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  • Yea like.. i don't know what else i was expecting to hear, or why that reveal was so funny

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  • Sounds like harlan ellison's "i have no mouth and i must scream" but in a lame chud way

  • What are you reading?
  • I was trying to read Anti-oedipus by Deleuze& Guattari, but now I'm actually reading their "what is philosophy" since I was pretty fucking lost. Maybe not lost, but not exactly prepared for the density.

  • Not being assaulted by ads 24/7 was definitely one of the best aspects of growing up in the Soviet Union
  • I've been saying all marketing is just black magick. Manipulation, lying, hypnosis, etc. Makes sense to me, anyway.

  • People of Lemmy, have you ever had what some would consider a "spiritual" experience?
  • I like the way you phrase "asymptomatically approaching normal" ๐Ÿ‘. I think i know the feeling, almost like you have to iterate a brand new personality to interact with the world. Previous normal is just kind of shattered into fragments that inform the new normal, but there's a real uncomfortable space in between.

  • People of Lemmy, have you ever had what some would consider a "spiritual" experience?
  • Ive been "blessed" with many experiences i describe as spiritual.

    Well, being around death was pretty cerebral for one. Felt sad obviously, but like a full awareness my life had suddenly changed. You sure appreciate things differently.

    Psychedelics did (...or do?) the trick in my case, but your mileage may vary, what can i say. Buyer beware. I come away with profound insights that help me cultivate a sense of, or develop a "relationship" with, you know... the divine. It feels like a trip, man. And then afterwards life still seems to confirm its trippiness.

    Magick is another thing i might say triggered a spiritual experience. My first real "spell" was a simple chaos magick sigil casting experiment, and it blew my mind. I had what felt like a full blown psychedelic experience from that, even though i wasn't on anything.

    Also, at the rehab i went to (p m unrelated, but not not part of my experience), they offered "Holotropic Breathwork". The things i experienced in that state while totally sober were some of the most viscerally profound, and life-changing intensities I've gone thru. Far out.

    Yoga & meditation are also good catalyst's. I got those as tools in rehab, too. Even with shoddy commitment to them, they seem to continue deepening the whole syndrome.

    Shit can still suck but u learn to roll with it, cuz we're all one thing experiencing itself,... so i guess it's fine. ๐Ÿคท

  • YSK: Google tracks your app usage and so much more
  • Youre what's for sale. When they log your biometric data, like images of your face, voice, or fingerprints, then sell that to a 3rd party, it's literally the things that make you an individual that are up for sale. Neat huh

  • ThatMagickBastard witness
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