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UK could leave European convention on human rights to stop Channel migrant boats
  • Because the conservative party in the UK, much like the republican party in the US, knows that because of shifting demographics and because it has no real plan to address real problems they know they wont be able deny the existance of any longer, is about to start losing election after election. Instead of coming with actual plans and attempting to do anything with their power other than looting your pockets, they've decided to resort to the most basic and fascistic scapegoating by pandering to our tribalistic instincts. They just point to another group and blame them for all the problems they had a hand in creating.

    "It's not our fault, it's those dirty _____!"

    -trans people

    (Pick one, or create your own scapegoat)

  • The Coming Biden Blowout | Republicans thought about running without Trump in 2024—but lost their nerve. They’re heading for electoral disaster again.
  • It'll be a blowout as long as you motherfuckers show up to vote against him and any other republicans on your ticket

  • What from r/atheism at the old place do we want to avoid here in c/atheism?
  • I mean I understand the anger. I think every atheist deals with it at some point. But you gotta move on and let that shit go. I'm getting old now and it's just tiresome. I'm not interested in tribal BS. I'm interested in chatting with folks who see the world through the same lens I do without that shitty sense of superiority so many atheists seem to have.

  • Ocasio-Cortez endorses Biden's reelection campaign, sending a strong signal of Democratic unity
  • Fair enough, I'll try to tone it down in the future.

    Disunity will lose us this election. We don't have the luxury of being picky about our candidates here. The alternative to Biden is fascism, full stop. Anyone who presents themselves as opposed to Christian fascism but continues to oppose Biden (especially with factual inaccuracies) tends to make me doubt their honesty, or their intelligence. And it should make everyone here suspicious as well.

  • Ocasio-Cortez endorses Biden's reelection campaign, sending a strong signal of Democratic unity
  • Are you really this myopic or are you just some fascist sockpuppet?

  • What from r/atheism at the old place do we want to avoid here in c/atheism?
  • I've never liked r/atheism because it just felt like it was mostly populated by teenaged edgelords that treated atheism like a subculture they were into at the moment. Pizza-cutter atheists, all edge and no point.
    Everyone else was butthurt and chronically angry. I'd like to see more activism, more community building, more maturity. Less butthurt.

  • Help identifying connector
  • Not sure about an exact part number, but that's an IDC connector. Here's a half-assed search result o hopefully get you started. Finding exactly what you need is probably going to be annoying. Good luck.

  • Tourist who allegedly carved names into Rome’s Colosseum says he didn’t know the ‘antiquity of the monument’ | CNN
  • If he thought the building was unimportant enough that writing his dumbass name on it was nbd, what the fuck was doing wasting his time there in the first place? Why did he think all the other tourists were there?

  • TIL That Chuck E. Cheese Secretly Sold Pizzas on Delivery Apps During the Pandemic Under the Name “Pasqually Pizza”
  • I bought one of these pizzas. I wanted to try some place I hadn't before. It might as well have been "pizza" from a poorly funded school lunch. It was bad enough that I got curious about "CEC Entertainment" that was on the fine print of the box. Motherfuckers got me...

  • Pornhub blocks access in Mississippi and Virginia over age verification laws
  • Oh it gets dumber. In order to view other websites, in Virginia they want you to allow access to your webcam so that an unknown third party can determine if you look to be over 18.

  • Introducing Crackpipe - your decentralized, self-hosted gaming solution!
  • I didnt say it was racist. I said it could come off (i.e. perceived) as racist. Mainly due to cracks stereotypical association with poor African Americans. But I think you knew that.

  • Introducing Crackpipe - your decentralized, self-hosted gaming solution!
  • If you guys want this to take off in the US (and probably Canada too) you gotta rethink the name. If it doesn't come off as vaguely racist it will come off as edgy for edgy's sake. Low-brow and amateurish. Otherwise, it looks cool. Best of luck to you.

  • TheOminousBulge TheOminousBulge
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