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Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • Reforming the Supreme Court was basically Pete's thing during the primaries. He was talking about it years before Roe, Chevron, and absolute immunity. He suggested adding 6 more judges, 5 of which would be rotating appointments by the other 10. It's a shame Biden won't do anything about this - especially when there are other leaders in the party who would.

  • Lindsey Graham Claims Biden's Student Loan Relief Is 'Beyond Dangerous'
  • Reminder that this is a nuanced issue. Some people got fuck all to show for their student loans and need our help. Some people got exactly what they paid for. Don't be fooled into thinking we're all in the same boat, or that targeted relief is too complicated. I bring this up because so many advocates for forgiveness are scaring off potential allies with an all-or-nothing mentality, allowing people like Lindsey Graham to rally against a straw man. This should be about helping people who need help - plain and simple.

  • I watched Nvidia's Computex 2024 keynote and it made my blood run cold
  • For thousands of years the ruling class has tolerated the rest of us because they needed us for labor and protection. We're approaching the first time in human history where this may no longer be the case. If any of us are invited to the AI utopia, I suspect it will only be to worship those who control it. I'm not sure what utility we'll have to offer beyond that. I doubt they'll keep us around just to collect UBI checks.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • Right on. AI feels like a looming paradigm shift in our field that we can either scoff at for its flaws or start learning how to exploit for our benefit. As long as it ends up boosting productivity it's probably something we're going to have to learn to work with for job security.

  • Let's do micro service
    • Cloud providers have financial incentive to push microservice architectures
    • Cloud providers give corporate consultants statistics like "microservice architectures are proven to be X% more likely to succeed than monolithic architectures"
    • Cloud providers offer subscription-based tools and seminars to help companies transition to microservice architectures
    • Companies invest in these tools and seminars and mandate that all new projects adopt microservice architectures

    This is how it went down with Agile at my company 10 years ago, and some process certifications and database technologies before that. Based on what I'm hearing from upper management microservice are probably next.

  • Let's do micro service
  • From my perspective the corporate obsession with microservices is a natural evolution from their ongoing obsession with Agile. One of the biggest consequences of Agile adoption I've seen has been the expectation of working prototypes within the first few months of development, even for large projects. For architects this could mean honing in on solutions in weeks that we would have had months to settle on in the past. Microservices are attractive in this context because they buy us flexibility without holding up development. Once we've identified the services that we'll need, we can get scrum teams off and running on those services while working alongside them to figure out how they all fit together. Few other architectures give us that kind of flexibility.

    All this is to say that if your current silver bullet introduces a unique set of problems, you shouldn't be surprised if the solutions to those problems start to also look like silver bullets.

  • Why so many men like to play with a female character?
  • I tend to gravitate towards female characters in single player games and I ask myself this same question a lot. The weird thing is that I have no gender preference when my options are more limited - it's only when I'm being asked to customize my appearance. With male characters I never really know what I'm looking for - usually what looks right is what looks familiar. Maybe I'll be scrolling through hair options, find something that reminds me of Aragorn, and before I know it that's who I'm roleplaying. With a female character it's easier for me to resist these influences and make someone original because I can rely on my own preferences to tell me what looks right. I'll still play male characters if I have a specific influence in mind, but otherwise I find myself much more likely to actually finish a game as a female PC.

  • What’s one miscast role that irks you in an otherwise perfect film?
  • Jamie Foxx in Django Unchained. I don't know if I can articulate exactly why he felt miscast, but every time they had a less recognizable actor on the screen I couldn't help but wonder how they would look in the leading role, and every time I found myself wishing I was watching that movie instead.

  • Once* in a lifetime!
  • Even with cloud cover, seeing it at home was something special. I know what it's supposed to look and sound like at that hour. It wasn't the same as night - I could still see sunlight on the horizon all around me. I could sense that the wildlife was confused by it - all the birds just flew to the tops of the trees and were trying to make sense of what was happening. The bugs went quiet, and we were all whispering for no apparent reason - it just felt appropriate. The slow descent into darkness was unsettling, especially under cloud cover - it felt like we were under the gaze of a passing giant we could not see. I was surprised by how relieved I felt when the light started to return. It wasn't what I was expecting but the strangeness of it didn't disappoint, and I don't think seeing it away from home would have been quite the same.

  • literally me
  • I kept hearing this complaint but when I finally watched it there was only one scene where I couldn't hear the dialogue (when Neil is scoping out the airport bank vault) and it seemed very much intentional. Did you find this to be an issue throughout the entire film?

  • New Zealand repeals world-first smoking ban passed by Jacinda Ardern
  • Came in here to criticize the concept of a smoking ban based on comparisons to prohibition and the "war on drugs" in America, but reading through the article it actually sounds somewhat reasonable. Using regulation to reduce nicotine content sounds fantastic - no one should be forced to smoke if they don't want to, and making tobacco less addicting might actually help to accomplish that.

