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Break all the rules
  • As someone else said above, it is hard to calculate exactly how much they gained.

    Instead using a set % of revenue would be simpler. If enough companies do it, raise the %. If someone repeatedly does it relative to others, raise the % for them on each repeated case.

    That way it is simple, but still scalable and adjustable.

    Similarly, scale it down if it disproportionate to how much is saved by breaking the law, or how much it hurts the society , to ensure it is a just punishment, and not a tool for big corporations to hurt smaller ones etc.

  • "What's your gender?" "Well..."
  • Shouldn't it be the other way? The gender staying a girl under boy conditions, until given a shock to then become a boy?

    If you go from girl to boy without changing temperature, you are moving horizontally from right to left, crossing the boundary from girl to boy, but without nucliation sites the transition does not occur.

    Same with water going left stays water until given a shock to become ice by changing temperature to be supercooled past the transition line.

  • Helldivers 2 received over 14,000 negative reviews today due to an update that will require PSN accounts next week.
  • What's stopping someone from creating a new one. The devs? "Please select a username for your account" when creating your first character. After that you cannot change it, and is linked to all your characters. If you get reported, the report would include the account name = unique "John1836q83" getting banned.

    This enforces band the same way as PSN linked email would do, but is all ingame and accessible to 100% of players that own the game.

    If it is a simple popup that has 0 implications and is only visible when reporting, no one would care, and definitely not enough to boycott the entire game.

    They obviously want to force psn account for other reasons.

  • Helldivers 2 received over 14,000 negative reviews today due to an update that will require PSN accounts next week.
  • I don't even own the game. Im just saying, if their argument is unique identifiers, there are more ways than a third party solution. It's not like they don't have options. They chose this over any other solution. If they did a unique identifier ingame, no one would complain. So the reason they chose this is something else then being the only solution.

  • Why I miss social cues
  • I've started just staring blankly at then without saying anything until they either tell me what was funny or they move on and I go back to what I was doing. Either way, I don't ask, it's up to them to tell me if they want to or not. They'll quickly learn I don't ask, so they just start saying it naturally instead.

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • As long ad there are at least two companies in an area, it will be less profitable for every extra property versus your competitor. That at least makes hoarding harder, as anyone can come in to out compete the two duopolies as their first will be way more profitable than the established's 11th. In turn, keeping prices down, scaled by the increase in taxes per extra property

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • "can be" passed to the renters, but in a free market someone else can do that for cheaper if it is their second home vs their 20th.

    Each successive property is less and less profitable the more you have, compared to others that don't have as many.

  • 'Vortex Cannon vs Drone' - Mark Rober shows off tech from a "defense technology company that specializes in advanced autonomous systems". That seems bad
  • While I don't want to support weapons, blaming people that bought the vr headset in the past for what he would do with the money after the sale is a very bad take. You can't blame them for not knowing the future.

    Also the argument itself doesn't make much sense and can be strawmaned to "you pay taxes, therefore you are a complicit in the murders of your military, therefore you are a bad person".

  • I'm lucky enough to get away with being 'no subtext' most of the time.
  • I'm 1 before a conversation to build a scrip, 2 during a conversation, then back to 1 after the conversation to figure out why the scrip didn't work to make a better script next time.

    Takes so much energy to live like this. I recently learnt I was autistic though, so working on reducing the desire for the scrip

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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