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CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months
  • CDPR is a publicly traded company with a clearly represented shareholder structure. A collective known as "Other" owns about 65% of the company's shares. CDPR upper management have a fiduciary duty to this entity. This duty was honored when they decided to release early. They knew that the hype train was so intense that whatever they released, it would sell like icy lemonade in the Sahara. It's not like they didn't have access to Sony devkits and shit, they knew the performance was sub-optimal. They're not dumb. They were just OK with temporary backlash that would eventually get amended with a successful anime, some patches and DLC.

    Now on to actors. Actors, whether A or Z-list, work for a flat fee and maybe royalties if they got really really lucky. Once they have completed their performance, their end of the contract is complete. They get paid and that's that. They just wait for royalties to be exercised (if they have them).

    Having said so, the idea that Keanu's agents hold any post-payment sway in comparison to the collective that owns literally more than 65% of the company is a bit silly. This is why you're getting a little bit of backlash on what you have written. Especially in that you did not preface your original comment with "Hey, this is a theory, a game theory".

  • CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months
  • I remember them saying that they intend to pivot to purely Unreal Engine 5. I'm assuming they're trying to shed developers who are experts in their in-house engine and will slowly start hiring UE experts. Mad easy to do so when young Polish talent are trampling over each other to get through the door to a job interview at CDPR.

  • ‘Get Help’ – Elon Musk Blasted for Mocking Ukraine With Fake Zelensky Picture
  • I understand him having these views. Money was exchanged behind closed doors, deals were struck, whatever. I can imagine a financial incentive for him to sow dissent via shitty meme. I don't understand what's in it for his followers. Is it just about being contrarian? What more must he do or say for it to be clear to them that he's just kind of a bozo?

  • Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform
  • I'm sure the legion of bots that comprise their user base won't mind.

  • Removed
    Musk's X disabled feature for reporting electoral misinformation
  • You're giving Elmo too much credit as this Machiavellian character. Ordinary capitalist. Appeasing your investors is the most common commercial reason. It's just that advertisers can't really provide twitter with business anymore on account of his bigoted optics, but dangerous governments can.

  • Removed
    Musk's X disabled feature for reporting electoral misinformation
  • He's so transparent with his intentions, it's embarrassing. The only explanation of removing your own tool to combat misinformation is because it does not align with your own interests. There's no way to spin that fact in a positive light and yet there will still be people using twitter. It's actually getting really fucking hard to not be a misanthrope.

  • Anti-communist fighter pursuing a suspected member of the 'Securitate' secret police, Bucharest, Romania, 1989
  • Considering he means to kill someone, it's sufficient trigger discipline I believe.

  • Unity apologises.
  • Precisely what I'm talking about. They can afford to do so, since they lost the trust of the user about 2 statements from the CEO ago.

    And not to go too deep into it, but how the hell are you going to create a brand new pricing scheme in only "a couple of days", without already having a draft of it ready? Don't you wanna check in with your lawyer? Your CFO? This shit must take more than 2 days to do.

  • Unity apologises.
  • We apologize for the confusion and angst the runtime fee policy we announced on Tuesday caused. We are listening, talking to our team members, community, customers, and partners, and will be making changes to the policy. We will share an update in a couple of days. Thank you for your honest and critical feedback.

    Allow me to translate:

    We're now publishing the terms that we were actually going for from the very beginning. We've always known that the flaming bag of shit that we laid on your doorstep was unreasonable. If it worked, it worked, but if it didn't, it can stand in contrast to the new less shit terms that you're either supposed to agree to or rewrite your whole game. Not like our PR was great before this gambit. What have we to lose?

  • Unity Software Inc's President and CEO John Riccitiello Sells 2,000 Shares
  • Like laying down a mighty fart just as the elevator doors close, Unity management abandon the aircraft they were supposed to captain on their golden parachutes. The corporate money making machine continues to chug on.

  • We just hit 1.5 C above per-industrial levels for the first time.
  • Writing is firmly on the wall, gang. All I see is patch notes for the wars for arable land meta.

  • The absolute state of NuReddit
  • It's a brand new flavor of bullshit that people need to adjust to. In the same way that you may be wary of clicking certain links, reading spam mail, not giving personal info out, we will need to have an extra sensor in our brains for how LLM-y a user is.

  • The absolute state of NuReddit
  • If you check out the users profile, you'll notice that it tried to post some shit on the atheist Turk subreddit in English. Primo bot behavior and dead giveaway. Also the Turks didn't seem to enjoy it much.

    By perusing further, you might notice that the majority of people don't notice that they are conversing with a fucking bot. This is profoundly upsetting shit

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Yeah I just looked it up. Serving stuff through CF does a check for illicit material. Pretty neat. Be that as it may, the original complaint is that Lemmy is lacking moderation tools. Such a moderation tool would be something that disallows CSAM even being stored in the server in the first place.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • The developers of LemmyNet are being asked for the ability to define a subroutine by which uploaded images are to be preprocessed and denied or passed thereafter. There is no such feature right now. Even if they wanted to use CloudFlare CSAM protection, they couldn't. That's the entire problem. This preprocessing routine could use Microsoft PhotoDNA and Google CSAI, it could use a self-hosted alternative as db0 desires or it could even be your own custom solution that doesn't destroy, but stores CSAM on a computer you own and stops it from being posted.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Imagine if you were the owner of a really large computer with CSAM in it. And there is in fact no good way to prevent creeps from putting more into it. And when police come to have a look at your CSAM, you are liable for legal bullshit. Now imagine you had dependents. You would also be well past the point of being respectful.

    On that note, the captain db0 has raised an issue on the github repository of LemmyNet, requesting essentially the ability to add middleware that checks the nature of uploaded images (issue #3920 if anyone wants to check). Point being, the ball is squarely in their court now.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Traditional hash like MD5 and SHA256 are not locality-sensitive. Can't be used to detect match with certain degree. Otherwise, yes you are correct. Perceptual hashes can create false positive. Very unlikely, but yes it is possible. This is not a problem with perfect solution. Extraordinary edge cases must be resolved on a case by case basis.

    And yes, simplest solution must be implemented first always. Tracking post reputation, captcha before post, wait for account to mature before can post, etc. The problem is that right now the only defense we have access to are mods. Mods are people, usually with eyeballs. Eyeballs which will be poisoned by CSAM so we can post memes and funnies without issues. This is not fair to them. We must do all we can, and if all we can includes perceptual hashing, we have moral obligation to do so.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • I agree. Perhaps what Lemmy developers can do is they can put slot for generic middleware before whatever the POST request is in Lemmy API for uploading content? This way, owner of instance can choose to put whatever middleware for CSAM they want. This way, we are not dependent on developers of Lemmy for solution to pedo problem.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Good question. Yes. Also artefacts from compression can fuck it up. However hash comparison returns percentage of match. If match is good enough, it is CSAM. Davai ban. There is bigger issue however for developers of Lemmy, I assume. It is a philosophical pizdec. It is that if we elect to use PhotoDNA and CSAI Match, Lemmy is now at the whims of Microsoft and Google respectively.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • I guess it'd be a matter of incorporating something that hashes whatever it is that's being uploaded. One takes that hash and checks it against a database of known CSAM. If match, stop upload, ban user and complain to closest officer of the law. Reddit uses PhotoDNA and CSAI-Match. This is not a simple task.

  • TsarVul TsarVul
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