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Why don't you guys like me?
  • Kamabla is scared to debate me folks! I'm trying to make a FAIR & FREE debate happen but Kamabla refuses! She's scared of debating because you know what folks? She knows we'd blow her away. Isn't that right?

  • Why don't you guys like me?
  • Then why are you all so mean to me...?

  • Why don't you guys like me?
  • Anime? Real? Why don't you get off your butt, turn off that damn TV and get a REAL job??? God Bless America!

  • Why don't you guys like me?
  • I'm not gonna do that

  • Why don't you guys like me?

    Let's be real, people. I'm the best politician this countries got. I raised the GDP when I was president and I wept the debt out. It's true! But the crooked democrats are trying to take your jobs away! The jobs I worked so hard to give you! What do I have to do to get you to like me?

    [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Margot, thank you so much for coming to my Reddit AMA. First of all I'd like to say I think you're a beautiful, beautiful woman. I would love to spend a night with you. Second of all, the Fake News Liberal Media are obsessed with spreading falsehoods about hard working Americans like you and me.

    Would love to spend a night with you!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • This "Q" is a false idol, folks! The only one you need to follow is me, got it? We don't need any fancy games or science to Make America Great Again. We're going to do it with American grit. Got it?

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Well here at Mar-a-lago we're constantly keeping our buffet options fresh, so I can't really recommend something since the menu is always evolving. What I can tell you is that the food is delicious. Try some of everything! It's all Trump quality!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • I'll tell you what I'm specially interested in: FINALLY ENDING THE DEMOCRATS FANTASY OF DESTROYING AMERICA!!!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • What a spread. Beautiful, beautiful image. God Bless The United States!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • You're a JOKE, Robert! I've seen your golf scores. They're not good. You might act like a tough guy but there's a reason you weren't invited to the debate!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Cheetos? Yeah, I like cheetos. I used to keep them stocked in Trump Hotel. Chester the Cheetah was an important figure in America for a long time. Before all this woke nonsense took over.

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • The Trump Farm Bill was the greatest Farm Bill in American history, and was an important part of Making America Great Again. Unfortunately the Democrats are intent on undoing the good work the Trump Presidency has done for the American People!

    Crooked Hillary? She's irrelevant. It's yesterday's news! Get this woke nonsense out of my Presidential face!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Me? Liberal? You need to get your brain checked out. By a brain doctor or something. That's not right... that's not true at all. Whatever.

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • The only thing a master of the Art of the Deal like me is concerned with is 10. The rest can fall where they will. That's called doing business. I'm a businessman, you know. It's true! The crooked democrats they all try and say I'm not a real business man or that my businesses are failing but if that were true don't you think I'd be scrambling to save my business instead of running for president? Look, I don't wanna run for president! But the crooked democrats give me no choice!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Haha well let me tell you my friend. I am no wojak - That's for sure! No sir I am NOT! If anything I would be the Chad! Did you know that? A LOT of people say that about me. "Mr. President Trump, sir" They still call me Mr. President because they know the democrats stole the election from. "Mr. President Trump, sir, you are a Chad" is what they say to me. It's true!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Robert Kennedy? No, now listen I- he- I'd rather he... I'd rather debate the worm! That's right. The one that ate his brain. That happened you know. He let a worm eat his brain. No, Mr. Kennedy is no good.

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • This is a really excellent question. Thank you for asking it. Thank you for serving our incredible country, The United States of America.

    Trust me, when I become President of the United States you will have your choice of women. They won't be able to resist you. It's true! When they find out you're a patriot who helped restore America to it's former glory no woman would ever reject you. That's the Trump Guarantee.

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • I'm no "comrade" of yours. Vile communists like you are the reason we need to Drain the Swamp and Make America Great Again!

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!

    Wow. Just Wow. Beautiful site you have here. Absolutely gorgeous. We had a site like this. What a beautiful site it was... but the Democrats made us take it down. It's true!

    My staff tells me you people hate the Democrats. Well then folks you're in great company. When I become president I will dismantle the crooked Democratic Party and Make America Great Again!

    Now we had a great debate last night folks. The crooks and cowards at CNN tried to stop us from winning. The Democrats tried to stop us from winning. But we won, didn't we folks? We won the debate and sent Sleepy Joe home with tears running down his ugly face!

    So to all the Patriots, Haters and Losers out there, Ask Me Anything! I'll be here all night folks! I'm Donald Trump!

    EDIT: That's all folks! Thanks for having me, Reddit. You were a great audience. Not the best I've had but good enough!

    TheREalDonaldTrump TheREalDonaldTrump [he/him]

    45th President of the Beautiful United States of America! STOP THE STEAL AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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