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Zooming Black Holes Can Reach ~10% The Speed of Light, Scientists Say
  • I can't even fathom something like this. There's so much energy involved. Can you imagine how bright matter around the black hole is? And there's people who believe reaching relativistic speeds will be possible soon...

  • ‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
  • It's kind of funny that you attack me for just stating my opinion and then get mad for something I didn't say. You are too extreme. Next time think about the laws that allow you to live peacefully in your country. If you think you will have any impact without government action then good luck!

  • ‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
  • Jezz you went completely to the extreme without addressing any of my points. I'm not saying we should have an authoritarian government. Just one with regulations. Are you an anarchist? Because you sound like one. All the big things are done organized, be it in a government or an association. Do you think women's rights were done by a group of people? Governments passed laws. So you need laws to help society. Whether you like it or not

  • ‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
  • I don't believe change comes from just freedom. Sometimes it does, but we are like kids. If we don't have limits we do what we want. Nobody wants to change their habits. My point was that I can adapt. I can eat much less meat, discover new recipes and so on. But I'm comfortable now and I don't want to change. The same goes for the majority of people, and we will never solve climate change if we are not forced to change habits. We, individually, will never have the same impact as governments passing regulations. We disagree, and that's exactly why we can't change by doing things alone

  • Has the Reddit exodus killed the former Lemmy culture?
  • Everyone wants to pretend like the ones who left reddit where the good guys. Most of them just want the same thing: attention, controversy and bad memes. We where a part of reddit and as such, we brought reddit here too. Maybe is not you or me, but there's people out there who will bring their toxicity everywhere they go. Be it Reddit, Twitter or Lemmy

  • ‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
  • There's something we humans seem to not understand: not everything has to be a gain. There are things that need to change, whether we like it or not. I eat meat, I could never be a vegetarian. Yet if the government did something about the meat industry and meat gets really expensive I would complain for a bit and then keep on living, eating other things.

    Every change people act like it's the end of the world. And corporations know that, and push against change and regulations. What we need is strong politics but that's a utopia nowadays

  • What is the most valuable digital data you own?
  • My book collection. I have digital files from every book that I want or have read. If I lost it I don't know what I would do, all my memories are there

  • What's a new scientific concept or technological innovation that really makes you feel like we're living in the future?
  • We have phones as powerful as computers in our hands when 20 years ago that was impossible. The exponential growth of computers and smartphones is mind-blowing. And the amount of technology that has bloomed from all of that

  • ‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
  • Why am I not surprised? Every big industry is trying to undermine any change that would cost them money or power. It's fucking criminal yet no government will do anything because money and jobs

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  • Mmm maybe until the change the comments will appear as from a bot. But new ones will be normal. I hope so, I already checked twice my Beehaw account and made sure that bot account is deactivated

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  • I think now is good. Thanks for the help!

  • Featured
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  • I actually have no idea why I appear as a bot. Guess I'll have to check my account in Beehaw

  • Featured
    [Voting] Select the New App Name!
  • Infinity for Lemmy is pretty good. Carries the brand name and it's a good contrast to the reddit app

  • Happy International Left 👈 Handed Day
  • I hate number 3 with passion. It happens to me all the time, you know, a leftie. I'm a leftie everyone! Isn't being leftie the best thing in the world? Man we are the bes...

  • Why the climate movement doesn’t talk about polar bears anymore
  • The reality is that there are so many problems related to climate change that talking about bears is literally the tip of the iceberg. Not important anymore. People don't care. Insect populations are down 60% which is catastrophic and yet I don't see it in any news.

  • ToroidalX ToroidalX

    Books, weights and physics. Always trying to learn and be better

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