SuperNovaStar @ SuperNovaStar Posts 0Comments 36Joined 3 mo. ago
But the person replying isn't saying that Caitlyn ought to be referred to by her former name. In fact, they aren't actually using it to refer to her at all. They're merely mentioning that it exists, which is appropriate in some contexts.
If I were going over medical records with my doctor, she would be fine to ask if (deadname) was my name, because it's for a necessary purpose. That's different from using it to refer to me.
Also, if Caitlyn is offended by seeing that name, she's going to have an awfully rude awakening coming under the current administration. I think the time for subtlety is past on that front.
Would I say "Trump only sees you as a cotton-picking n----r" to a black Trump supporter? Yeah, if the context was right (like it is in the example). Hard r and all. Because it's true - that is what Trump thinks, even if he's smart enough not to say it (often).
That's not the same as me calling them the n-word, I'm stating what someone else thinks.
Of course I wouldn't call a black person the n-word. Not because I'm afraid of the word itself, but because I genuinely don't believe in the image of black people that word was meant to create.
But Trump absolutely does. And it's ok to call a spade a spade. Important, even.
"There is currently an ongoing genocide against trans people in the United States. I am begging you to take this seriously, even if you're going to joke about it. Especially if you're going to joke about it, because humor is powerful and words have consequences."
I agree... which is why I think this tweet is actually spot on. Sometimes it's actually more important to say the n-word, hard r and all, because to soften it would be to soften the danger.
When we talk about the Holocaust, we don't say Hitler "unalived people" or "put them to sleep." We show them the pile of shoes. We describe the evil in detail, because that's going to galvanize people.
That's not the same thing as disrespecting trans people. It's recognizing the danger and not coddling the people who are facing that danger. Yes, words hurt, but the kind of stuff Trump has in store for people like us will hurt a whole lot more than if you called me by my birth name. It doesn't help anyone to sugarcoat it.
It has happened before, so it isn't impossible. But it would be so difficult that impossible is pretty much the only word that comes close.
Or maybe we get rid of the "wages = living" bit.
We could all negotiate for the full value of our labor a lot better if we didn't have a noose around our neck forcing us to work.
Obviously context is important. In meatspace it's much more important to create friction and pushback. If you're moderating a platform it's important to, well, moderate.
But on social media, attention (good or bad) is currency. So ignoring can be a good strategy.
Honestly you kinda just sound racist.
Like any other seasoning, MSG has its uses. I wouldn't stock a spice cabinet without it.
So we must form our own.
The only way to be safe is to use Temple OS. It's the only os designed by god.
Probably, but he gets points for taking the right actions (regardless of whatever his motives may have been).
Ain't capitalism great?
Absolutely! That's also art
Infixes are present in many languages, although English tends to use them mainly for expletives. Another example would be: "Leave me a-fucking-lone!"
Star Wars is fantasy set in space. Star Trek is science fiction.
Star Wars is, in my opinion, more fun to watch. But I enjoy thinking about the concepts presented in Star Trek more.
Dems are controlled opposition and everyone knows it.
I still vote for them, at least until a better alternative comes along. But we have to build better systems because the establishment will not save us.
This is the biggest problem, yeah.
Sad truth is that the USA just isn't ready for a woman president. Too many misogynists (women included).
Now we're upping the funding for said genocide and actively cheering it on.
Palestine is at the top (or near the top, anyways) of my list and...
I voted for Harris. Ignoring a genocide is bad, yes, but cheering it on is worse. I don't think anyone in Gaza was cheering when they heard the news Trump was elected.
I think people don't understand that (under the fptp voting system) voting isn't some kind of stamp of approval. You can still criticize someone you vote for. Voting is harm reduction, plain and simple.
There is always the "people's impeachment." I hear it has been popular in France.