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1 day ban for spamming, yet the comment I made was unique

I am being unfairly targeted with temp bans despite doing my best to follow the moderators requests.

Being present is a gift

Sorry yall, I was just thinking the past and the future.

Anon has nerdy hobbies
  • I hope you just go and enjoy life how you want. Fuck other people. Wear a fedora and swing Satan's pretending it's a lightsaber.

    We die at the end of our lives, not the people who judge us. Be free.

  • Anon has nerdy hobbies
  • Now that you've signed up, you can now block users and communities. Dont forget to block me!

  • Anon has nerdy hobbies
  • Hang out with more LGBT people. If I wanna get laid, I can turn on Growlr and have a dude deliver himself to my basement.

  • Bodycam Videos Show Mom Begging ‘Please Don’t Shoot’ as Cops Shoot Son During Mental Health Crisis
  • "Oh powerful warrior cop, please bless me with relief from paying monthly tribute to my landed lord. My life is yours to take."

  • Bodycam Videos Show Mom Begging ‘Please Don’t Shoot’ as Cops Shoot Son During Mental Health Crisis
  • No democrats or Republicans in charge? Sign me right the fuck up.

  • Bodycam Videos Show Mom Begging ‘Please Don’t Shoot’ as Cops Shoot Son During Mental Health Crisis
  • The lack of justice system reform is the 1% telling us the George floydd protests didn't go far enough. So go further i guess.

  • It do be like that
  • Oh no... DOING YOUR JOB!

  • It do be like that
  • "Pick up this can..."

  • It do be like that
  • We all, deep down, understand the exploitative of the employer/employee relationship. They are setting the tone for the rest of your life doing bullshit work that doesn't matter at all.

  • Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth?
  • Some of us work multiple part time jobs to barely make it.

    I'd probably stay in the basement if I didn't need to pay my landed lord their monthly tribute.

  • Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth?
  • There is no ethical consumption in capitalism.

  • Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth?
  • You haven't made vegan food free yet. Make vegan food free, and people will naturally eat more of it. Plus you solve hunger at the same time.

    You do care about reducing beef consumption right? Well start here. Stop spinning your wheels elsewhere

  • Maybe next week

    You spend all day doing stuff for other people. Your bosses, your family, your community. It's hard at the end of the day after doing so much to do stuff for yourself.

    Well you're worth it. Hope you find the time and energy to give yourself at least an hour of "me time" each day.

    Lemmings, do any of you avoid politics on here?
  • You should make your own community and do it right!

  • Lemmings, do any of you avoid politics on here?
  • This is a good idea. Perhaps you should make a community that focuses on curating block lists.

    Can you export/import block lists?

  • The voices win this round.

    You gotta pick and choose your battles

    Political Memes Ultragigagigantic
    Just First Past the Post voting things
    Political Memes Ultragigagigantic
    Chess is over 1500 years old, but we can still learn from it.
    (2019) NOwnership, No Problem: An Updated Look At Why Millennials Value Experiences Over Owning Things

    You will own nothing, and you will smile all the time and love it. These kookie 40 year old young people and their trends.

    Are you upset over this arrangement? Wow, whats wrong with you? Maybe you should go to therapy and cope better. Wouldn't want to be a Debby downer or a negative Nancy. This is fine.

    Smile real big now.

    Political Memes Ultragigagigantic
    Nice mutiny slave. Didn't you know that peg leg you stand on was purchased with money made from trading slaves?
    Ultragigagigantic Ultragigagigantic
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    Comments 870