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What are your top 5 punk bands of all time?
  • Sleater Kinney



    Rainer Maria

    The Thermals

  • [Meta] Is this community still active?
  • What game(s) do you want to talk about? Make a post!

    To echo what another person said I came here from /all

  • Which adaptation do you think has surpassed its source material in quality?
  • A solid chunk of Philip K Dick's output worked better as movies/TV than as books.

    There's definitely something there, but the books feel somewhat unfinished/unpolished. Which makes sense, his books weren't popular in English until after the release of Blade Runner, which coincided with his death. Maybe the popularity of the movie would've given him more time and resources to revise future works.

    A Scanner Darkly is the only one where both the book and the movie felt about the same quality.

  • Vermont becomes 1st state to enact law requiring oil companies pay for damage from climate change
  • Chittenden county is moderately dense. It has about 25% of the state's population. There's public transit in the form of buses and it seems moderately used. It's a rural state, but not nearly as rural as you seem to think.

    In contrast I grew up in a significantly more densely populated suburbs in the greater Boston area. People might use the commuter rail, but I'm not even sure what other public transit even existed. If it's there I've never heard of anyone interacting with it.

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1 - YouTube LTT
  • The decision to use Adobe suite is more likely to be a company wide decision. Part of Adobe suite lock-in is also familiarity making things faster. By promoting others, that may help future generations avoid at least part of the problem.

    Google services may be much more piecemeal. Even if the boss personally happens to think there's a productivity benefit to using a given search engine, it would be unusual to block others.

    Practicing what you preach is sometimes important, but I'm not sure how much it bears on these issues. A single company eschewing either won't make a difference. Getting the public to slowly consider alternatives may.

  • Family stricken with rare brain worms after eating undercooked bear
  • True but I'd just like to sit and admire the word frugivorous for a moment

  • [Gamers Nexus] ASUS Says We're "Confused"
  • Maybe folks just like symmetry.

    If your comments are going to gum up the thread with a segment that they don't think will have any effect, what's a few more to match?

  • What is a song you wanted to find again for a long time, but it gave you no clear clue about how to search for it?
  • As a kid I had heard Got my Mind Set on you by George Harrison on the radio once or twice.

    A few years later when I was starting to listen to music for myself I heard the Weird Al parody, and wanted to track down the original. I didn't remember any lyrics to the original so the best I could do was accost people with a very poorly sung chorus of "this song is just six words long."

    It didn't go well. I didn't find the original until the Internet had caught up enough for me to find it easily.

    I had a similar arc with Downtown by Petula Clark. Thankfully without me trying to sing a parody chorus at anyone.

  • Big Tech Is Faking AI
  • It's also worth noting that this is famous enough that Amazon has offered a service called Mechanical Turk since 2005.

    The implementation and service are both fine in theory, but you do need to be clear that what's being paid for is humans pretending to be computers.

  • Aldi Just Announced a Major Change to Grocery Prices, Lowering Prices
  • Slice it before you go. Are items with bread not found in picnics?

    Sandwiches are perfect for a picnic, and it's an occasion you'd want to gussy them up a bit for. Fancier bread might be the cheapest and most obvious way to do that.

  • Nature [Last Place Comics]
  • It's still not loading for me unless I open it externally

  • How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?
  • I'm responding more to the feeling that a community has a single human posting. Even as a reader it can feel that way.

  • How do you deal with being the only one posting in a community (aka "shouting into the void")?
  • Part of the problem may be lack of tagging and filtering tools.

    For example:

    I'm not interested in memes so if a community is largely filled with them, my only way to avoid them may be to block the community. This includes communities that I might otherwise subscribe to, or want to engage with.

    This is also tied into community fragmentation, community discoverability, and feeling the need to browse All to see anything. I don't know how widespread my issue is, but I have seen others mentioning having extensive block lists of communities.

  • Removed
    Heathcliff without Heathcliff 4/26/2024
  • I think that's part of the point. It's someone's job to make the original comic.

    Removing the titular protagonist should ruin a work. Removing them here does absolutely nothing. It makes no more or less sense, despite losing a core component. One would hope a comic in widespread syndication would fare better.

    At least with memes when they're inevitably bad, it's probably someone fucking around, not a paid professional.

  • How do people with aphantasia play chess?
  • Folks with aphantasia are also more likely to lack an inner voice.

    I wouldn't say my birthday in my head before responding. My inner voice isn't so different from yours, except being in a conversation mine is silent. With typing as well mine isn't always present. Typing on my phone I have to think the word to swipe it, but on a keyboard I sometimes just type.

  • Why do Americans measure everything in cups?
  • It really depends what sort of recipes you're making, but for cooking very loose approximations are often fine.

    I often have to convert to weight/mass in order to find out how much of an ingredient to buy. I have no idea how many cups an eggplant is. But once I get it home the recipe might as well say "however much eggplant you have."

    If I'm truly off, I will typically scale up the recipe adjusting for the extra meat or vegetable content. I'll more or less assume that 1lb of meat is interchangeable with 1lb of veggies. That's not quite true, in particular with salt.

    Your mileage may vary though. Some recipes and ingredients are much more sensitive to deviations.

  • Why do people say "Catholics and Christians" in (USA) when Catholics are also Christians, as if they refer to it as a different religion.
  • I've run into it when interacting with folks who grew up in the south. It seems moderately common there. With folks who grew up in the northeast, I haven't seen this be a thing.

  • Dear Lemmings/Lemmites/Lemmitors and CCP Bots, what Database do you recommend?
  • You may have missed the point of the example. It asks about steering wheels, and immediately transitions to vehicles that don't have steering wheels.

  • Who do you consider a Great Author of the last 50 years or so (first well-known work after 1970)? I'd like to get a feel for who's who in modern literature. Any language/culture. Fiction only.
  • Yes! The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum were both great. If you've read more of his work and have a recommendation for where to go next I'd love to hear it.

    On the topic of Italian authors, I loved Italo Calvino's "If on a winter's night a traveler" as well. I didn't really expect it to pay off as a cohesive work. I was mostly along for the ride and was pleasantly surprised.

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