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Photoshop Nonsense - self-explanatory name
  • This is older than Internet Explorer

  • Why is TikTok seen as privacy invading and bad, but Facebook is fine?
  • How is the US a bastion of free speech???

  • We've already started this year off with crazy shit. What else do you guys think will happen this year and why?
  • Why kill everyone if you just want to kill yourself? I'm pretty happy with my life!

  • Removed
    KFC workers are caught licking chicken pieces
  • Fuck fast foods in general

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Calm down. Eating high sugar food is not healty but it doesn't make you automatically diabetic. It takes years if not decades. What makes you think that you are diabetic? Did you test your blood glucose? How old are you? (If you are comfortable sharing)

  • Inside the 'arms race' between YouTube and ad blockers / Against all odds, open source hackers keep outfoxing one of the wealthiest companies.
  • A question for the tech savy, free alternatives to youtube like newpipe relies on youtube servers to access content, right? I mean, if youtube were to disappear magically we wouldn't have a palce where to upload and store so many Gb of videos?

    Am I missing something (I know I'm probably missing a lot!)? Thanks in advance for the replies!

  • This got me banned from Reddit Event with u/Spez (Steve Huffman) LOL
  • It was probably a smart watch where he read what to answer

  • Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024
  • It's roughly a month that I switched to firefox on pc and android and I've never been happier!

  • T-Rex problems
  • If I remember correctly higher oxigen levels influenced insects' size, not vertebrates!

  • Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12
  • Ahhhh finally time to give Linux a try

  • An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Ensh*ttification ...
  • Very interesting talk! Thanks for the share!

  • Peeling off the ice from a frozen leaf

    This is one of the most satisfying videos ever taken

    Proof that they are just tiny tigers

    The tiger shares 95.6% of its genome with the domestic cat, from which it diverged about 10.8 million years ago

    The Hanging Cages of St. Lambert's Church in Münster

    If you crane your neck and look up while standing in front of St Lambert's Church in Münster, Germany, you can make out three iron cages hanging from the church's steeple, just above the clock face.

    The cages are empty, but five hundred years ago they held the mutilated, rotten corpses of three revolutionaries who led one of the most brutal Protestant revolutions in history.

    What -45° C looks like

    Frozen noodles and a frozen egg suspended in air during extreme cold temperatures in Novosibirsk, Russia

    Tokyo Shibuya crossing, the world's busiest intersection

    It looks like it has a pulse!

    The complex life cycle of a jellyfish

    Jellyfish have a complex life cycle that includes both a sexual stage and an asexual stage.

    In the sexual stage, the body (called a medusa) produces gametes (eggs and sperm). Then the eggs fertilized by sperm develop into a free-swimming larval form called planula.

    After a brief period floating about in surface waters, the larvae settle to the sea floor, attaching themselves to a rock or the seafloor. They develop into a polyp (asexual stage) and begin to feed and grow.

    In spring, some of the polyps start to bud off immature jellyfish known as ephyra larvae. These grow into mature jellyfish.

    Lenticular cloud over Teide volcano timelapse

    Mount Teide is a volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain. Its summit is the highest point in Spain and the highest point above sea level in the islands of the Atlantic.

    Hovering above the volcano there's a spectacular lenticular cloud. Lenticular clouds are stationary clouds that form mostly in the troposphere, typically in parallel alignment to the wind direction

    Video captured by photographer Bartosz Wojczyński

    A glitch in the Matrix

    This effect happens when the camera frame rate matches the helicopter's rotor RPMs. Each frame captures the blades quickly enough that they look like they are standing still

    Fireflies are so romantic... Wait

    Glowing alligators eyes in swamp at forest during dusk

    Cardiac thrombus caught embolizing in action

    Left ventricular thrombus (LVT) is a blood clot (thrombus) in the left ventricle of the heart. LVT is a common complication of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Typically the clot is a mural thrombus, meaning it is on the wall of the ventricle.

    The primary risk of LVT is the occurrence of cardiac embolism, in which the thrombus detaches from the ventricular wall and travels through the circulation and blocks blood vessels.

    Blockage can be especially damaging in the heart (infarction) or brain (stroke).

    Huge waves crashing against a lighthouse in France

    Bretagne, France. Captured by Mathieu Rivrin

    Military Police riding buffalo on the island of Marajo in Brazil

    Military police mounted on gigantic water buffaloes routinely patrol the streets of the Brazilian island of Marajo

    The photo of these two soldiers and their steeds was snapped by photographer Fernando Camara

    The incredible hydrophobic qualities of Icelandic eiderdown

    The eiderdown is a type of down feather, which is a soft and fine layer of feathers located under the bird's tougher exterior feathers.

    The female eider duck plucks the feathers off her chest into her nest in order to keep her eggs and young warm.

    Ocellated Turkey


    The ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is a species of turkey residing primarily in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, as well as in parts of Belize and Guatemala.

    A relative of the North American wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), it was sometimes previously considered in a genus of its own (Agriocharis), but the differences between the two turkeys are currently considered too small to justify generic segregation.

    It is a relatively large bird, at around 70–122 cm (28–48 in) long and an average weight of 3 kg (6.6 lb) in females and 5 kg (11 lb) in males

    Cell division at high resolution

    You can see chromatin condensing into chromosomes before being pulled apart. The nucleus is visible because cells were tagged with a protein called Histone-mCerry that binds to DNA

    Aerial view of Tokyo, mount Fuji in the background

    This is what the largest city on Earth looks like from above

    Evolution of competitive acrobatics

    1912 vs 2012... Humans progress never ceases to amaze!

    TheLobotomist ThǝLobotoʍi$T
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