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And now you get the bad ending
  • Choosing the good options leads to this though.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • Funny that you equate masks with COVID when it wasn't even mentioned. Masks aren't only for COVID prevention, you know?

  • Hey girl
  • It certainly needs a special type of person I think. We are both very independent people for example and we value alone-times.
    It helps that we have a common interest that can be shared via the distance: Playing videogames and watching shows like Star Trek together.

  • That's not troubling at all
  • It's the Robots->Empire->Foundation series written by Isaac Asimov and it's an amazing treat reading them in chronological order

  • Hey girl
  • I've been in a long distance relationship for 5 years now, still gong strong!

  • Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows
  • I have a big library of music, mostly MP3 or OGG and don't really see myself pivoting solely towards streaming services where access to songs could be revoked at any time or could be changed/censored like movies or series sometimes are on streaming platforms. I do use YouTube for listening to new music and when I like it enough, I buy it to download (or acquire it in a different way if it's not available).

  • telegram_irl
  • Stickers.

    A lot of Stickers.

  • oars (OpenAgeRatingsService) in appdata.xml files: why "sex-homosexuality"?
  • I really wish we'd have chosen a term that does not include "sex" because it leads to a distorted view such as yours that it must be sexual. It's in the name after all, right?
    But heterosexuality has been promoted to kids for ages now! Children's shows include married couples for example (husband + wife) or the main character goes into a relationship with a character of the opposite gender. So why does the same thing suddenly become "grooming" and "inappropriate" when it's husband + husband or wife + wife?

    Also, covering homosexuality in school does not equate to having "kids choose their sexuality". Not to mention that it's not a choice anyway.

  • Telegram CEO calls out rival Signal, claiming it has ties to US government
  • Yeah, being able to seamlessly switch between the desktop app and mobile is a must for me so that's something I already prefer in Signal.

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • Don't think it would be that easy. What Yast does is creating a middle layer between the actual config files and the user. You can look at it, most (if not all) of it is stored in /etc/sysconfig. Yast generates the actual config files out of what is stored there. This can be a headache because editing the config files directly will sometimes lead to them just being overwritten bei Yast again.
    This is probably the reason why other distros don't even want to adopt Yast, it would have to fundamentally change how it interacts with the config files.
    And the cool new thing is Cockpit anyway, even though it can do only a fraction of what Yast can last time I checked..

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham Suggests Nuking Gaza, Calls Hiroshima ‘the Right Decision’
  • How is it even legal to call for the murder of so many people using one of the most atrocious weapons humanity has invented....but if one were to suggest to apply a guillotine to this person for doing so, they would be in severe legal trouble?

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • Unrelated but a colleague of mine actually thinks that McD burgers are made out of human children's meat lol

  • Eurulevision
  • So far I'm inclined to believe Joost's side of the story. Firstly because innocent until proven guilty. Secondly, because the other side doesn't tell its side of the story at all.
    I think the EBU should have operated under the innocent until proven guilty assumption, especially since they now have opened a way to get rid of competition, just accuse them of assault shortly before the main event.

  • Sad, but rule
  • I can understand and respect your stance. Personally, I wouldn't take the chance of having to live under a Trump presidency though.

  • Am I wrong though?
  • Your personal Firefox profile is located in your home folder though. Is that on an SSD too?

  • In some cultures, that is considered an honor Samantha!
  • No, the equivalent would be a kernel panic that the other user had linked. This is a situation where the RAM is fully used and a program's request for memory cannot be fulfilled. This is still a very bad situation because pretty much everything will grind to a halt. The Linux kernel thus makes a decision to kill a process (or multiple) until enough RAM is available again. Usually it kills the process with the most used RAM, but there's methods to influence the decision.

  • Sad, but rule
  • If you don't have hope, you have already lost.

  • Sad, but rule
  • It's the other way around in my country. The more votes the middle and left parties lost, the further they moved to the right in an attempt to claw back votes. But then there was a huge protest campaign against the right and the right started losing votes in our regular surveys (though still much too strong).
    So I urge you to vote for your option that is not regularly talking about using fascist methods and undoing gained freedoms "on day one".

  • You Knew This Was Coming
  • There'd be no legit excuse for why so many people voted him in though.

  • CDU stimmt für schrittweise Rückkehr zur Wehrpflicht CDU stimmt für schrittweise Rückkehr zur Wehrpflicht

    Die Wehrpflicht wurde 2011 von einer unionsgeführten Regierung ausgesetzt. 13 Jahre später fordert die CDU jetzt eine Kehrtwende. Grund dafür sind der Personalmangel bei der Bundeswehr und die Sorge vor Russland.

    CDU stimmt für schrittweise Rückkehr zur Wehrpflicht

    >Der Dienst eines verpflichtenden Gesellschaftsjahres soll man in Deutschland dann sowohl bei der Bundeswehr als auch bei sozialen Einrichtungen ableisten können. Ein Pflicht-Gesellschaftsjahr hatte die CDU bereits vor zwei Jahren in ihr Grundsatzprogramm aufgenommen. Neu sind nun die Änderungen zur Wehrpflicht.

    Bericht: CDU-Chef Merz wollte 2023 zurücktreten Bericht: CDU-Chef Merz wollte 2023 zurücktreten

    Der Parteivorsitzende soll sich nach "Spiegel"-Informationen über einen Zeitungsartikel von NRW-Ministerpräsident Wüst so sehr geärgert haben, dass er offenbar hinwerfen wollte.

    Bericht: CDU-Chef Merz wollte 2023 zurücktreten

    >Die Parteiführung wurde davon offensichtlich überrascht. Merz soll mit scharfen Worten reagiert haben. "Ich werf' hin. Ich hab' die Schnauze voll. Sollen die doch ihren Scheiß alleine machen", wird Merz laut Spiegel an dem Nachmittag der Veröffentlichung von seinem Umfeld zitiert. "Ich sag' gleich im Bundesvorstand, dass Wüst das machen soll. Soll der doch auch morgen die Rede halten. Das ist eine Schweinerei."

    >Mehrere Stunden lang sei Merz völlig außer sich gewesen und habe als Parteivorsitzender aufgeben wollen, berichtet der Spiegel aus dem Umfeld von Merz. Erst ein eilig anberaumtes Krisengespräch mit Wolfgang Schäuble habe ihn davon offenbar abhalten können.

    Bayern: Gymnasium verbietet queere AG Bayern: Gymnasium verbietet queere AG

    Im Freistaat Bayern beklagen vor allem queere Jugendliche Diskriminierung. Und die Atmosphäre wird schwieriger, wie ein mittelfränkisches Kleinstadtgymnasium zeigt. (Politik - Deutschland)

    Bayern: Gymnasium verbietet queere AG

    >Die AG war demnach zu Beginn des Schuljahres 2021/22 gegründet und dann im Juni 2023 verboten worden. "Die Menschen, die die AG verboten haben, verstehen nicht, was sie für uns bedeutet hat", zitierten die "Nürnberger Nachrichten" eine Ex-Schülerin. Eine andere Schülerin erklärte, als Begründung für das Verbot habe die Schule erklärt: "Die Schule bildet keinen institutionellen Rahmen für so eine AG". [...] In der AG, die sich einmal die Woche traf, sprachen Schüler*innen über queere Themen, färbten T-Shirts in Regenbogenfarben oder besuchten eine Ausstellung zu queerem Leben im NS-Dokuzentrum München.

    Takios Takios

    Gay furry IT person.

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