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Like ships in the night
  • I don't know if Chinese government actually reaches out to social platforms before banning them, I remember reddit was avaliable in China in 2015 - 2016ish. Then it got banned, I believe its because of its political contents (r/china and such).

  • Like ships in the night
  • is strictly educational and can only be used certain times of the day

    Nope and nope. Like normak tiktok, douyin have all sort of things, depends on what you view. You can login to it (doesn't have to), and the account is connect to your cellphone number which is connected to your national ID. I don't know if theres time limitations if you are a minor though.

  • I've never played games. Suggest a couple of addictive games I can play on Linux
  • I understand, however, I noticed that during mid-game I tends to treat the game as city-builder and be more relaxing. Thus, "no unit that does nothing" and "no building produces nothing" doesnt seem fun to me, and the reason why I'm being overwhelmed by the AI.

  • I've never played games. Suggest a couple of addictive games I can play on Linux
  • I noticed that I'm not good with mid/late games. I win easily if I rush the enemy. However, I like to build up when I'm in the lead, but I am not good at it.

    Chances are, I spend a lot of time treating the game as city builder and when AI rushes, my army are too spread out. And when I'm rushing, I can't keep up with the reinforcements, so when my wave was blocked, I'm bascially sitting ducks as AI would slowly encroaching my base.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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