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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • i am a tankie yes, but not all tanks deserve love. for example, merkava tanks deserve hell and destruction

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Just when I thought my day couldn't get any shittier, an HISTORIC fighter leaves us:

    Mother of Plaza de Mayo Norita Cortiñas dies at 94

    The beloved human rights activist was recovering from a hernia operation and a pulmonary infection

    Nora Cortiñas, a historic human rights activist who co-founded the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (founding branch), died on Thursday. She was in intensive care after undergoing a hernia operation two weeks ago. She was 94 years old.

    Nora Morales de Cortiñas, better known as “Norita,” co-founded Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in 1977. At the time, she was desperately searching for her eldest son, Carlos Gustavo, who was forcefully disappeared by the military dictatorship that ruled the country between 1976 and 1983. Gustavo was a political activist, a member of the Peronist party Partido Justicialista and armed organization Montoneros. He was kidnapped on April 15, 1977, and never seen again.

    Cortiñas carried on the fight to bring justice to him and the 30,000 people disappeared by the dictatorship. She expanded her activism to other areas regarding human rights, such as the right to safe and free legal abortion and the fight against police and gender-based violence.

    Born on March 22, 1930, Cortiñas was a social psychologist and taught at the University of Buenos Aires’ Economic Sciences faculty as head of the “Economic Power and Human Rights” course.

    “I was a traditional woman, a stay-at-home mom. I got married to Carlos Cortiñas when I was very young, and we had two sons: Carlos Gustavo and Marcelo Horacio. My husband was a patriarchal man, he wanted me to devote myself to family life,” she said in an interview. “At that time I was a teacher of haute couture and I worked without leaving my home, teaching many young women to sew.”

    After Gustavo was disappeared, she said, she started a whole new life. “We are no longer mothers of one child, we are mothers of all the disappeared. Our biological child became 30,000 children,” she said. “And for them, we gave birth to a completely political life in the streets.”

    Cortiñas was last seen in public on March 24 at the National Day of Memory, Truth, and Justice march. Despite her age and mobility issues, she was present at Plaza de Mayo in her wheelchair, appearing with her usual white handkerchief over her head and a picture of Gustavo hanging from her neck.

    “Deeply concerned in these times about the serious situation our country is going through and always ready to be present wherever there was an injustice, Norita fought until the last moment for the construction of a more just society,” said the communiqué published by her family. The Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, the grandmothers of the dictatorship’s desaparecidos, said goodbye to their “sister” in a communiqué, calling her an “undisputed leader of the human rights movement in Argentina.”

    “In solidarity with all the struggles of the country and the world, she knew how to connect with the younger generations, who recognize her as an example of coherence and activism,” they wrote. On Thursday, in the weekly march the Mothers do in the Plaza de Mayo since 1977, the demonstrators sent strength and love to her, before shouting: ¡Venceremos!, “We will triumph.”

    She was an absolute champion, during the worst days of the dictatorship she went into a clandestine detention and torture center (Mansión Seré) BY HERSELF to look for her missing son. Extremely courageous woman who fought with all her being during our darkest days and continued to do for Memory, Truth and Justice until the very end. Please, do read about Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, extremely important non violent social movements that to this very day are still finding children and grandchildren of Desaparecidos during the last military junta.

    Rest in Power, Norita. red-fist

  • rare dub for clarKKKSSon
  • I can't, I live in a food desert.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Please, if you're ever going to do propaganda for our Revolution don't do it on AI. Like, please, just.... don't. These men have three arms and for some reason there are big rifles with bayonets behind, like old ass muskets or something. And no, I don't know what the flag is supposed to say. At least the AI got the hammer and sickle right. Also lmao at the AI trying to figure out if the soldiers should have hats or helmets, it's very confused.

    It was done by one of those Hinkle/Haz "communists", so yeah.

    Thankfully we have not only a much better understanding of what Communism is, we also produce better propaganda.

  • US pier constructed off Gaza has broken apart.
  • The US can't even construct infrastructure to conduct imperialism lmao

  • Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million, 12 years after development began and still without a release date
  • I liked it a lot, it is a good game to jump in, fly around for two hours and come back the next day or something. I liked it more since I have my own flying stick, the flying was smooth and fun. My only big issue was the "now what?", after completing a few missions, buying a new ship I didn't really know where to go. I guess I should have looked more into joining the Fuel Rats. Maybe one day.

  • Finally, a game with no politics.
  • They'll 100% blame Saddam for a Highway of Death-like event. Instead of iraqis being charred to death, it'll be some people from one of those laughable nations CoD invents like Puchikistan or whatever the fuck. The massacre will be carried out by the Republican Guard.

    I know they did this exact thing before and blamed it on Russia, they will recycle.

  • Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million, 12 years after development began and still without a release date
  • Back when I craved for a super cool spaceships game where capitalism unfortunately survived and moved into space I played Elite Dangerous, which I got for free and enjoyed every fucking minute of it.

    imagine paying for this garbage game "star citizen". Citizen of my dick and balls.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • No fucking chance, Wang. The attacks will continue until the genocidal entity of "Israel" stops doing genocide.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Pro-Ukrainian spaces on twitter are asking, begging even, the West to let the UA use western made weapons on russian soil in order to "strike back" after the russian attack on that mall or something. If we dig down a little deeper (we don't have to go really far the see the core of the argument), we will understand first that the UA has already used western equipment on russian soil many times in the past, including raids on Belgorod and attacks on Crimea in general and Kerch Bridge in particular. Let alone things like the attack on the Moscow Concert Hall which might have connections with Ukraine or the super mysterious destruction of Nord Stream, something that won't be talked about for decades until someone, who's about to die, opens up about it.

