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how bad is PCF?

I know they're DSA who holding music festival, but how bad is it exactly? Now that they won, I'm curious what their stance is on the issues that will be discussed at CPs (Russia, China, North Korea, etc.)?

American College Protests and How Should We view Them Is Columbia in crisis?

<i>This staff editorial reflects the majority view of the editorial board at the Columbia Daily Spectator. The </i><a href="" target="_blank"><i>editorial board</i></a><i> of the Columbia Daily Spectator op...

Is Columbia in crisis?

Hey, I think those of you who live in the US may know about what happened at Columbia University (one of the Ivy League Universities), where 109 students were arrested for peacefully demonstrating for gaza. I'm not American, I'm sensitive to topics like student movements and don't particularly want to discuss them. At the same time I am pessimistic and critical of all student movements worldwide. For the US, one of the founders of SDS Tom Hayden went on to join the Democratic Party and live in Beverly Hills with his Hollywood star wife. Yes, it doesn't make sense for students to be arrested, but their rich parents will pay bail to get them out. When these kids graduate, they will put on their resumes that they are "warriors against the power" and work for their parents' NGOs. And certain American universities have been marketing themselves as "social justice warriors," Columbia University, the University of California system, to name a few. Yes, it has happened in history that certain students and faculty have stood up, but that's history. Has anything changed since 1968 because of demonstrations by rich white students? This time was no different, except that the faces in the demonstration crowd were a little more colorful. The essence is still American-centered self-touching. That's what I think, and I'd like to know what do y'all think about this.

Can Asian Americans and dissident Chinese students shut F up?

Previously: I'm at a frat party school in Southern California, and this is my previous post describing the school's leftist student organization. In addition to being busy healing my own trauma from the car accident these past few days, I've discovered that the "leader" of the organization (a second generation Chinese immigrant) and one of the Chinese students are posting a lot of anti-Chinese (shit like xinjiang prison camp) content in their group chat. The Chinese student introduced himself as being from mainland and not a green card holder, just an international student.Stuff like that is actually pretty common in US college, I don't get mad most of the time, I just joke about how they're just jealous that we can drive a Mercedes go to party everyday without paying student loans! What really pisses me off about this is that this Chinese student is a queer who always shares that "living in China scares him", but the inaccurate anti-Chinese content he distributes puts more Chinese students in danger. Anti-Chinese sentiment is growing in the United States, and many Chinese students were racially attacked in the aftermath of the epidemic. The organization touts itself as being "for a better world," but at the same time it puts innocent international students at risk. I was losing patience with them and at the same time feeling scared, what if they were going to attack me(Psychologically and Physically)? Finally, if individuals from this organization(Probably nobody will) are reading this post, fuck u!You're all bunch of racist assholes!

My car was hit
  • Because I bought the cheapest insurance that would only pay for the damage I caused to the others. Even I call the cops they still not pay me anything

  • My car was hit
  • No. Because no one was hurt, the insurance company said i can call a non-emergency number and nobody answer that number. I didn't see a license plate too

  • My car was hit

    Long story short me and my car got hit by a bus and the guy took off. I'm fine, but the car is damaged. I need to pay for most of the repairs because of insurance issues. I can afford it, but it's still expensive. I'm starting to have self-doubt, this is my first car accident 😭 !lenin facepalm

    Help me make friends
  • I think I will try. The current leader is an excellent labor organizer, they are grad students who are at least 30+ years old, will be graduating next year.

  • Help me make friends
  • Thank you for your knowledge! This explains why these two public schools(UCB,UCLA) are included in the "preppy" colleges recommended in the book* The Official Preppy Handbook*. The neighbors I'm talking about are UCLA, also from the UC system, who are closer to the LA community as a whole. Currently, they have SJP, Students For Socialism the youth branch under PSL. They've been holding huge marches over the past few days and have been involved in events in other Los Angeles neighborhoods.I'm ignoring the important fact that there is still a Red Scare in the US university system, as a foreigner I have a preconceived notion that a farce like the 60's won't happen again, but this is America. In where I come from, beating up students is decidedly impossible and untolerated, because people recognize college students as "kids" even though they are legally adults.

