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Hexbear users stop calling for fucking genocide challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
  • Blather all you want but you're still outing yourself as a genocide enjoyer as long as it's done to the right group

  • Removed
    Hexbear users stop calling for fucking genocide challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
  • So you're saying we should be fine with calls to murder people based on a superficial physical trait? Using the word genocide? There are active fucking genocides going on right now in Gaza, Yemen, the reservation system, etc. We all agree these are horrific and should never be supported, right? So why is it okay when the skin tone is a bit lighter?

  • The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans
  • Okay yeah you're right. I was getting tripped up by the quote before it saying this would allow them to counter the PLA's numbers advantage because to me it implies that they think the PLA wouldn't use autonomous killing.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from November 20th to November 26th, 2023 - Let Sleeping Dogs Milei - COTW: Argentina
  • Does anyone have any recent stats as far as Jewish American support of Israel? I keep seeing on here and some other spots that Israel is extremely controversial among American Jews and a large proportion don't support it, but that doesn't track with my own anecdotal experience. Every Jewish person that I know is ardently supportive of Israel and the Zionist project, talk about wanting to move there, etc. I am not Jewish so apologies if this comes off as disrespectful, not the intent.

  • The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans
  • "I don't think people we would be up against would do that, and it would give them a huge advantage if we put that limitation on ourselves."

    This article is terribly written so I'm not sure how to interpret this statement, which is not given much context. Are they admitting that China wouldn't use autonomous murder bots? So they're basically saying "those Chinese won't let computers kill with reckless abandon but we sure as shit will!"

  • the top 50 most streamed songs prove that democracy is worthless
  • Most of these are in my mega playlist lmao

  • What's the worst Thanksgiving dish your relatives ever made?
  • When I was 6, my alcoholic aunt made this pudding spiked with rum. Think pudding shots, but a big bowl of it.

    Thanksgiving in my family was always self serve, as in they'd put all the food on a folding table and everyone loads up their plates with what they want, buffet style. I've been told that this is a strange way of doing it, let me know if you think so. Anyway, this big bowl of delicious looking homemade chocolate pudding was not marked as alcoholic, and I had no idea. No one told me about it or said not to eat the pudding. So I ate some. A lot. Like a big fucken bowl of it and then some more.

    It was delicious! I didn't recognize the taste of rum, but the astringency of it and my small range of taste experience made me think it was some strange variety of mint, and I loved it.

    Soon enough I started to feel a little weird, and thought I ate too much (I did) and went and tearfully told my mom how I ate too much and got a tummy ache. She could smell the alcohol on my breath, and immediately went to check the pudding.

    Turns out my aunt didn't tell anyone about the alcohol in the pudding! So that made my mom very angry at my aunt, but I was preoccupied with how I felt. Despite the upset stomach, I was vibing and having a good time, and feeling a lot more social than normal and was living it up with the rest of the kids when before I was eating pudding alone in the corner.

    TLDR, I ate a ton of unmarked pudding shots and got wasted for the first time at the age of 6, and enjoyed it.

  • Why do creeps do stuff like this (Trauma warning)
  • My mom has a similar story from when she was around 16. She got home late from a friend's house and once she got in her bedroom, she saw a man standing right outside her window and jerking off. She said her dad had to point a shotgun at his face before he finally took off. It took about an hour for the cops to get there because (rural area in the 70s) and of course by then they were no help. After that, they installed metal bars in all the windows in the house, and got blackout drapes. And my grandpa always kept a loaded shotgun on top of a cabinet in the living room afterwards.

  • 'Anti-grooming' anti-LGBTQ education Moms for Liberty leader turns out to be a convicted sex offender
  • Time after time, "I'm anti-LGBT" ends up actually meaning "I'm a pedophile", yet they insist on gaslighting everyone that we're the actual predators. How does anyone keep falling for it???

  • Disarmament Grows More Distant as US Plans Another “Upgrade” to Nuclear Bomb
  • Fucking bozo ass full on clown circus running the show

  • NSFW
    (CW: SV) Oh wow thats crazy wonder how that ended up being the case?
  • Casually doing race science and comparing ADHD to slave owning to own the dastardly whites, fucking hexbear moment

  • Alexa play feels like we only go backwards by tame impala
  • Christianity has been this way for over 1700 years at least

  • Reddit third party apps are officially dead

    Thank you spez for freeing me of my reddit habit. Shoutout /r/neography for being the chillest hobby subreddit. I will miss looking at other people's weird ways of writing but it's for the best.

    Do you have anything you'll miss from reddit?

    THC THC [they/them]

    was gonna write a bio but then I got high

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