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Motherboard replacement questions
  • No worries friend, everyone needs a little help from time to time. :)

  • Reference rule
  • If you don't have in-jokes with the homies tf is up with you? Thats basically memes in a nutshell, though obv some memes are more localized to particular ingroups then others so I can understand the flipside... Spiders georg vs. jolly ranchers vs. todays main character sounds incomprehensible except to the right intersection of three websites (though with cross pollination being what it is you may only need one.)

  • Motherboard replacement questions
  • The last one I got was 270, prior to that the previous 2 were sub 100. TBH my most recent one (in 2020) was overkill for the time, but I wanted some futureproofing. 150-200 range would prob do you fine and then some

  • Motherboard replacement questions
  • Doublecheck whatever new mobo you get supports your video card (extremely likely, I only mention as a formality.), your ram (since you're replacing nbd just match the ram to mobo), your cpu socket (depending on age could be an issue), and the amount of SSD action you want to have.

    Windows will prob need a reactivation (obligatory linux wouldn't have this issue plug to save someone a comment) but the rest of your software likely won't unless you got some pricey bois in there. Reinstalls shouldn't be necessary.

    Be sure to buy thermal paste with it unless you remember where a tube is.

  • 'Old and decrepit' Trump rant exposed him as 'a shadow of what he was four years ago'
  • hes bad about following through with the last part, hence the dip in lawyer quality.

  • World's first bioprocessor uses 16 human brain organoids for ‘a million times less power’ consumption than a digital chip
  • this reminds me of a story about someone who couldn't talk but they had to scream, i think it was called, "the guy who stubbed his toe in the library"

  • Einride orders 150 Peterbilt 579EV electric semi trucks for US fleet
  • I wonder what the use case is going to be for these?

    My guess: Long haul to just outta town depot, with a electric last mile.

  • 'Old and decrepit' Trump rant exposed him as 'a shadow of what he was four years ago'
  • On one hand you're right about first time offenders, but on the other he's made it clear monetary fines don't dissuade him (e.g. the ten he got for his truth social attacks on the judge and co.) which could in turn influence the decision regarding jailtime.

  • Venice bans large tourist groups and loudspeakers
  • It's up there... somewhere in the top ten at least, just gotta hammer out a few other pressing issues, like finding that guy who keeps sticking his gum under the benches.

  • TIL states that passed laws allowing a married person to seek a divorce without the consent of their spouse saw female suicide decline by 20 percent
  • Probably lowered the rate of dudes "accidentally" ingesting arsenic in their coffee too.

  • Moscow warns West of escalation after Ukraine told it can hit Russia
  • My current headcanon is that they're an eclectric quartet from Ingelwood California who dabble in folk-, synth-, and indie pop. This summer they're opening for Hiatus Kaiyote.

  • Moscow warns West of escalation after Ukraine told it can hit Russia
  • Seppuku vibrator

    Great band name

  • Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women
  • Karens are different imo. Peggy would never call the cops on a black person, or present some distorted/dishonest version of events to a store manager/911. Shes just a narcissist. I could see an B plot of her getting pulled into a Karen's orbit though.

    Kahn I could definitely see doing some straight up Karen shit.

  • Controversial law to surgically castrate child sex offenders in Louisiana could soon be reality
  • Unless the evidentiary standard is like, "video evidence of the person stating their full name and social security number before doing it", I'm firmly against any punishment that can't be reversed or at least readily resolved like the death penalty or castration. We've got plenty of cases overturned years later on DNA evidence and the like.

  • McDonald's: $18 Big Mac was 'exception'
  • Depending on how minimum wage has gone up regionally thats a big maybe.

  • New Louisiana law will criminalize approaching police under certain circumstances
  • At least they'll shoot your dog for free... whether you wanted them to or not.

  • Colorado enacts right-to-repair law banning restrictions on parts pairing, mirroring Oregon's ban
  • “Imagine if every time your car broke down, the only option you had for repair was the dealer. That's not a world any of us want to live in,” said Sen. Jeff Bridges, a Democrat who is one of the bill’s sponsors, at an earlier committee hearing.

    About that...

    The law also excludes motor vehicles, but independent mechanics and car owners already have similar rights under a 2014 memorandum of understanding

    Not sure if a "memorandum of understanding" has the same legal force behind it the bill does. Hope so.

  • Update: IRS successfully launches their own free Direct File - now ALL of my fellow 'murcans are eligible for 2025
  • Some progress is better then no progress, and TurboTax et. al. losing in any way is a victory for the rest of us.

  • PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • What does he think the mental process is? "Oh Spiderman 2 dropped I'm going to buy a PS5 and play that immediately"?

    Nah, the process is, "Oh Spiderman 2 dropped? Oh it's console exclusive? Guess I'll play looks at the hundreds of unplayed games in my steam library The same 3 games I always play while I wait."

  • Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women
  • It was played up for the show but I think many of us have a Peggy in our life.

  • Whos autobiography/memoirs would you like to read?

    For the sake of discussion lets presume it both (a) exists and (b) has been translated to a language you know.

    Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears

    A candlelight vigil celebrates the life and legacy of someone... Sometimes ... It's something else. A vigil for the former hooters building in kanawha city star

    Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears
    William Henry Harrison should not be rated as a bad president, he should be the bar we rate the rest on.

    Slightly late for President's Day in America, apologies.


    Saw this article about the presidents being rated. William Henry Harrison came in 41st.

    The thing to know about him is he was president for a month and then he died. That was his impact. He died. He didn't noticeably improve or worsen things (Based on his inaugural speech he might've been bad but he never got to act on it) because he had no time to because he died. Which consequently means he should be the null point we can base every other president on.

    If the country was left even slightly better then you got it? Then you did a better job then Harrison. Was it left worse? Then you did worse. Did 40 presidents all make the country better and only 4 leave it worse? Tough to believe.

    Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog

    The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether an Oregon city can enforce its ban on public camping against homeless people. The announcement came as part of a short list of orders released from the justices’ private conference earlier in the day adding five new cases to the court’s merits doc

    Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog
    Russia's egg crisis is spiraling out of control Russia's egg crisis is spiraling out of control

    An attempt was made on the life of the head of a Russian poultry farm this week as egg prices continue to soar.

    Russia's egg crisis is spiraling out of control
    Gaming Stern
    TIL about a fighting game move so brutal it can destroy the cabinet it's used in.
    X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out

    Internal documents show companies like Airbnb, Coca-Cola and Microsoft have halted ads, or may do so, after Elon Musk’s endorsement of an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

    X May Lose Up to $75 Million in Revenue as More Advertisers Pull Out
    What would be the odd addition to your dream house?

    Somehow you've gotten your dream home. The cabin in the mountains, penthouse downtown, castle nestled deep in the woods, nuclear bunker in the hills, or whatever. Whats the bit you'd add that might raise a brow from others? The fireman's pole? The slide? The moat? The hidden room behind a bookshelf where you keep your stuffed animals?

    Whats a hobby/craft that you wouldn't expect that has an incredibly high ceiling either monetarily or in sheer skill?

    For example, I'm sure the average joe doesn't know just how expensive calligraphy pens can be, or how deep the rabbit hole goes on video game speedruns.

    Stern Stern


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