I don't understand USA shit sorry
Troll your mother retard
Hope you get broke turd (͡•_ ͡• )
Nobody cares you absolutely fat fuck
Another braindead turd ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
I bet they do the same coke
Sieg heil
I rape your dead grandpa retard
I usually beat black people (homeless or just niggas)
Your daughter sucks my cock
Suck my dick and die fucking NIGGA
Shut up and die nigger
Hope you burn yourself retard
Only Nazi support Ukraine. Are you retarded or just a troll?
Suck my dick retard
Like mainstream Republicans blocking military aid, American rightwing extremists are disavowing a war they once admired
Like mainstream Republicans blocking military aid, American rightwing extremists are disavowing a war they once admired
Like mainstream Republicans blocking military aid, American rightwing extremists are disavowing a war they once admired