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Where are folks hosting images they want to post to kbin? Uploading images never works for me, and using imgur link gets no thumbnail.
  • I use IMGBB, been using it for my Friendica as it gives convenient cut and paste BB Code which Friendica can parse. I did test Kbin and found it parses the HTML code they offer... Or at least did when I was testing, let's see, does this work?


  • Is Kbin a right solution for a blog?
  • I quite like Friendica for the purpose, I believe is one of the founding instances.

  • The Pentagon plans to shake up DCโ€™s National Guard, criticized for its response to protests, Jan. 6
  • DC is a bit of an oddity, it's not a state, so there's no governor to deploy the guard, plus much of their governance has to be approved by Congress, this is part of the reason that there's a push for DC statehood, residents are getting tired of this mess.

  • How did Futurama have so many celebrity guest appearances?
  • Celebrities don't always cost much, you have to remember that those high rates they get paid are optional, there's a base pay for actors, and they can take that rather than their typical high pay if'n they want. Throw in that in a lot of ways voice acting is easier (no costumes, make up, no standing around for a scene to be set up, etc), and it's effectively a quick and easy buck for actors.

  • What do you like about kbin?
  • The UX, the other is...


    ...inline images, assuming that still works. I store my images on IMGBB which gives copy and paste code for the images, and this works here but not on Lemmy.

  • Mastercard Move at Cannabis Shops Intensifies Call for US Decriminalization
  • This is also why Tumblr maintains it's ban on porn, Visa and Mastercard exclusively process their own cards, and wield that as a weapon against what they don't like.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I've tried it a couple times, it's neat, lots of features, but that makes it a bit confusing. I've also had trouble finding a stable English speaking general purpose server that's reliable, all the one's I used were down more than they were up. You might want to look at Calkey or whatever they're calling it now, that's an active fork.

  • Hi. Is it possible to embed a few pictures in a thread? Currently I can only post a picture as a cover and links that allow to open pictures in the thread.
  • @lusterko I've had luck with inline images using code from IMGBB where I store my pics:

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="IMG-20221031-134657" border="0"></a>

    Though I will say going back, they seem to have broken, so we'll seen if'n this even works now.

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="IMG-20221031-134657" border="0"></a>

  • /kbin meta Taur10
    ((Figured this belonged in here, not sure why this place isn't showing up as an option for new posts))

    ((Figured this belonged in here, not sure why this place isn't showing up as an option for new posts))

    My Kbin rambling thoughts...

    Ok, thought it was time to post this.

    I've been running a testing group over at so I could see if'n Kbin was for me, and I'm really happy, definitely prefer it over Lemmy.

    Inline images work fine, I host images on IMGBB, and they give you cut and paste code for images, all I had to do was switch to HTML instead of BBCode, and Bob's your uncle, unlike Lemmy and it's markup language where I'd have to code in the images m'self. Not sure how well it works with Mastodon, I did test follow one of my Mastodons, but considering how often Fedia throws up 500 errors, along with the fact that there doesn't seem to be a way to view only subscribed microblogs, I've been unable to test this Links parse and thumbnail fine, no work on my part.

    So, why does this matter? Well, right now I have my own Mastodon instance, and it looks like Kbin will make a very good replacement for that, from the memes and short content that I post to my personal account to the link sharing on Taurnation which can now become a community, this will definitely be a better fit. It might also replace my Friendica, as long content like this works fine too. Just have to wait for iKnox to start offering Kbin, I've already volunteered to be a guinea pig.

    So, what would make it perfect? An RSS reader, Friendica has this, and I find it great to be able to subscribe to news and comics just like following anyone else on the Fediverse.

    Yep, that's the only feature I need for this to be the perfect replacement for everything I'm doing.

    Recommendations for smart deadbolts?
  • I use a Schlage model that I'm pretty happy with that is as far as I know compatible with Google Assistant, though I like it because it doesn't require a system like that.

  • Mum Pulls Child Out Of School After Receiving Note From Teacher Saying Lunchbox Is Unhealthy
  • Definitely over stepping. Sure, if'n the lunch was nothing but junk food, I could maybe understand this, but from the sound of it, this is the only treat, and it's not too bad.

  • Taur10 Taur10

    ๐Ÿšง CAUTION ๐Ÿšง An old coffee addicted โ˜•, pizza ๐Ÿ• loving queer stumbling ๐Ÿšถaround STL and the web ๐ŸŒ. MLP fandom fan, MLP proofreader, sometimes furry ๐Ÿพ, often a centaur, sometimes an umamimi, sometimes an African Wild Dog. ๐Ÿคฏ Head bottlewasher of and owner of Xcetera Enterprises LLC

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