any new OS I spin up. And when it comes to supporting the artists? Live shows and merch, when possible.

  • CD Prices?

    Hi. I am very happy to hear CDs are having a moment again. I intend to waste no time in offloading my collection while the getting is good. I have about 500 discs, mostly metal, punk, hardcore, weird alternative stuff.

    Where do you look to determine prices for discs? Aside from eBay, where are they being resold? I’m breaking out the crate this weekend and cataloging everything.

    Thanks for your help, everybody!

    Unabart Dr. Unabart

    Ok, yeah, sure. No. Maybe.

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