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Russia starts blocking VPN at the protocol (WireGuard, OpenVPN) level
  • I don't know why some moron downvoted you, but the answer is maybe. For reference, I have always bypassed SSH firewall blocking by sneaking SSH packets within https.

    The only way this won't be possible is if the government enforces installing a certificate to use the internet, so that they can do a man-in-the-middle-attack. I heard this is already being done in Afghanistan.

  • stop driving
    1. You suck at abstraction

    2. You forgot to count the improvements in quality of life too, which increased the lifespan of many people. Count the net positive/negative then tell me we have to get rid of cars. I'll wait.

  • stop driving
  • There are multiple considerations here. Here are two:

    First: these numbers are absolute, not percentages. What makes you think if only buses, trains and trucks are driven the numbers of deaths won't rise?

    Second: there are many things we do that have higher risks than driving and kill kids. Do you think we should ban them all? Or only driving because you've been brainwashed to believe it's the cause of all suffering for humanity?

    I can come up in two minutes with a dystopian setting where we all live in pods and eat bugs. That'll probably minimize deaths. Would you like to have that "safe" future?

  • stop driving
  • Buses kill kids too. Trains too. Airplanes too. Let's get rid of transportation.

    Or is it about the numbers all of the sudden?

    You've got to be a special level of dumb to think that anything in life has zero risk. Even food kills kids under certain circumstances.

  • Is 1337 no longer safe?
  • For the love of God stop giving bad advice. Anti virus software cannot protect you from all viruses. Viruses are trained against anti virus software nowadays so only behavioral detection may help.

    Trusted community and uploaders is the only way this works.

  • ATTENTION: 1337X IS NO LONGER SAFE [Reposted from Reddit]
  • Movies and audio are very rarely infected, almost never. That depends on bugged software, so that you can be relatively safe of.

    Executables... well... no anti virus can protect you in reality from dumb double-clicks. This is because viruses are trained against anti virus software until they can't be recognized. There are mathematically an infinite number of patterns to run a program to trick all kinds of anti viruses. So in reality you can't be safe. Once that's done by an expert virus creator, the best you have to protect you is a behavioral detection of viruses, which may or may not work.

    So, don't rely on anti viruses. They barely protect you from script kiddies and legacy viruses.

  • Restricted Topics
  • Don't worry about the down votes. Most people here are either teenagers who don't understand what a parent's job is or they're child groomers. They can keep trying to groom children, but only dumb parents will fall for it.

  • Go figure.
  • OMG... you're not even a coder? Next time lead with that, please, so that I know that I should ignore your opinion.

    OK. this explains why you're this level of ignorant.

    Yeah, sure. People can learn 56 languages in two weeks if they try hard enough. I'm done.

  • Go figure.
  • You don't seem to understand what "knowing" a language means, and this is a trick. I "know" 50 languages, but I'm an expert only in two. For both those two, not only I worked with them for years, but I watched conferences, read standards, contributed to public repos, etc. That's the difference. Stop using the word "know". It doesn't mean shit.

    And btw, your opinion only means that you've been coding for less than a decade. Let me guess, you're around 26 years old, and been coding 5 years? Wild guess, but this is what you sound like.

  • Go figure.
  • Because claiming to know 5 languages is nuts. Claiming to be an expert programmer is acceptable. Like I said in my other comment.

    If you tell me you have a cat in your garage, I'd believe you. If you told me you have a lion in your garage I'd be skeptical and will need evidence. If you tell me you have a dragon in your garage, well, we're back at Carl Sagan's "there's a dragon in my garage". The original claim of laundry list was ridiculous.

  • Go figure.
  • I never claimed to be an expert in 5 languages. I even concede on being an expert in Python like I said in another comment despite using it for casual scripting for a decade. Grow up. This isn't personal.

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