    What they really want is for the UA to fully unleash things like HIMARS on civilian targets deep inside Russia, like they did in Donetsk not so long ago. Now they're blaming the West for... kinda conspiring with Russia against Ukraine lmao. That's what I take from their arguments.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • We need the alternative version of hamas-red-triangle here, which is the green triangle, used to designate friendlies.

    Also there's something intrinsically funny funny about hamas-red-triangle, like I imagine it's telling me "over here! over here! over here!" while pointing at a soon-to-be-dead zionist soldier.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • okay now I truly fucked up. A couple of days ago my entire twitter feed became infested with pro-milei troll accounts and shit. I've cleaned it up, mostly, and it went back to normal. Now I missclicked and opened up a tweet from this dork pavlou or whatever the fuck, think he's taiwanese and lives in australia or something. Don't care. Regardless, I opened one of his comments and my feed is now infested with NAFO, ukrainian ministry of defense and pro-taiwanese fascists tweets.

    This fucking sucks ass.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Argentina’s economy shows sharp declines across the board as parallel pesos weaken

    Families are borrowing money to afford food as purchasing power is pulverized and thousands of jobs are axed

    Argentina has fallen into recession. Key indicators released over the past week show slumps across the board, from consumer spending to manufacturing. Families are increasingly resorting to loans to afford food. Meanwhile, the informal dollar exchange rate, or “blue dollar,” reached an all-time peak of AR$1,300 on Thursday.

    March economic activity fell by 8.4% year-on-year and 1.4% from February, the INDEC statistical bureau reported Wednesday. Activity has fallen for six straight months and was previously flat between August and September. This confirms the economy has shrunk for two consecutive quarters, meeting the technical definition of a recession. Argentina’s GDP fell by 1.6% in 2023, and the International Monetary Fund forecast a 2.5% drop for 2024.

    Consumer spending has tanked, too, with separate March INDEC figures showing yearly drops of 9.3% in sales at supermarket sales, 10.7% in wholesalers, and 11.3% at shopping malls. The Córdoba Grocers’ Center measured a 30% drop in sales in April compared to March, a fact the center’s vice president Vanesa Ruiz attributed to incomes falling far behind inflation.

    “People are no longer consuming and buying food,” she said. “Families are completely indebted. Nine out of ten households need to finance their food,” she said. “48% do so by having a tab in the store, 33% by using credit cards, and 8% by borrowing money.”

    The dollar

    The informal U.S. dollar rate known as the “blue dollar” peaked at AR$1,300 on Thursday, easing to AR$1,220 on Friday. After months of relative calm, it jumped by 8.9% in one week. The figure is well above the 2% crawling peg, the rate by which the official peso is devalued each month. The government has maintained this policy since it devalued the currency by 54% in December.

    Analysts attribute the greenback’s rise to recent decreases in the Central Bank’s benchmark interest rate, making the peso less attractive for investors and therefore increasing demand for dollars. The current nominal rate is 40% and the effective rate is 49.1%. Interannual inflation was 289% in April.

    Leandro Zicarelli, a financial analyst and host of podcast Financiero, Monetario e Irreverente, said the government may be looking to cause a “small currency run.” Soybean exporters can sell 20% of their dollars in the financial market, so a higher blue-chip swap rate would give them higher profits. The remaining 80% must be sold in the official exchange market, meaning that sales bolster the Central Bank’s international reserves.

    Production and consumption

    Activity flagged across nine sectors in March, INDEC data showed. Construction and manufacturing declined 29.9% and 19.6% year-on-year, respectively.

    Similarly, a report by the Argentine Confederation of the Medium Enterprise (CAME, by its Spanish acronym) published on Sunday revealed that the industrial activity of small and medium-sized companies saw an interannual drop of 18.3% in April — the fifth in a row and the harshest in the last three months.

    Paper and printing suffered the worst, plummeting 32.3% inter-annually, according to CAME. A La Rioja paper company representative quoted in the report said production was “falling much more than expected.” The metal, machinery and equipment sector came next, with companies working at a loss and complaining of paltry sales.

    Matías Kulfas, former Production Minister under Alberto Fernández, blamed the Milei administration’s economic policies for the body blow to industry and construction. “They are both closely associated with the domestic market, which is suffering the consequences of the drop in income caused by December’s devaluation,” Kulfas told the Herald.

    “We are forecasting that cement sales will be around 9.2 million tonnes this year,” he said. “In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, sales were 9.8 million tonnes.” He argued that government plans to open up imports for products in the basic basket could worsen Argentine industry’s predicament by forcing struggling companies to compete with cheap imports.


    The slump is already hitting jobs. News site Infobae revealed this week that 275,000 “cuentas sueldo” — the type of bank account used to collect paychecks — closed down in the first three months of the year, indicating that that number of jobs disappeared in that period. Using public information, the Centre of Political Economy (CEPA) revealed last week that 62,000 people lost their jobs in the private sector from December to February.

    Last week, Changomás supermarket laid off 152 workers from eight branches in Buenos Aires province. There were also layoffs at Acindar, FV, PepsiCo, General Motors, Whirpool, Mabe, and Fate. The job destruction exceeds that during the pandemic. Meanwhile, President Javier Milei seems undeterred. On April 24, during a speech in the Fundación Libertad, he said the economy would rise like a “scuba diver’s fart.” The results, however, remain to be seen.

    Contradictions, contradictions. Just when they think they're winning, the losers will claim their prize. They are creating the conditions for their own demise.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Why does he look like a 49 years old man? Isn't he like 20 lmao?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Ah Guillermo Moreno, not a terrible choice ngl. I mean, at least compared to what we have, Moreno is a godsend.

    The spot in question