  • Help me make friends
  • I wish they were like that! Their meetings were so boring and short that hardly anyone spoke to each other, which is why I couldn't make a connection with them. I still don't know their names

  • Help me make friends

    I just transferred from a smaller college to a school of 50,000 students. It is neighbors with another school in Southern California that famous on student movement. I joined the school's Students for Bernie club (which unfortunately was the only active leftist club at the school), and they were very strange, very strange even for American. They started out organizing for Bernie's presidential campaign and now they encompass YDSA, new SDS,local unions. Like the old video game bundles where you get all in one bite. The problem comes in the fact that there are only about ten active members a piece, all of whom are members of the above organizations. Some called themselves ML, some laborists,Some are social democrats, some are politically apathetic but pro-labor. This led to me not forming friendships with them. Plus, the club leaders are graduating soon and there is no one to take their place. I asked a graduated PSL member if there weren't any "normal" leftist organizations here. They replied that most real ML wouldn't join this club because it's a registered club with the school, they're afraid of being recognized by the school, and they're Bernie supporters after all.

    On top of that, I joined six to seven non-political clubs, but things still weren't going well. Most of the people in the clubs have known each other since freshman year and now that they're seniors I'm the one who jumped in in the middle. I have an alcohol allergy I can't go to any fraternity sorority parties and I'm not interested. The people on my course are super self-isolated, they look down and ignore you when I try to talk to them. I'm looking for help off campus right now so if you're a student in the neighborhood you can contact me.

    How are things going in your part of the world?
  • Thank you for your reply! I think the point about members being more basic than the organization applies to most non-ruling communist parties. I'm glad there are still people fighting!

  • How are things going in your part of the world?
  • Hello, Japanese comrade🫡 I have a question I'd like to trouble you to answer,This question has been bothering me for a long time. As Chinese we often discuss that there are no more Marxist-Leninists in contemporary Japan, the Japanese Communist Party has turned into a social democratic party that supports the Emperor, and that the student movement org(中核派) left over from the 1960s is a strangely Trotskyist. Do you think that there is still any basic organization/thinker in Japan?

  • What's up with Jeffrey Sachs?
  • I asked the same question a few months ago! Since the beginning of this year, he has received more and more coverage in the Chinese media, China Daily, CGTN, CCTV. Many people in the comments section warned "he's the father of shock therapy , do not believe him", but judging by his behavior, it doesn't look like he's being funny...

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • This seems to be a common problem of "leftist" directors in the 21st century. I can't entirely agree with them. For example, I admire Michael Moore for exposing the evils of capitalism, but his views on China really makes me uncomfortable.

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thanks! I'm hearing about it first. I'll watch it!

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Great Paul Robeson! I've been listening to him sing the Soviet national anthem!

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thank you. Many of the movies on this list are new to me. About Eastern Europe I wanted to include A Serbian Film 2010, but it's disgusting and I don't recommend anyone watch it...

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • About Salo or 120 days of sodom, I've seen it. I was gonna include it, but it's gross. I would be very sorry if someone actually went to see the movie through this post and was scared. Thanks for the other suggestions! By the way, Pier Paolo Pasolini‘s other movies are worth watching, too. As far as I know, he was a ML.

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thank you! This movie has been lying in my computer for a long time. I'm going to finish it tonight!

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thank you, this is the first time I've heard of this movie! John Reed‘s story is very exciting and reminds me of one of our Chinese people's friend Norman Bethune.

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thank you! You remind me, I forgot about Ken Loach. Probably the basedest British director.

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thank you. Can't wait to finish this list. I forgot Network1976 too, I just finished it last month!

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Thank you. I think it's probably the most important British film

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?
  • Add some I haven't seen Machuca 2004 The Weather Underground 2002(Documentary about WUO) The Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War 1971

  • Leftist movies from non-socialist countries?

    Hello, everyone I am looking for some leftist films from non-socialist countries as part of my research on the international Communist movement, thank you for your help. Here are a few I've seen and I think they're good:

    O Lucky Man! 1973

    Another Country 1984 (Based on real history, story of Guy Burgess one of the Cambridge Five)

    Good bye, Lenin! 2003(Not exactly a leftist movie, but worth watching)

    Léon Morin, prêtre 1961

    Tankeke Tankeke

    Photography enthusiast

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