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"Thought-Terminating Cliches"
  • It might be in gods hands whether YOLO applies, depending on the religion

  • Biden announces 100% tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles
  • It’s not that I don’t want it to change, it’s that I’m exceedingly doubtful it’ll happen in a single election via a third party unless we get a knight in shining armor that sweeps the voters off their feet. Of the two parties we currently really have a choice between, the Dems are the only one that have a chance of improving the situation, as the republicans are purely regressive. So my hope and what I think is more realistically possible is that they can be a stepping stone towards improving the system in the long run. But if we do get the knight in shining armor that has an actual chance, they’ll get my vote

  • Biden announces 100% tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles
  • Not really, because unless you can convince a majority of Americans to vote third party, which is unbelievably unlikely, then Biden or Trump are the options. On top of that, when you start pulling left wing votes away from Biden, it makes it easier for Trump to win unless you hit the point of majority support, which is again incredibly unlikely. I wish that weren’t the reality, but that’s how it is currently, and I hella do not want another term of Trump as I believe that’d be genuinely ruinous.

  • Biden announces 100% tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles
  • Compared to Trump? You’re absolutely freakin right I am

  • Start monitoring your PC for roentgens.
  • Same could go for any recent Intel processor too

  • Target Pride merchandise only available at select stores after rightwing backlash
  • I think there’s something to be said for the normalization though. Even if it’s spurred by corporate greed and not a sense of humanity, they’re still furthering the idea that LGBT folk are a regular part of society which absolutely counts for something, as evidenced by right wingers being angry at the idea

  • Helldivers 2 has now received 84,000 negative reviews in the past day.
  • Also those of us that really rather just keep our various accounts separate. I want them isolated, and I really dislike the idea that should something happen to my PlayStation account, then I’ll have to think about purchases in jeopardy on a completely separate account. It’s just future problems, and I’m not here for it as it’s so entirely unnecessary, and a frustrating trend in general with more and more games requiring third party accounts and especially launchers

  • Situation 'dire' for Ukraine despite delayed US aid package
  • No? Because Ukraine doesn’t use the meat wave tactics that Russia does.

  • Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move | CNN Business
  • Hah I didn’t even need a dating app for that

  • The installation process of different Linux distributions
  • Am I the only one that’s not had trouble with it? What’s the big issue?

  • Plant-heavy ‘flexitarian’ diets could help limit global heating, study finds
  • Maybe I’m being too pessimistic, but feels like this is yet another study to add to the mountain of evidence that people will ignore because they’ve deemed the taste of meat worth an impending global calamity. When will the average persons tipping point be? When oceanfront property is available in Tennessee?

  • Deutschruled
  • I dunno, a lot of these German words I see I’d abbreviate the hell outta if I knew how

  • Spam does not rule
  • Ngl I’d probably rather eat the crap that fills up my mailbox

  • 🐈🐈🐈
  • Don’t let your dreams be dreams

  • DEI killed the CHIPS Act
  • Vivek rhymes with cake for pronunciation


  • Systemd controversy be like
  • Debian does use systemd, as do most other big distros. If you weren’t already complaining about it, it’s probably not something you’ll care about at all. The biggest issue is more of a philosophical one rather than practical I think, where some people don’t like that systemd attempts to handle many parts of the init process at once. The “Linux way” is generally to have a program that does one thing and does it very well, not one that does many things. Systemd seems to go a bit against this principle to my understanding, which carries the longer term risk of damaging the modularity Linux generally offers, but evidently most big distros have deemed it worthwhile to switch.

    Could be slightly wrong since I’ve not paid much attention to it the past couple years, but that’s the gist of it to my knowledge

  • HDMI Forum to AMD: No, you can’t make an open source HDMI 2.1 driver | Linux users can't hit the same resolutions and speeds as Windows—or DisplayPort.
  • I used to use it before the HDMI spec caught up, but they both now offered the same features for me (or so I thought) and the HDMI 2.1 cables I’ve got were thinner/easier to manage and hide so I swapped it out. I’m definitely gonna experiment later today and see if that’s indeed the issue, gonna be frustrating if it’s just patent/copyright garbage once again worsening user experience

    Update: For anyone wondering, this was indeed the issue and I’m able to run 4k144 perfectly over DP. I really didn’t even consider that being the problem until now given the spec parity, very dumb move from the HDMI forum

  • Trashboat Trashboat
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