    Still not a fan of prohibition as a means of addressing health issues, but I suppose it's different when your country has universal healthcare.

  • Gaza Health Ministry says over 29,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel-Hamas war
  • I've been trying to wrap my head around the unconditional support that the US has shown to Israel during this crisis. I understand why we must stand with our friends and allies. I understand that Israel has immense strategic value as an "unsinkable aircraft carrier" in the Middle East. I understand our desire to support democracies in the region. I understand that they have a right to defend their people. I understand that our support is necessary to keep things from cascading further out of hand. But what I don't understand is how we can provide all this support and still have no leverage to ease the suffering of innocent Palestinians. Are we even capable of applying diplomatic pressure on Israel, or has our support become something more akin to an entitlement?

  • Biden vs. Trump: Do young climate voters care? The president who signed the biggest climate law in U.S. history has also angered environmentalists by approving fossil fuel projects.
  • I was against drilling until Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia produces 10% of the global oil supply, so we can't really sanction them without impacting the global economy. We've been draining our strategic petroleum reserves since the war started, and while we might have enough saved up to get through the current crisis, I wouldn't blame the white house for wanting to increase domestic supply as a contingency - especially if this turns out to be just the first domino in a global conflict.

  • If you could split yourself into a copy of yourself, how many copies would you make to satisfy all your wishes?
  • One clone so that I can be a stay-at-home dad without losing my income. Finally finish grad school and fix up the house. Show my kid the world when they get old enough to appreciate it. Get a second job once they start school - something to get me outside, or working with people face-to-face. That would be amazing.

  • Help with a player that likes the idea of being a caster, but not the mechanics
  • Why would a player drawn to spellcasters prefer weapon attacks over cantrips? I think that's the question we need to focus on.

    Are they having trouble finding spells that fit the theme of their character? If so, maybe they'd benefit from looking at a wider range of source books. You can also remind them that they can "reflavor" their spells to better fit their character.

    Is it utility magic that draws them to spellcasters? Are they even choosing offensive spells to begin with? If not, maybe you can help them out with a magic item - something to guarantee that they have access to a spell or two that would benefit the party. You could also shift some of the danger towards non-combat encounters to give their spells more value. For what it's worth I don't think there's anything wrong with utility-focused characters - they just tend not to shine as much in one-shots. Maybe if they knew more about the adventure ahead of time, they could better cater their character to the situations they're likely to face.

    Are they overwhelmed by their character sheet? If so, playing short campaigns starting from level 1 might help to ease them into their class abilities. Spell cards might also be helpful if you're playing tabletop.

  • How can Canada have “no clear position” on genocide, in light of World Court ruling? - People's Voice
  • Sometimes I wonder if international laws against genocide have done more harm than good. When we see atrocities occurring where it's strategically inconvenient to intervene we look the other way or squabble over legal definitions - anything to excuse ourselves from getting involved. The results are no different than if these laws did not exist, except that we are also complicit in denial, which in itself is a terrible thing.

  • Past Week
  • I was about to make this same comment, but I looked up some statistics and it seems that COVID still has a 10x hospitalization rate and 3-4x death rate among seniors as compared to seasonal flu. While it's fair to say that COVID is probably seasonal now, like the flu, I think it's important to acknowledge that it's much more dangerous. I was never one to get flu shots in the past, but COVID shots seem like a good idea. I'll probably stay home from work longer if I do catch COVID, and I'll probably wear a mask if I have to go out in public before I'm fully recovered. I think we just need to recalibrate our common sense for this new reality.

  • Ending my honor run in shame

    I'm 100+ hours into an honor run and I've finally made a decision I apparently can't live with. I was offered a gift at the end of act 2, and while it was totally out of character for me to accept it, my curiosity got the better of me. I never made it this far before and I wanted to see what would happen. Now I hardly even recognize my character - when I look at them, I just see my dumb impulsive decision staring back at me. I've made plenty of dumb decisions before in the name of staying true to my character, and I bore the consequences with pride, but this was the opposite - I betrayed my character, and now I'm reminded of it in every dialogue and every cutscene from now until the end of the game. I was really invested in their journey too, especially with this shaping up to be my first "full" run, but now I'm wishing that they had died in act 2 before I did this to them. I'm only an hour or so into act 3 but it's already starting to feel a bit like the last season of GoT.

    Anyway, that's how my glorious honor run came to a rather quiet and pitiful end. Anyone else have a similar experience?

    41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!!
  • It's certainly possible that Meta has a plan to destroy the fediverse with Threads, but I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that they're just doing this because they can. If their plan was to take over the fediverse from within, and that plan hinged on instances not defederating out of caution, then it's off to a poor start. I might just be totally naive but this feels more like them testing the water by opening their doors to the fediverse - I don't know if they know what happens next.

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