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"It's not a cult! Just don't trust anyone outside of it."
  • I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked apologetics with a witless prophet.

  • Am I in the temple of God or an expensive hotel lobby?
  • I dunno, I think I see a sign back there. Maybe there's some tokens just out of sight?

  • Facts don’t matter
  • This is fascinating! It's weird to think about how many times I completely ignored someone attempting to dump a bucket of wisdom about the Church's lies, only to then think I would somehow be better at that bucket-dumping once I was the one trying to tell people the Church is false.

  • "But the Church is so wholesome!"
  • I lean the other way, in that I think religions have gradually gotten better over the years due to societal pressures. Not great, mind you, just less terrible.

    Either way, I totally agree that Christianity (and religion in general) is a plague on humanity. I know not everyone will agree with such a harsh statement, but I struggle to see the good in convincing people to live a lie.

  • "But the Church is so wholesome!"
  • Instead of actually being happy, I remember this distinct culture of everyone pretending to be happier than they really were. After all, living the gospel is the greatest happiness you can have, right? You must be doing something sinful if you're not happy!

  • "But the Church is so wholesome!"
  • For real. Teaching people to devalue what is likely the only life they'll get for the sake of some dubious afterlife is the most sinister perversion of delayed gratification that I've ever seen. The years of my life I lost to that madness will haunt me forever.

  • "But the Church is so wholesome!"

    "How can you hate the Church if its teachings are so wholesome?

    "It only teaches that you are an enemy to God, worth less than the dust of the earth, and that you cannot escape eternal punishment unless you accept that a blood sacrifice was made on your behalf and you spend the rest of your life doing exactly as we say. Oh don't worry, it will all be worth it after you finally die."

    It blows my mind that I used to actually agree with this.

    OnE Of tHe mOsT AbSuRd lIeS In tHe uNiVeRsE
  • President Nelson originally said this about that "eat, drink, and be merry" line. It's a pretty lame thing to pick if you're going to declare something as "one of the most absurd lies in the universe."

  • OnE Of tHe mOsT AbSuRd lIeS In tHe uNiVeRsE
  • Not sure why the video was unavailable, but it should be back now.

  • Flash back to when my oldest nephew was given "free agency" to choose, to become a future missionary at the age of 3...
  • "We don't do infant baptisms because we believe that people should have the agency to make such an eternally-important decision on their own.

    "... Anyway, want to come to little Timmy's baptism? He just turned 8 years old and has decided to promise that he will commit the entire rest of his life to the Church! I'm so glad he's finally old enough to make that choice on his own!"

  • exmormon TheGreatJouneyIsA
    Links to all Lemmy exmo communities

    I found 3 exmo communities by using They are:

    To find the exmo community on one of the instances your account isn't from, put "!exmormon@{instance's domain name}" in your instance's search field.

    For example, my account can find the other 2 communities by searching "!" and "!".

    You could also use one of these convenient links:

    Hopefully some heathens out there will find this helpful. Welcome to the Fediverse! (...says a guy that got here 4 days ago)

    Links to all Lemmy exmo communities

    I found 3 exmo communities by using They are:

    To find the exmo community on one of the instances your account isn't from, put "!exmormon@{instance's domain name}" in your instance's search field.

    For example, my account can find the other 2 communities by searching "!" and "!".

    You could also use one of these convenient links:

    Hopefully some heathens out there will find this helpful. Welcome to the Fediverse! (...says a guy that got here 4 days ago)

    exmormon TheGreatJouneyIsA
    Can anyone see this?

    I noticed that I can't see comments that are visible on if I view the community from and lemmy.word are federated from what I can tell, so I'm not sure why that's happening

    What will we do about the light in their eyes?

    A dumb meme I made for r/exmormon a week ago. Lemmy and the Fediverse are pretty cool!

    They'll be Mormons again in five years
  • Five years later:

    "To remove Mormon’s name from the Lord’s Church is a major victory for Satan. When we discard Mormon's name, we are subtly disregarding all that the ancient prophets did for us—even the Book of Mormon."