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Pedo protectors
  • Many of them are literally part of the government

  • These tweets by Musk are really rubbing me the wrong way
  • Honestly if any class based violence breaks out targeting the very rich, I truly and sincerely hope it targets him first. He is fucking insufferable and the world would be better without him in it.

  • Found out not long ago Jackie Chan is extremely based
  • Eh it's an industry deeply in bed with the US government that has a history of blackballing people for political views. These days it's essentially a propaganda arm of the DoD.

  • Russia has defaulted on its foreign debt, says S&P
  • "we won't let you transfer dollars"

    "Ok I'll pay in rubles"


    "Ok then"

    "Hey you can't not pay us!"

    "I tried to, in rubles"

    "No, use dollars"

    "You won't let me"

  • That time when a DPRK audience had to watch a live K-pop concert for the first time
  • Mfw I have to be exposed to empty-headed western decadence on a daily basis. Mfing if I have to hear about a Kardashian one more fucking time...

  • I serve the Soviet Union o7
  • I got banned with the same bullshit message this morning (3 year old account with 200k+ karma lol)