Stickbro @ Stickbro Posts 9Comments 11Joined 1 yr. ago
i almost always fly uncrashed and fpv logic. but I can only speak for freestyle. velicidrone also feels very realistic. but I feel more good for racing. is good for weak computers. but I no longer fly because of the graphics.
How to add your account to with #fpv
i asked the admin if he could look at it
That's too bad. I'm sorry, I'm not the admin. Maybe you can find out who the Armin is. I'm on vacation right now and I always find it difficult on my mobile phone. I didn't want to open my own group at the time because I thought three groups was too many.
There are more FPVers :) !
Das ist interessant. Danke! Ich hatte selber nie Krämpfe in der Langdistanz und kam immer mit der normalen Verpflegung gut klar. Kenne aber viele die durch Angst vor Krämpfen noch zusätzlich Salz und Magnesium zuführen.
It would be cool if you asked the question about the VRX in the FPV community. We need some movement there and I don't know anything about it because my Skyzone 03O has an internal VRX. Click here to join the community !
Nick Burns - Kwadverse :: A Micro FPV Podcast
This is the board for Google's X. If you ordered from them they will send the board for free There's a video on the page. With the Googles X, analogue is not quite optimal. The latency is higher than with proper analog Googles. But I never flew it like that. I have two Googles. I think 75mm is better. Almost everyone flies 75 for freestyle. The Air75 is great for the money. I just prefer 25000kv.
There is also a site for the hobby. If you have any questions, please post it there.
I fly FPV from 5 "to Tinywhoop. Lately I’ve loved to fly Tinywhoop. But in the apartment is analog enough for me. It’s easier and cheaper. Some examples: ;)
I fly FPV from 5 "to Tinywhoop. Lately I've loved to fly Tinywhoop. But in the apartment is analog enough for me. It's lighter and cheaper. Some examples: ;)
MoeFPV - Kwadverse :: A Micro FPV Podcast
Uncrashed : FPV Drone Simulator – Update 2.3: Steam-News
Yes.The last Update was 2019 😬