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The Delhi heatwave is testing the limits of human endurance. Other hot countries should beware and prepare
  • Remember all of this is so that the ultra rich doesn't have to be inconvenienced by having slightly less money

  • May his ulcers have ulcers.
  • Let's hope the appeals court doesn't go rogue

  • Putin's 4-D chess in a nutshell
  • Good to see Russia's depopulation effort is going well. Don't let your dreams be dreams

  • Removed
    Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • That'll be after the appeals court up holds his convictions

  • "but- But- inflation go brrrr 🥺👉👈"
  • Oh wow, it's almost as if allowing the 0.001 to try and accumulate infinite wealth is a bad idea. Who could've guessed?

  • Biden Campaign Reminds How Badly Trump Failed George Floyd – And Black America
  • Says the guy who was against the civil rights movement because he didn't want his "grandchildren living in a racial jungle." Oops, sorry, I forgot I'm not allowed to use Biden's past to point out his hypocrisy. I'm sure he has totally learned to be more tolerant, like every other old "former" intolerant white people /s.

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • My brother in Christ, Joe Biden was and still is a tradition Republican who calls himself a Democrat. He is saying what ever needs to get votes. He has shown multiple times that he has no intention of going through with it.

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • Says the guy who has advocated for the removal of Medicare

  • Describe an episode in the worst possible way
  • Might be my favorite bottle episode

  • It's always there
  • Untill the Lactose intolerance kicks in

  • A Jewish New Orleans City Council staff member's home was vandalized Thursday night with blood red paint
  • Maybe the staff member should not openly support a genocidal nation by flying their flag. 🤷

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • They feed you table scraps and y'all loose your damn minds. How about forcing a seat at the table instead

  • Nintendo Switch hacked to run Windows 11 on Arm, and it's just about as awful as you can imagine
  • Damn. Dude is brave. Pretty sure Nintendo sends a hit squad over this kind of thing. /s - ish

  • Schools turn to artificial intelligence to spot guns as companies press lawmakers for state funds
  • It's not just bias. Police will straight up lie about what the system outputs

  • Schools turn to artificial intelligence to spot guns as companies press lawmakers for state funds
  • System like these are used as an excuse to arrest Black and Minorities. See ShotSpotter and how police will manually change identifications in the system to gun shoots even though the system clearly flagged it as not. Then they arrest what ever non-white person they find in the area.

  • SquishyPandaDev SquishyPandaDev

    Just a panda developer

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