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how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Just started a two week family visit to Singapore. The twelve hour flight was exhausting and everyone was struggling with the jet lag. My kids fell asleep at the dinner table, which was both adorable to see and sad because they were clearly at their limits.
    We just had a 12 hour sleep, so hopefully we can start the second day with renewed energy :)
    We’re going to need it, there’s a ton of social obligations to keep. It’s been 7 years since our last visit.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 21st
  • My entire family is obsessed with Power Wash Simulator right now. Especially my partner who can't seem to get enough of it.
    It is quite soothing though, just empty your head and wash away the filth.

  • What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time?
  • When you put it like that I suppose Anachronox is definitely more of a JRPG. Either way, it's a really good game :)

    Thank you for your thorough explanation!

  • What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time?
  • It was a mix of both, the battle system was definitely like a JRPG that's true.
    Come to think of it, I'm not an expert on JRPG's, so maybe it is? :) What else defines a JRPG?

  • What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time?
  • One title that comes to mind is Anachronox. A western rpg with a really good story, interesting characters (one of your companions is an entire planet shrinked down to human size), fun humor and a cliffhanger that never got resolved.

    I really wish they made a part 2 but I know it will never happen.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 7th
  • I splurged on the Steam winter sale and bought a set of smaller games.
    Right now I'm busy playing I Was a Teenage Exocolonist which has been more fun than expected. I really like the story and the multiple paths and endings. The card games are meh, but once you find a good modifier they become very easy.

    At the same time I'm also playing Shadows over Loathing which is very very funny in short sessions.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th
  • Oh I love Frog Detective! I played it together with my (then) 5 year old daughter, where I was required to read out loud all the dialogue in funny voices.
    They are indeed very cute and short games.

    edit: it's a trilogy, not one game :)

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th
  • I've started playing Rogue Trader. I'm not very familiar with the warhammer 40k universe and my god it's a depressing place. I'm heavily leaning into the iconoclast play style because I don't think I'd be able to roleplay as a dutiful servant of the empire.
    There's also a ton of stats that make my head spin. But I usually just avoid thinking about that by decreasing the difficulty and choosing upgrades that sounds interesting.

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    What are you reading?
  • I’m making my way through the Lyonesse trilogy by Jack Vance. I’ve read the Dutch version many years ago and it’s a real treat to read it again English.
    It’s basically one gigantic fairy tale and I’m loving all of it..

  • First time here in a good minute. Hows it going?
  • Wait, what’s this about fash (I take it you mean fascist?) instance? Am I missing something here?
    I stick to my communities so I’m not the most well-informed Lemmy.

  • First time here in a good minute. Hows it going?
  • Please don’t get me started about the Sailor Moon thing 🙄
    I’m the owner of that community and it’s been getting a bit tiresome to see nothing but Sailor Moon stuff come by. I’m not saying anything about it though and hope people will get bored with it and it’ll blow over. In then end it is a harmless phase and everyone is having fun, I don’t want to ruin it for others.
    But I’m looking forward to the day that it’ll be as welcome as another beans post :)

  • What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness?
  • Westwood, but not for Command & Conquer or Dune 2. I still remember them fondly for their Kyrandia games. I loved the art design, the music and the jokes.
    Kyrandia 2 being one of my all time favorite adventure games, Zanthia was an awesome protagonist. Especially for her time.

    It’s nice that their strategy games picked up the way they did, but part of me wishes they stuck with their fantasy games.

  • What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness?
  • I loved the Quest games! They were my first real introduction to the English language. Simple phrases like Open Door and feed chickens were a great way to build my basic vocabulary. I kept pestering my dad for translations until he got fed up and taught me how to use a dictionary :)

    I have so many great memories playing those games, on my own and together with my dad. It really was a bonding experience.

  • Far-right party set to win most seats in Dutch elections, exit polls show
  • That's true, I didn't think of that.

  • Far-right party set to win most seats in Dutch elections, exit polls show
  • They don't need the BBB though. PVV, NSC and VVD should be good for an 81 seat majority.
    But yes, I pretty much expect the coalition to fall within a year or two (should they manage to get a coalition to begin with). The question is who will cause the fall and who will be scapegoated. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll be positioning themselves for this inevitability from the start.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Bad, the PVVV, a far-right party, won the elections here in Netherlands. I woke up to the news that they won 37 out of 150 seats (2nd largest has 25 seats). Geert Wilders is such a... nationalistic, short-sighted, opportunistic, loud-mouthed, Putin loving.. asshole! Sorry, I really need to get this out of my system.
    Thankfully they'll still have to form a coalition with other parties and I really hope they'll fail. Either that, or they spend a few months in government and show how ridiculously inept they are and let the cabinet fall.

  • Far-right party set to win most seats in Dutch elections, exit polls show
  • This is so depressing...
    I knew it would be bad, but not this bad. Only comfort I can take is in the fact that they'll have to form a coalition with other major parties. Most of them already flat-out denied working together with the PVV (Partij Voor de Vrijheid - Party For Freedom) but we'll see how much of that will remain true.
    Hopefully the coalition will break and we'll have new elections in a year or so.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Oh dear, I hope you have a spare?

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Took part in a work provided health check, and was pleasantly surprised. My cholesterol levels need to be better, but other than that I'm actually in pretty good shape! It's nice to get some good news once in a while.
    Other than that, I'm in a general good mood. Feel like I'm a bit more in sync between my internal and external self, if that makes any sense :)

  • 70% Of Workers Lie On Resumes, New Study Shows
  • Oh yes, that's how I got my current job. I used to be an external contractor myself, said I was interested at working full-time for my employer (it's a very stable and fun job) and had to go through an entire circus. It was guaranteed I would get the job but I still had to:

    1. Write a resume (with cover letter!?)
    2. Wait for the job to open up on their recruitment website (only for 15 minutes so I would be the only one who could apply)
    3. Have several interviews
    4. etc.

    All because their HR software requires certain steps to be followed or it'll refuse to process the application.

    For our last contractor recruitment (new position, not a rehire) we got rid of our external selection agency (responsible for the first stage of resume scanning) and decided to do it ourselves, specifically for the reason in my last little rant. We didn't trust them to select the right candidates because they had no experience with our line of work and just blindly searched for keywords.
    It was nice to get to see all incoming resumes but I had to pick through 40+ of them manually. And because of procurement laws, I had to grade all of them on a 20 point list of criteria we got to decide. On top of that, an applicant (or their recruitment agency) can challenge the fairness of the process if they feel we rated them unfairly on a specific criteria. So it was important to have a proper substantiation for every single judged criteria. That was over 800 times I had to check for proof if what a applicant claimed lined up with what their resume said.
    And again, it was the recruitment agencies that really ruined my days (yes, plural). You could see that the recruiter altered resumes, wrote nonsense cover letters and did whatever they could to get past the criteria. At least half of the people who applied were clearly not suitable, but I still had to explicitly say why they weren't suitable for every single criteria.

    Sorry, this is really something I can go on and on about.
    It's definitely a nightmare, but that's what you get when you work in the public sector I guess.

  • Space Wreck is a hardcore, combat-optional, break-the-game RPG that clicks Space Wreck is a hardcore, combat-optional, break-the-game RPG that clicks

    It's a deep simulation, a retro throwback, and a funny few hours at a time.

    Space Wreck is a hardcore, combat-optional, break-the-game RPG that clicks

    Been playing this for a couple of hours now and enjoying it so far. Like the article says, it does remind me a lot of the old Fallout games.

    Thelsim Thelsim

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