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The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    The problem with arguments based on pretending to be stupid is that people are likely to believe you're really that stupid and just write you off.

    Go back to my example of "capitalist state" and you'll see that your stupid nonsense argument was pre-refuted.

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    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    You're Gish galloping.

    The actual issue is whether, contrary to Iran's slur, Israel is a legitimate nation with a legal right to exist. It is and does, as it was created by the highest international authority.

    Cherry-picking historical partitions (thus avoiding India/Pakistan) is a dishonest change of topic.

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    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    Are you confused? WWII was in the 1900's, not the 1700's.

    And, to remind you, the UN partitioned Mandatory Palestine. Israel accepted this, the Palestinians went to war and lost. Sucks to be them.

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    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    Just like nobody cares that the Palestinians controlled this territory before they lost it. All that matters is who has it now.

    The UN decided to partition Mandatory Palestine, with part of it forming Israel and the other forming an independent Palestine. However, the Palestinians rejected this, went to war, and lost.

    When you go to war and lose, it's not your land anymore.

  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @DropBear @Maggoty

    "Anyone who calls me out for my antisemitism is a troll." - some Australian antisemite

  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    Iran denies the legitimacy of Israel. They say it doesn't have any right to exist and their goal is to make it cease to exist, through genocide.

    That is why, once again, refusing to call Israel "Israel" and instead calling it the "Zionist state" is a slur and a genocidal threat.

    Repeatedly ignoring irrefutable facts is bullshit. Stop bullshitting.


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    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    Yeah, and the Jews were there before that. Welcome to history, where the people owning a land can change.

    Fact is, Israel was formed on top of land owned by the Ottoman Empire, not the Palestinians. Britain won it as spoils of war, just like the Palestinians did long ago. Then the Palestinians went to war and lost again. It's just not their land anymore.

    If war is a legitimate way to gain land, then Israel legitimately exists and it legitimately owns Palestine.


  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    This is a lie.

    Iran and its pawns refuse to call Israel "Israel", using "Zionist state" as a slur. It would be like the USSR saying America doesn't exist and only calling it the "capitalist state".

    The Palestinian claim to the area is rooted in their own colonialism; learn some history.

  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    No, that's a lie. Iran and its "Axis of Resistance" reject the existence of Israel, so they refuse to use its name, instead calling it the "Zionist state" as a slur.

    Do not lie to me, and do not make excuses for antisemitism.

  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    Hamas rejects the existence of Israel, refusing even to call it by its name, instead slurring it as the "Zionist state", just like its Iranian backers do. It manifests this rejection through terrorism.

    Fuck Bibi, but anyone is his seat is going to react to the 10/7 massacre with war. This is what Hamas wanted. They don't get to complain about getting what they wanted.

    They killed their own people with this provocation.

  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @Maggoty

    Did you miss the part about surrendering? Surrendering stops the war.

  • Featured
    The genocide in Gaza is as American as it is Israeli. The U.S. won’t stop it.
  • @PanArab

    Maybe Hamas shouldn't have massacred Israelis.

    Maybe it should release the remaining hostages and surrender.

    That would end the war they started.

  • TruthSandwich Truth Sandwich 🥪🇺🇸😷

    Patriotic tuna fish sandwich.

    Liberalism is left. Populism is poison. All bigotry is wrong.

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