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Philosophy TalkativeM
Ship of Theseus/Transporter problem recommendations

I’ve been talking to people about the ship of Theseus and the transporter problem and the subject of what makes something distinct. Are there any good sources accessible to a non-philosophy person that talk about this issue? Preferably not from a religious lens but I’m open to whatever fits best.

Video issue on iOS

I’m not sure where the issue is so I’m starting here. I was sent a link to from someone who was able to watch it. When I try to open it I just get a failed to load media error. I downloaded the video and was able to play it. The other person is using Android.

I’m don’t think it is specifically a voyager issue since it happened in browser too but I’m hoping someone here might know what to do.

InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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