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Anon has bees
  • He's got everyone coming to his desk for the birds and the bees. Not bad.

  • I just posted Gowron for the glory of the empire!
  • I tucked my daughter into bed FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!

  • Bonus points if you're wearing a lounging robe
  • What a good wife she would be.

  • Newsmax Host Ominously Warns ‘You People in Your Cities’ Who Are ‘Pushing the Party That Owns 90% of the Guns’
  • Lord, please let those morons try to dual wield. It would be funny to watch.

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • You've got to remember, they don't view the BLM reasons as miscarriages of justice. Because they're morons.

  • Fan suing Madonna for ‘forcing’ them to watch sex acts during concert
  • If they showed up in a trending post, people would absolutely be amazed that they're still performing. It's not a gender thing, this time -- even if it often is.

  • Dresses are pretty rule
  • I can't be pretty in real life, but I have no such restriction in video games.

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • I don't have anything to add, but I want to take a moment to applaud your comment. Well done, truly.

  • Pure evil concentrated in one photo
  • He's annoying, that's all. But he is quite annoying.

  • r🥛le
  • It's got a real dom/sub feel to it.

  • Color Feels
  • Excuse me, yellow is Joy, green is Disgust, purple is Fear, blue is Sadness, and red is Anger. Anyone who has seen Inside Out should know this. Anyone who hasn't seen it should rectify that mistake.

  • Tiny plastic shards found in human testicles, study says
  • They need to stop checking out our balls.

  • Lifehack
  • That's not a white lie. It's just a lie.

  • Yippee ki-yay
  • Maybe? I'm just going by my memory, which is more than a little lacking.

  • Yippee ki-yay
  • They're big fans of Derringer pistols.

  • Anon wants to ride a zeppelin
  • I just thought it was funny. It's the kind of thing I might say and then immediately poke fun at myself.

  • Anon wants to ride a zeppelin
  • literally a metaphorical

  • Winamp is going open source, and it feels like the early 2000s again
  • Oh man, my whole desktop experience used to be themed. I would spend hours finding the perfect skins.

  • Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk
  • What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother.

  • This used book that I bought for 12£ on the internet was apparently previously bought from Oxfam for 1.99£
  • It is tacky to leave the sticker on there with the lower price, but you are the one who paid 12£. How does it matter what they paid? If they search for books to resell at a profit, that's time spent, risk taken, and money earned.

  • Squirrel Squirrel
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