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everything actually important is already metric
  • Far worse: It’s laziness.

    I was teaching a friend how to make ravioli (yes, really) from the class I took while over in Italy. I bring my scale to measure the dough and the first thing she does is use the scale to get the right measurements and then, scrapes the contents into an imperial measuring cup. Worse, she was totally pissed when the semolina was not a perfect match to the 00 flour (mass and all that).

    She is a tried and true American. She just wants to whip out her 1 cup without measuring weight and can’t fathom why the dough just “wasn’t like I taught her”.

    By the way, the super secret Italian recipe is this: Ingredients per 2 people (spaghetti or tagliatelle) 100 grams total of: 50% white superfine flour 50% semolina Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour

    For ravioli, you want more superfine (00) flour so the pasta sticks together better. So like above, 100 grams total of: 60% superfine flour 40% semolina

    Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour.

  • MAGA then vs now.
  • Ah you clearly know my conservative friend, Brian. His Facebook posts state he still wants to lock her/him up but was rather upset his lord and savior was now a convicted felon. Logic was never his strong suit, but he’s part of the friend group of mostly liberals and knows to keep his mouth mostly shut when it with us.

  • It has already been removed again
  • The double standard by conservatives is just… stupid. That’s not how the legal system works. He is now a convicted felon. In a normal American’s world, Donnie would be waiting for sentencing, and often he could be sent to jail to wait for this sentence to occur, before he’s sent to prison(or probation, or home arrest, or whatever). The right to an appeal does not make him “sorta kinda, not a criminal, yet”. If he wasn’t who he is, he’d be in prison for 3-5 years, maybe 10.

    Now, Donnie must file an appeal. This takes a while because he needs to prove the conviction was in error, new evidence, something wrong about his defense attorneys or jury tampering. The judge then needs to approve or deny this. Denied appeals, go up the justice food chain to the next court, and the next, and all the way to the Supreme Court who can all but void that conviction and Donnie gets his appeal (unlikely they even view the case). But hey, let’s pretend he somehow gets an appeal.

    Now, 2-6 years from now (because our justice system is slow), Donnie can have another trial and have his conviction overturned. But this time he’ll need to basically bribe, threaten and distort all the criminal charges that they used against him.

    Is unlikely his conviction will be overturned. His appeals process is just going to muddy the waters, but never bring anything to help. His one saving grace will be the “one juror” he knew would hang the jury, who could say he was forced, or something, to vote guilty.

    Until this soap opera is over, Donnie is still a convicted felon. There is no gray area. Ask any other “innocent“ convicted felons serving time while they wait for appeals. Appeals don’t make them less convicted.

  • Amazon Cloud Traffic Is Suffocating Fedora's Mirrors
  • It's maddening how inefficient CI/CD setups are.

    It's maddening how inefficient CI/CD setups inexperienced DevOps engineers are. - Fixed that for you.

    Proper pipelines are modular and should run longer validation or updates externally, with only necessary stages executing.

    • code validate - will this code compile
    • code secure - are there any known security flaws introduced
    • code plan/compile - if it’s iac, plan, if it’s application code, compile
    • if it’s prod or like, approve required (human delay). Dev, test, uat - proceed with deploy
    • code deploy - push code live

    Things like: patching, config management, vulnerability scanning, compliance checks, etc… are done outside the pipeline.

    There’s a reason people like me charge a lot! Lazy and/or inexperienced staff will get you in trouble one day.

  • iSH: An open source terminal for iOS/iPadOS
  • Now some pros and cons to this lovely bad boy app, from one of the first beta users (me, if you were confused). The author posted a reddit link for signup and I was on it in a flash.


    • It’s near perfect if you want a linux terminal environment. Simple package manager, theme selector and so far more than enough to work in a virtual linux env on just the base install (alpine).
    • For our more advanced users, you can load into there other “filesystem” of other linux flavors, but you mileage will vary. I was able to load Ubuntu and a very hacky version of gentoo. But… this is where you’ll see cons.

