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My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • 2019, back in #avocadotoast days. When apparently we wasted our money on extravagances like "not the cheapest fruit/vegetables". Which wasn't even the case. We literally didn't even do that, we 100% had to eat the cheapest fruit/vegetable, if we were lucky enough that any fruit or vegetable met our budget. They were so out of touch that even their attempt to find a minor extravangance they thought we could afford to waste money on but shouldn't, was inaccessible.

  • what are these rubber holes on the back of the pc case?
  • Well, you got the answers you were looking for, here is a different answer. To your other implied question, how to not worry about dust getting in other holes.

    Main thing is to develop positive air pressure. You want more powered intake than powered exhaust.

    Use fans for all your filtered air intakes, ignore powered air exhaust, run it at lower fan speeds if you can. Air will get out fine. If you force the air in where you want it to go in, dust will only go into the easily removable filters, it won't be on your components. Any extra hole in the case will just be exhausting the already filtered air. Then just remember to actually check and clean your filters. That's the hard part. But if you clean them when they need to be cleaned, you will never have to actually clean the inside or the fans or components or anything else, just the filters.

  • Trump Used "Palestinian" as a Slur. Biden and Debate Moderators Didn’t Say a Word.
  • They both suck. But one is for sure getting the job. Which one do you want? You have to pick one. You can protest it and hope to change it, but nothing like that can happen in time, you will be stuck with one of these two people. Please at least try to pick the one that has less terrible things on their resume and then actually protest for proper change. If you pick the wrong guy, you also won't be able to protest for any kind of change.

  • Populus (1998) & "god games"
  • Ah, I thought populous was more popular than that. I guess it was just popular in my friend group at the time. Would have been populous 1 and 2 we were playing, I didn't even know a third one came out. I guess the most recent god game would be Godus, developed by peter molyneux's current company. Essentially a modern sequel to populous 1 and 2. I haven't actually tried it yet, last I looked it was still in beta or early access or something. And it looks like that makes sense as it apparently has been in early access for over 10 years... it seems decently high rated, but that is kind of concerning none the less.

  • What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • Almost all of them. I rarely finish a game. For a variety of reasons, all added together. The closer I get to the end, the more I want to put it off if I'm enjoying a game, so I will keep finding more and more nuanced stuff to do instead. A new game comes out and I eventually completely forget one of the 10 games I'm currently actively playing when it temporarily becomes 11, then back down to 10. My friends stop playing a game, but my character relied on them... maybe I'll just start over with a character that can solo. Maybe that game will just go on the pile of "not today, but I'll play it soon", until it's been in the pile so long that there isn't much point anymore.

    I should mention I am autistic and likely adhd but I haven't got that diagnosed yet. So while some of this is probably normal behaviours, some of it probably isn't too.

  • Severe lag from this post
  • As a person that stumbled across this while not using boost, I can confirm my phone and client ran the linked post completely fine. My client is called sync and my phone is a Fold 4. All the images loaded instantly and stayed loaded and scrolling is 120fps smooth the whole time.

  • Beyond Good and Evil has been delisted on Steam
  • You said you tried the game, there is no special surprise that happens later into that makes the beginning worth it. Which is actually what I said, if you didn't like the start, you won't like the rest either. For the people who liked the game, it was good the whole way through. You didn't, there is no secret you missed, you just didn't like it, which is also what I said. The game is only well liked by a specific subset of people, you apparently are not in that subset. The second half of my post was also just one guess if you thought you should enjoy it but didn't. There was no way for me to know you tried it when it was new, but then at least the first half of my post was the important part for you then.

  • Beyond Good and Evil has been delisted on Steam
  • So... if not that, what did you actually want people to tell you about why you may not enjoy a game that other people do? That it's actually a conspiracy and you are the first person to figure out we were trying to trick you into thinking it was good to waste 5 minutes of your life?

  • Pope told by student to stop using anti-LGBTQ language
  • The main thing is they literally see it as murder no matter what, so they apply the biblically relevant murder rules to it. No ambiguity. And they see everyone else as literal murderers when they have had to go through with it. It certainly doesn't help that they also see women as lesser and as needing to be controlled by men, but equating it to murder is still the main driver against it for them.

  • Rules for thee, but not for me.
  • It's the whole reason science stuff tends to use latin as much as possible. It's a dead language that is relatively easy to learn, but won't evolve over time as no one is casually using it.

  • Beyond Good and Evil has been delisted on Steam
  • At least launchers can usually be patched out pretty easily by the community, as they are always hastily and poorly patched in in the first place. And often times aren't even patched in but just a seperate executable that the shortcut points to instead of the actual game executable, in those instances you just need to make the shortcut go to the game instead.

  • Beyond Good and Evil has been delisted on Steam
  • It is "for" a very specific subset of gamers. If you have played and didn't enjoy it, you are just not in that subset. For those of us that enjoy it, it was immediate and throughout. Also if you didn't play it when it was new, it will of course feel like an old game now, as it is. There are always microadvancements in video games that we barely even perceive as they incrementally build on each other. But you go back a whole generation or more and feel ten plus increments at once, it's just gonna be pervasively uncomfortable.

  • A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team.
  • If you are not familiar with the history of this game, it's understandable to be skeptical. Obviously in most cases that would be a reasonable assumption. But in this specific case, it being cancelled out of spite actually makes way more sense than it being cancelled because it wouldn't have been financially viable.

  • Tesla Shareholders Approve Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package in Early Voting
  • It depends if "public comment" is akin to going on the record. Then staying silent means they didn't say anything, and not making a public comment means they said something to us that we promised not to make public.

    Saying something not on the record is actually pretty common. And is most of what private sources are about and for. They might be able to point a reporter to someone or something that would be able to be reported on. Trust is a super important difference between an established reporter and a new reporter.

  • Japan moves up to 118th in the world for gender equality
  • Yeah, but at least they're finally moving up relative to other countries. They don't usually do that. Hopefully it isn't indicative of them standing still and the other countries they passed just getting worse, lol.

  • The latest Ads
  • I would probably hate wet sandwiches too. Glad my Arby's near me doesn't have wet sandwiches. It sucks that even with all the work franchises do to try and make sure each location is as similar as possible, some people just get unlucky that the one they live close to sucks.

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