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Sorrows you could not comprehend
  • Sounds like the U.S.

  • taylor doesn't need anyones help
  • He is, funnily enough. Fascism = Nazism.

  • Ryanair boss calls for two-drink limit at airports to tackle disorder
  • Look at those downvotes lol, they hate being called out. Surprised they have the time to be on Lemmy instead of getting shitfaced and terrorising locals.

  • Hungarian National Arrested on Charges of Conspiring to Export U.S. Military-Grade Radios to Russian Government End Users
  • The guy could just be a scapegoat for someone else in the government for sure. Or acting independently, we can't really know.

  • ‘Frightening’ Taliban law bans women from speaking in public
  • Not in any way shape or form defending the treatment of women over there. Heck, I'm gay. But boners are completely involuntary?

    Learn some anatomy, this is straight out of r/BadMensAnatomy

  • What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • Just make sure you don't accidentally turn it into an MPREJ.

  • Cheese
  • That dog is shitting all over the sofa soon.

  • Microsoft’s controversial Windows Recall feature is coming back in October
  • Not until Linux comes pre-deployed on gaming laptops for sale. That's my market.

    Before you ask, I don't have the know-how to boot into Linux, and I need the portability of a laptop. As well as enjoying gaming to an extent. Pretty niche.

  • E. True's cure for inflation (August 26, 1907)
  • I don't "want to beat the shit out of" anyone. Meanwhile the downvotes tell a different story about people in this sub, that's for sure.

  • LFG already!
  • Thanks for proving my point I guess..?

    the movement expanded against what many perceive as an authoritarian government when hundreds of protestors and civilians, most of whom were students, were killed.[f] The majority of the fatalities were caused by gunshots fired by the police and other government forces, using lethal and deadly weapons,[89] against unarmed protestors and non-protesting civilians, including children and pedestrians

    Meaning it's literal suicide.

    Edit because you're sure to bring this up: sure you might bring about change, but each individual in that protest holding a proverbial pitchfork is just yet another practice target for the cops.

  • LFG already!
  • That superhero complex is really turning into a god complex at this point. Do you want to talk about how you believe you're the source of "everything good that ever happened in history" ?

  • LFG already!
  • Are you pleading to the people you're supposedly going to fight with pitchforks in that little fantasy of yours? Not the brightest tool in the shed that's for sure.

  • LFG already!
  • I never claimed to have any? All I have is popcorn and a will to live. Oh, and I guess I'm looking forward to seeing you die by cop too.

  • LFG already!
  • I'm calling it how I see it.

    It's funny how your type advocates for pitchforks, then when rational folk come along and tell you the shit you're facing they're "boot-lickers" and "submissive". Where's your initial courage?

    Like I already mentioned, false bravado from a little superhero complex pussy.

  • LFG already!
  • So it was projection all along, of course it was.

  • LFG already!
  • It's like you really don't want to argue about the original point of this thread, pitchforks vs cops. Gotta wonder why you would avoid the topic so much.

    Oh wait, literally no one's wondering because you've got "bitch" plastered on your forehead at this point.

  • Holier than thou

    I am deeply sorry for expressing the inner response I had upon reading these holy texts. I long to better myself and only wish that some day I might cross unto the plane of higher understanding only true masters of eloquency like you can achieve, so that I might not flood the sacred halls of understanding and wisdom with my measly attempts at conveying a feeling that overcame me. One can just dream of reaching such a form of enlightened humanity to not dirty this truly intellectual exchange of minds with such a lowly response. My regrets at such blasphemy in the face of these holiest forms of pursuit for true knowledge is unbearable. My only hope is that I have not hindered the epiphanies surely to blossom out of the riddle of the mysterious white box on the wall. Were it not for enlightened minds like yours, the world would surely crumble and collapse into nothingness and we all are deeply thankful for your selfless and brave acts against the evils of this world.

    I will now retreat to silence in order to chastise myself, so that I might come out of this shameful exhibition of my intellectual shortcomings as a better person.

    (Credit to