    Now the cons:

    • Its slow. I don’t mean you’ll be typing and keyboard buffer is full “slow”, but it’s not fast. Loading other filesystems has made it worse, so even I just “enjoy” alpine. This is not a daily driver, but I have used it to remote into systems and fix things while in meetings.
    • For you iPad pro users with keyboards, the wonderful virtual keyboard bar, you know the one that pops up and bumps the whole app screen up a bit, yeah that one. Well, it likes to popup while you’re typing and sometimes while selecting, which breaks the line you were trying to select. This also happens to just make it so input is not longer allowed in the app. Aka, typing in the terminal doesn’t work. Oddly, the CTRL+D and CTRL+C keys are ok, but just plan on killing the app once you lose it. Doesn’t happen often, but wow does it happen enough that it’s annoying (especially while in vi).
    • Beta is now full, so you’re stuck with Appstore version - i was never a great beta tester anyway but i tried to be good about reporting.

    Now knowing these things, i still use it near daily. So, get it from the appstore or compile it yourself. Worth it if you need and better than ones like a-shell or even the ones that cost.

  • Republican Tim Scott falsely claims Biden policy resegregates public schools
  • So… democrats have resegregated schools, is a bad thing to conservatives and they are upset? I thought that was part project 25. Maybe they’re upset Biden did it first. I can see it now, Trump wins and resegregation occurs, and they blame Biden.

    “Ahh , the plan is so evil, it might just work.” - trump, probably

    Ugh, whatever, this timeline no longer makes any sense and at what point do these lies become reality?

  • The 1989 gamer loadout
  • Finance guy for sure. Captures your attention while he’s babbling on about the good days, and casually just tells you the common customer defaults are selected before he goes back into his glory days of the 90s.

    Did you notice i slipped in that defaults for most customers part? Yeah, i almost didn’t either as I was signing and had i clicked ‘OK’, my payment would have doubled for something I would never need. He stopped talking as much when i said, these defaults are a scam and scrolled to page 5 of the options which was “No extras”.

  • American Airlines backtracks after lawyers blame girl, 9, for not seeing hidden camera in bathroom
  • Upskirts, peepingtoms, spy cameras, rape… it’s about non-consent and if I remember one of my college classes chapters, a sense of power over others. It’s a mental illness and needs treatment, but here in Murica, we just put people in jail.

  • Would you support a mandatory retirement age of 75 for US House, US Senate & US Supreme Court Justices and if not why?
  • Yeah, I think I’m talking about the purposeful legal jargon used to deceive or be arguable vague and 20 pages long for no reason but to hide that fact. I’m all about precision, but it needs to be something an average person would comprehend if we were to adopt this method.

  • Would you support a mandatory retirement age of 75 for US House, US Senate & US Supreme Court Justices and if not why?
  • Not an original idea by far, but I was chatting it up with a few friends recently about this and we thought a civic duty term made far more sense (think jury duty). So much needs to be fixed in the process, like the bill riders addons (a horrible scourge to our political system) and lobbyist (scum). But imagine you were picked (randomly) to serve for 3 year stints, with those getting picked for a 2nd and maybe even 3rd term, serving as some Senior politician. Clearly it needs much more thought, but far better potential because you have to participate and accountable.

    Before you knock it down, think about the intelligence required here. Boebert is an absolute moron. Bills before the system need to be something the average person can understand (legal verbiage is such a pointless waste and almost unnecessary). You would need to participate in collaboration with others, understand how to be honest and forthcoming with your goals.

    We can’t hold Politicians accountable (not the system today) and this could be an answer.

  • Prescription drug ads should soon start looking noticeably different
  • If you watch these commercials, they play to your inner voice who is always asking “shit, is that weird thing on my body… cancer!?!?!?”. So now you’re off to the doc to describe the same symptoms you think you’ve had based on the TV ads warning you to see your doctor. Doc runs some tests and then they’re prescribing preventitall, the latest drug that cures it all.

    There are people out there that just want to be sick, or close enough. My Ex was that way in a sense, it gave her attention. A cold was A MAJOR LIFE EVENT… and the fact I didn’t give her 150% of my attention was so annoying. She was dying of course, always dying. Sigh, I don’t miss her.

  • Prescription drug ads should soon start looking noticeably different
  • I traveled a lot, and I mean A LOT in late 90s to 2010s. And wow does it scare me how often the ads here in the usa are preying on the minds of people who are (or worse, want to be) sick. Only worse, is your doctor is being paid for putting you on it too. Italy, France, UK, all places I frequented and none of them have had adverts that I’ve ever seen for prescription medications.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • I hate to nitpick, but the term cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography. I’ve been around for just as long as you, no one in the industry ever called cryptography “crypto”. Cryptology, maybe. crypto, no.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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