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Feature request šŸ™: Hide posts with 0 comments
  • There is already a feature, 2 sort features actually: sort by 'hot' and sort by 'active'

  • (it's not) Comment Interaction Broken in 88
  • Thank you. That did the trick šŸ™‚

  • [Feature Request] Mark posts as read when viewing the link
  • I can confirm this mark post as read after viewing post image/link is not working in version 1.0.88.

  • [Feature Request] Mark posts as read when viewing the link
  • Uodate: In version 1.0.88, mark post read after viewing image/link is not working.

  • (it's not) Comment Interaction Broken in 88
  • Long pressing comment is the only thing that will collapse comments. Is that how it is intended? If not, how do I collapae comments with a single tap?