Trihilis @ Trihilis Posts 16Comments 5Joined 2 mo. ago

Well ideally that's how downvoting should work yes. In practice it's abused a lot as a "I disagree" button.
Honestly, I don't even like the downvote/upvote system because it promotes censorship and a lot of the times it's just an agree/disagree button. I feel that no matter how right or wrong someone is, they should always be able to express their opinion in a civil manner (obviously there are mods for removing rule breaking posts/comments). Downvoting just kills any discussion.
Can't wait! I hope it's a season but a movie would be nice too.
I made the mistake of not doing this. I was so fed up with reddit that I had to get off there ASAP.
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Fruits Full Cute! Sousei no Taiju to Kajitsu no Otome - Lemon - Character's Selection - 1/4 - Bunny Ver. (BINDing, Native)