Pixelfed - No video preview image
Pixelfed - No video preview image
pixelfed.de Stickbro (@stickbro@pixelfed.de)
I miss the summer and the sound of the FPV engines! First-person view (FPV) is a method used to control a radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's viewpoint. Most commonly it is used to pilot a radio-controlled aircraft or other type of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). #fpv #fpvgermany #f...
When I upload a short video to Pixelfed, I don't get a preview image. The video is mp4 H.264. Is there a solution? I would find Pixelfed super as an Instagram replacement. But without a preview, it's not that nice. I gave an example as a link. What experiences do you have with pixelfed and videos?